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Thread: Team BC & Bowzone Spots

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Grand Forks, B.C.

    Re: Team BC & Bowzone Spots

    My kid has always called me 'Pop'; after that first round, he now refers to me as 'Wobbly Pop'. I don't know where he got that idea from, but I think I've heard the term before.

    At any rate, I guess oldtimer and I tied at 270. There's just no stability in my shoulder and it makes me feel like a pig with laryngitis (disgruntled).

  2. #12
    Bow Walker Guest

    Re: Team BC & Bowzone Spots

    Quote Originally Posted by Canuck2 View Post
    My kid has always called me 'Pop'; after that first round, he now refers to me as 'Wobbly Pop'. I don't know where he got that idea from, but I think I've heard the term before.

    At any rate, I guess oldtimer and I tied at 270. There's just no stability in my shoulder and it makes me feel like a pig with laryngitis (disgruntled).
    Yuk, yuk, yuk...that's as bad as being an unemployed doctor - no patience...

    I hear you on the shoulder strain. My tired ol' frame gets muscle fatigue a lot easier now than even 5 years ago!?! Imagine that?

    Sure is a slippery slope.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Prince George

    Re: Team BC & Bowzone Spots

    Ok ok ok ... Big Dan down there in Sooke has been pestering me to post up some team BC scores ..... I will post up the ones submitted directly to me .... Evidently he wants to do some Braggin and such But I seen his score .... so he wont be talking to me all that much me thinks

    at anyrate

    As Team BC El Capitano ... I am collecting scores from

    Blaker_99... 181 1x
    Unsteady Eddie ...230 2x
    Bow Walker ...283 4x
    efford1...280 11x
    jessbennet....290 10x
    Ron C ...291 week 1 286 week 2 (if he doesnt get a chance to shoot again) No x count submitted
    Canuck2 ...270 4x
    Mikey ...292 14x

  4. #14
    Bow Walker Guest

    Re: Team BC & Bowzone Spots

    There are a few guys pounding those elusive X's, that's for sure. We aren't here to compete within ourselves - it's a team effort. We need everyone.

    I can sure see that I gotta dig a little deeper - or get better glasses. I'm going to be working on bettering my sight picture somehow. Or maybe just stick to the "coarser" sights of my hunting bow and it's skinny arrows.

    I'm also hoping that other "team" members won't be shy about offering advice here. Like is it better to come up on the spot, come down on it, or do the one side or the other side thingy?

    How long between shots per end? Is there a minimum that we're supposed to be observing? Stuff like that.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Cobble Hill,B.C. Canada

    Re: Team BC & Bowzone Spots

    QUOTE;I'm also hoping that other "team" members won't be shy about offering advice here. Like is it better to come up on the spot, come down on it, or do the one side or the other side thingy?

    How long between shots per end? Is there a minimum that we're supposed to be observing? Stuff like that.

    It all depends on the person, I come up on the spot, try it all ways and see which one works for you to hold on the spot the steadiest.
    In all other 18m indoor shoots you get 2 minutes per 3 arrows.
    2 minutes is a long time, I usually take about minute and a half, give or take a couple seconds { to shoot 3 arrows, git yur mind out of the gutter, some people use the whole 2 minutes ,others a lot faster.
    Take a deep breath as you draw, let about half out as you settle in for the shot or slowly let it all out as you take the shot, as always you have to experment with what works for you, not what someone says "YOU SHOULD DO".
    New 2011 PSE Omen Pro
    56/29 340 fps

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    Quesnel B.C.

    Re: Team BC & Bowzone Spots

    Dan, like Eagle1 says, you have 2 minutes in a sanctioned FITA shoot and it is a long time. For me I find it better on a vertical 3 spot to always draw to the middle one and go up or down. On the triangular one I always try to draw to the top one and slide down to the other two. The biggest challenge for me is "repeatability " if I follow a set routine every time I find I do better. Everything down to the last little detail the same.
    My two cents. Mike
    "You may be disappointed if you fail, but you are doomed if you don't try" Beverly Sills

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    Re: Team BC & Bowzone Spots

    heres a little peice of advice I founbd very helpful. selecting your arrows is that I mean you need to test all your arrows and find which one hit together and which do not. In 3D you will likely not notice if you have an arrow that hit 1/2" to the left but indoors that is very important.
    Heres what I do

    - number all my arrows
    - shoot 2 rounds on a target with arrows 1-3, shooting the same arrow at the same target each shot
    - save the target and mark which arrow was used on each spot
    - repeat for arrows 4-6 on a fresh target an so on untill you've done all your arrows
    - NOTE: you must not adjust anything during this process

    Now that you have done all your arrows go back and look at all then targets, it will be very clear which ones are not grouping with the others. select the best 5 or 6 for your quiver. For those that are not grouping with the others, try turning the nock 1/3 turn and try them again. remember as little as 1/2" deviation will cost you points every round!
    For those of you shooting in the 290 range, this WILL get you a few points you didn't know you had in ya!!

    "Do not go where the path may lead,
    go instead where there is no path and leave a trail."

  8. #18
    Bow Walker Guest

    Re: Team BC & Bowzone Spots

    You know, there is a heckova lot more than meets the eye when it comes to shooting spots - or even this fun-type distance shooting we are doing. I find that I have a healthy respect for those that can consistently shoot in the 290 and up range.

    It's darned hard to do! I've quickly discovered that even a tiny lapse in concentration results in dropped points, and points, my friends, are what it's all about.

    It's all too easy to drop from a 10X down into a 9. Doesn't sound like much but do that a few times through 30 arrows and your out of the running.

    Bill Sampson hit it on the head when he said that target shooting is great for fine tunning and establishing correct form. And then making that form into something that needs no conscious thought to repeat, time and again. It is a great tool foranalyzing and correcting flaws.

    No matter where a person considers his or her skill level is at - there is always something more else to learn....and I have a lot to learn!

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Prince George

    Re: Team BC & Bowzone Spots

    week 2 scores submitted to me ... I seem to missing a few ... get them directly to Wookie by 11pm Pacific time tonite
    Here are the scores ... Mine dropped a bit ...
    Not bad for using a huntin bow ...

    efford1 ...274 (no X count submitted)
    dillershortbow...292 -14xs
    bow walker ....273 3x
    ron c .....293 with 13x's
    Canuck2....280 6x
    oldtimer....288, 9X's
    Mikey ...291.13x

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2005

    Re: Team BC & Bowzone Spots

    well after shooting a decent amount this week my score went up by quite a bit. i guess getting over a cold and not shooting in the back yard with a bunch of wind helps. Still not upto where i would like to be im hoping to achieve a consistant 260 score by the end of the 7 week tournament. My week 2 score was 231 with 4x's

    My brother unsteady eddie shot a 242 with 5 x's not to bad.

    I'm pretty pumped with my youngest brother as well at only 8 yrs old he shot a 166 with 1 x (his scores aren't part of the tournament but maybe nextyear) Goodluck guys and gals.


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