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Thread: Leh

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Leh

    Quote Originally Posted by wildcatter View Post
    What do you mean by that?
    Well, I had some big changes occur back in February that we all inevitably deal with at some point in our lives.
    I already had some changes occur both physically and this financially about 8 years ago.
    With losing my father, I lost a great hunting partner and truly the only hunting partner that I could rely on.
    And with that, some of the modern day comforts as well.
    Unfortunately my brother never shared a passion for the outdoors.
    And now wants his half of everything, regardless of impact to me.
    Anyways, this season I will most likely be too side tracked with family affairs.
    And the future doesn’t look bright as well.
    My first responsibility is to my wife and daughter and getting them a house they deserve.
    Ig that means sacrificing the truck/camper so be it.
    Time will tell.
    I appreciate the concern in your question.
    Atleast I still have gear for salmon fishing and a friend with a boat.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Leh

    All the best going forward Bugle M In. Many folks go thru adversity and come out if it much stronger, be-it an individual or family.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Top of the 395

    Re: Leh

    Quote Originally Posted by Bugle M In View Post
    Unfortunately my brother now wants his half of everything, regardless of impact to me..
    I feel your pain. My “favourite” sister was executor of our fathers estate. She personally screwed me out of tens of thousands of dollars that he left me, and then tried to charge myself and two other siblings $60,000 to be executor, when she was already the largest beneficiary. She is now in my phone contacts under “greedy cun*”.

    I also sold my dream camper in order to buy a house for my family. It’s just what you do. I bought a new teepee tent, and will use that instead this year. It won’t be a custom built Northern Lite, but I will have just as much fun when out chasing supper!
    Last edited by Redthies; 04-12-2022 at 09:51 PM.
    If we’re not supposed to eat animals, how come they’re made out of meat?

    BHA, BCWF, CCFR, PETA, Lever Action Addict.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    The Cariboo

    Re: Leh

    Quote Originally Posted by Bugle M In View Post
    Well, I had some big changes occur back in February that we all inevitably deal with at some point in our lives.
    I already had some changes occur both physically and this financially about 8 years ago.
    With losing my father, I lost a great hunting partner and truly the only hunting partner that I could rely on.
    And with that, some of the modern day comforts as well.
    Unfortunately my brother never shared a passion for the outdoors.
    And now wants his half of everything, regardless of impact to me.
    Anyways, this season I will most likely be too side tracked with family affairs.
    And the future doesn’t look bright as well.
    My first responsibility is to my wife and daughter and getting them a house they deserve.
    Ig that means sacrificing the truck/camper so be it.
    Time will tell.
    I appreciate the concern in your question.
    Atleast I still have gear for salmon fishing and a friend with a boat.

    Sorry to hear all that, life is always a struggle, but keep your chin up and certainly don't give up.
    Myself, I don't know how much longer I'm gonna be around, but try not to let that consume my daily life.
    Cheers, Otto
    I have a very strict gun control policy: if there's a gun around, I want to be in control of it. - Clint Eastwood
    "Lots of critters to still shoot. And there'll be no quitters until we bag some critters" - 180grainer
    "Politicians should wear sponsor jackets like Nascar drivers, then we know who owns them" - Robin Williams

    Flush the Turd!

    Located and residing on the unceded territory of European Settler's traditional land.
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  5. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: Leh

    Thanks guys.
    Certainly is going to be a life changer.
    My father and my life were very intertwined with the same interests.
    Not sure after jumping these hurdles how exactly I will land.
    Some of the physical issues affected my finances already for a number of years now.
    Have never really landed back on both feet since.
    But, even after this, I will still be breathing.
    First world problems I suppose.

    I will post up a tribute to him one day on here.
    And, I will certainly be posting a thread on the does and dints on a will if you have multiple children!!!
    50/50 split is not what you write.
    Be specific and find out what the kids want or don’t want and what they might be all interested in etc.
    Tske into account some kids interests can the other and so on.
    I have heard horror stories from estates where the parents thought it would be simple.
    Understand probate as well.
    Write all the items down and be specific to who gets what or for how much.
    Many thanks again folks

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Langley & Magna Bay

    Re: Leh

    Quote Originally Posted by Bugle M In;[URL="tel:2334624"
    2334624[/URL]]Well, I had some big changes occur back in February that we all inevitably deal with at some point in our lives.
    I already had some changes occur both physically and this financially about 8 years ago.
    With losing my father, I lost a great hunting partner and truly the only hunting partner that I could rely on.
    And with that, some of the modern day comforts as well.
    Unfortunately my brother never shared a passion for the outdoors.
    And now wants his half of everything, regardless of impact to me.
    Anyways, this season I will most likely be too side tracked with family affairs.
    And the future doesn’t look bright as well.
    My first responsibility is to my wife and daughter and getting them a house they deserve.
    Ig that means sacrificing the truck/camper so be it.
    Time will tell.
    I appreciate the concern in your question.
    Atleast I still have gear for salmon fishing and a friend with a boat.
    Greed kills families unfortunately, but keep your head up and be proud of what you’re doing to get a house, will pay off in spades
    I like drinking beer and whiskey, shooting guns, jetboating, love a nice rack and a tight line, I am simply a sophisticated redneck...

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Here and there.

    Re: Leh

    Quote Originally Posted by Bugle M In View Post
    Well, I had some big changes occur back in February that we all inevitably deal with at some point in our lives.
    I already had some changes occur both physically and this financially about 8 years ago.
    With losing my father, I lost a great hunting partner and truly the only hunting partner that I could rely on.
    And with that, some of the modern day comforts as well.
    Unfortunately my brother never shared a passion for the outdoors.
    And now wants his half of everything, regardless of impact to me.
    Anyways, this season I will most likely be too side tracked with family affairs.
    And the future doesn’t look bright as well.
    My first responsibility is to my wife and daughter and getting them a house they deserve.
    Ig that means sacrificing the truck/camper so be it.
    Time will tell.
    I appreciate the concern in your question.
    Atleast I still have gear for salmon fishing and a friend with a boat.
    Having lost my own dad a bit over a year ago, I’m all too aware of how painful that can be on it’s own, without the added issues and drama you speak of. That said, if you and your dad shared a love of the outdoors, hunting…, I can’t help but think he’d want you to continue in those ways when and where you can. It may not be this season, or even next, but you’ll know when it’s time. I’m sure you’ll stir up some fond memories of him when you do.
    Pretend hunter.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    North of Hope

    Re: Leh

    Quote Originally Posted by Squamch View Post
    Every one of those guys had 6.4:1 odds. If one guy had 7 entries, the odds would have been different, but the odds don't apply to the group, they apply to the individual. Frustrating, I agree, but, that's how a lottery works. Heck, dad and I put in for a moose draw once that had 1.2:1 odds...both of us didn't get it. But he screwed up a few years back and didn't join the group....still got drawn as an individual.
    I tried applying in those ultra low odds zones a couple of years and didn't have any luck there either. So we just started moose hunting in 7B, now the dirty turds are putting that zone on LEH too. I guess if we don't win a moose tag we might still be able to hunt calves and spike forks in 7a, or rob a bank so we could afford to purchase a tag from an outfitter.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Top of the 395

    Re: Leh

    I’ve always entered the really low odds draws. Like 2-1 for antlerless in Pemberton valley. Still never won a single draw…
    If we’re not supposed to eat animals, how come they’re made out of meat?

    BHA, BCWF, CCFR, PETA, Lever Action Addict.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jun 2012
    central saanich

    Re: Leh

    Quote Originally Posted by HappyJack View Post
    I also was in a group of 7 that applied for a goat draw with 2 tags available, when we got the sorry letter they told us the odds came out at 6.4>1 but not one of the 7 guys got the draw?? Begs the question, where did those tags actually go??
    I would read that as though 13 people entered that draw. [ 2 tags at 6.4:1 ] but for some reason I didn't think they posted the draw odds on the results paper that they mailed out. Or am I not remembering that part correctly.

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