Re: about CORE and safe hunting
Theres no need for guys like that out there, they need to be taught a lesson. See them again out there doing the same stuff, carry a large blaze orange jacket or some ugly bright colour and no waterfowl will even come close, hang it in your blind and if they come back they'll think that spot isnt very good for hunting and they'll move. Do something funny, or get there info and go to the COs
1st Im in charge, and if not Matt is. Your job is to sign checks, tell us we're doing good and open your case of scotch after a good day. 2nd my fee. You can keep it, all I want in exchange for my service is the right to hunt all the drakes. A male. Buck only. Why and how are my business. If you don't like it, go alone. Set up right here or in a swamp or in the middle of a noshoot field for all I care. I've been on too many duck hunts with rich dentists to listen to any more suicidal ideas. Ok?