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Thread: Cat hunters

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
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    Cat hunters

    Looking for some good info.

    -What breed(s) do you run and why ? Oviously different breeds will offer different qualities and hunt differently, some suited better to different conditions etc etc, looking for your insights on that kind of stuff.

    -Whats the advantage to running X number of males to females ratio etc or is it strictly about whether its a good dog or not? (besides breeding issues, reasons)

    -What is the cats ass reciever/collar system?
    (The maxima systems look top grade and I just saw a Garmin GPS unit that shows you exactly where the hounds are on the screen, allowing you to have up to 12 collars on it)

    -Any other equipment you feel is crucial or very useful?

    -Post pictures of your runs or how you keep your dogs(we've got a good plan but the more ideas the better)

    -Any info a guy wishes he knew before, that helped lower the learning curve? (Ive been before, just never had my own)

    We've got one good hound coming a bit on the less experienced (maybe 10 cats, 2.5 years old) side but shows major potential and we want 2 more probably.
    I'm sure you hear this often "I want a good one" and yes I know those ones dont come free.
    Who's reputable for good hounds or supplying a contact?
    We have a guy who knows someone with like 15 or so in 100 mile that we could get one or possibly two from but I worry may just end up being his 2 worst dogs or something. This is kind of a last resort.

    Much appreciated.
    Last edited by BlacktailStalker; 01-19-2008 at 11:16 PM.
    Originally Posted by averagejoe
    thats pretty cool. i bet you get close to those cats some time when there low in the tree hey. when do they have kittens?? do you ever see baby cougars in the tree or do they hide in her pouch?

    Originally Posted by wideopenthrottle
    ....I guess some peeps think a mother griz is like a crack whore ready to drop her baby at the first church door she sees...funny

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: Cat hunters

    Breed. Mixed hound and a Leopard Cur. Why? They were free. I've hunted with Walkers, bluetick , some crossbreeds, Plott, all got the job done. I know of a pretty famous cat hunter who uses collies.
    Ratios. Doubt it make a difference.
    Reciever. Probably Marshall. I have Wildlife but hunted for years without anything.
    A E collar for trash breaking would be usefull....any dog worth keeping will trash if the opportunity springs up....I don't have one.
    I doubt you could really buy a "Good One" There is a pretty good chance I've never seen a good one ever. At least in snow country a "Good Enough" dog isn't so tough to come by.
    So much to learn from following after a cougar I'd hate to have missed it by owning a "machine".
    Oh yah.....less dogs less trouble. Two is plenty.
    It is well to try and journey ones road and to fight with the air.Man must die! At worst he can die a little sooner." (H Ryder Haggard)

  4. #3
    SHAKER is offline Hound dawger reborn......
    Join Date
    Jan 2007

    Re: Cat hunters

    Well said Horshur!

    I run walkers, why? They were available when I started look'n for a hound. I struck up a good friendship with the guy and learned allot from him. Best part, started tree'n game at only 8 month old, not to say others won't do that (sorry plott guys didn't mean to get you antsy, their good too!). The blood line I use is small and fast and works well for me but they do have a hard time in the deep snow. Last year we sent a big Red Bone in first to break trail.

    Males to female ratio? I run 3 females to one male but I don't think it makes a difference. It's just personal preferance more than anything.

    I run a quick trak system. Works well, no problems except for the magnet retaining system on the collars, but easily fixed. If your going to hunt with other hound guys, find out what frequency they run on. If the sh!t hits the fan and you got to go look'n for dog you can help you friends out too.

    Other crucial equiptment? Shock Collar, Good quality collars with metal buckles (those plastic snap ones don't work). Extra magnets for your collars.

    As far as extra advise I'll PM you and you can give me a call. I just had a pup drop the other day! and yesterday we tree'd up a cat so It's been busy!

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