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Thread: Funny things that have happened to you while waterfowling

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Now in Onterrible

    Re: Funny things that have happened to you while waterfowling

    At the end of morning hunt, loaded the dog in the back seat of the truck, and backed up to the ramp to pull the boat out of the marsh. Loaded the boat on the trailer and secured it. Went to pull up the ramp, however the dog had other plans. He had jumped into the passenger seat and hit the power door locks.

    Here I am, standing in the rain, and he's all wet and curled upon the passenger seat with the heater on.

    I can't get a window to budge, and am considering smashing one. My big worry was someone else ending their day and trying get their boat out while I have the ramp completely blocked.

    Managed to have the girlfriend show up half an hour later with the spare key. Luckily that happened before any other boats showed up.

    Always left a window down when loading after that event.
    Drinking rum before 10 a.m. does not mean you are an alcoholic, it means you are a pirate.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    NW Washington State

    Re: Funny things that have happened to you while waterfowling

    Done for the day at Pitt Meadows and all packed up and ready to collect the decoys and head home. I looked up as I was launching the boat from the blind and there was a black Lab headed for the decoys from the other side of the waterway. On second look, it turned out to be a black bear and yelling and waving didn't have any affect so I had to unpack my gun and fire a shot past him. He finally did a 180 and climbe up on the far bank, shook the water off and glared at me. Interesting finish for the day.
    Why do the ducks come just after I pour my coffee?

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: Funny things that have happened to you while waterfowling

    My Facebook reminds me that three years ago today my usual buddy and I tried to set up for snowies in Robert's Bank during one of the most severe King Tides that we had in recent memory. The tides were 14' and they had canceled the ferries but we still chose to set up. We would put down our chairs and socks where there was dry land and then ten minutes later everything would be under water as the storm drove the tide in. Socks would be bags of water, our chairs and bags and guns were soaked. Any birds flying were probably mystified any humans bothered to be out there. The wind was howling you could be sitting next to each other and have to shout. We tried to reset twice until we gave up. By the time we made it to the dyke, the water was lapping up on it. It was the craziest weather I'd ever tried to shoot birds in. Needless to say we got nothing. I ended up missing a very nice knife (if you happen to find a rusted 6" ESEE, that artifact was mine) and as soon as I got home and had a hot shower, I had to lay out all of my gear on the floor to dry out and ended up re-showering later with my shotgun to get the salt out. It's still a great story to scare the new hunters I bring out, especially the ones who bring out gadgets and their gucci camping gear.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Funny things that have happened to you while waterfowling

    Was hunting burns bog back when we could and there was a homemade bridge across a peat slough had 2 planks and a piece of plywood over them.Unknown to me one of the planks was broken so when I stepped on the plywood it gaveway and in I went.So this is not water but a peat water slurry like a thick soup gun was gone and I was trying to get back to the edge but going down (hip waders) as fast as sideways.Called my big black lab (90 lbs) he crept close enough I got his collar which as soon as I did that he panicked and backed away.This worked and I hauled my soaked ass out of there .Then came the real adventure trying to recover my (loaded) 870 which was somewhere in that congealed mass with a rake.Hoping the safety was on or it was pointed away,but did get it by the stock.Another holy sh** adventure.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Funny things that have happened to you while waterfowling

    Quote Originally Posted by Dutch View Post
    Was hunting burns bog back when we could and there was a homemade bridge across a peat slough had 2 planks and a piece of plywood over them.Unknown to me one of the planks was broken so when I stepped on the plywood it gaveway and in I went.So this is not water but a peat water slurry like a thick soup gun was gone and I was trying to get back to the edge but going down (hip waders) as fast as sideways.Called my big black lab (90 lbs) he crept close enough I got his collar which as soon as I did that he panicked and backed away.This worked and I hauled my soaked ass out of there .Then came the real adventure trying to recover my (loaded) 870 which was somewhere in that congealed mass with a rake.Hoping the safety was on or it was pointed away,but did get it by the stock.Another holy sh** adventure.
    Now that's a goodun!
    Finland is a neutral country - but the guns point to the east.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    NW Washington State

    Re: Funny things that have happened to you while waterfowling

    Just got a new one! Was checking out local area with a stream and some old pond hunting areas I hadn't been to for about ten years. Headed in to a log crossing of a branch of the creek, found it and continued looking for some ponds that abounded there before. The whole area has grown so that nothing looked the same but I continued wadable crossings and until there was no longer any visibility over cattails or through wooded areas. Got late in the day and decided to leave but easier said than done. At every turn my attempts to head out were blocked by dense foliage or over-my-wader depth. Didn't realize how much drainage ONX dealt my I-Phone until I attempted to call my wife to tell her not to worry, but I might be spending the night where I was. Dead phone! The good news is that I had a pack with enough to be o.k. for the night, but I didn't relish the idea that she would panic, so I prayed for some help. Walked a ways further and discovered a new beaver lodge and just downstream a nice new dam. Yahoo! Made it across the dam without falling in and the rest was easy. Getting to a point that at 84 I should be a little more less adventurous. The darn beavers caused a lot of flooding and changing the whole dynamics of the area but I have to thank them for the dam at least one time for the means of escape.
    Last edited by blindman; 11-14-2020 at 09:53 PM.
    Why do the ducks come just after I pour my coffee?

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: Funny things that have happened to you while waterfowling

    ^^^^ Hope I'm still hunting when I'm 84! Maybe by the time that age age rolls around it will be legal to shoot deer and waterfowl from your porch,,,,, out of a rocking chair. One can only hope!

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Maple Ridge, B.C. Canada

    Re: Funny things that have happened to you while waterfowling

    Had a buddy take a new hunter out one morning and at first light there were lots of birds flying. As always, hard to identify birds so my buddy stayed seated. The new guy wanted to get started so Chris told him go ahead, it's legal time.
    Flight comes in and boom, boom, boom. "I tripled!!!" Chris stood up and sent the dog out 3 times, brought back 2 widgeon but seeing as it was the first 5 minutes of light, hard to see birds in the field. He walked out with the dog, sent it around as directed and then noticed his Robo wasn't working.... Funny thing is, Chris opened it up before he even noticed anything! When he saw the battery shot up he looked the robo over and saw pieces of the wing missing too. "I think you only doubled...." LOL!!!
    Last edited by Dano; 11-20-2020 at 06:20 PM.
    Buddi doing what she does best!

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2020

    Re: Funny things that have happened to you while waterfowling

    Buddy and I hunting ducks over 1 of my good labs.
    A few birds decoy in, boom boom boom, two ducks fall. Dog rushes out if blind, picks up dead duck, notices the other duck is doing the spin on the surface, drops dead duck, picks up live duck, starts to retrieve it, looks back at dead duck, picks up both birds. Brings ducks to the blind to two waiting hunters outside without their guns. Dog drops ducks, live duck takes flight and boogers off, dog looks at us.......WTHell fellas??? No other shots fired at fleeing �� duck.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    NW Washington State

    Re: Funny things that have happened to you while waterfowling

    This is "before hunt" event. When I lived in Minnesota, I was building a duck blind frame in my garage to take to my pond. The family across the street was from Germany and the teen-ager son came over to visit me. Shortly after he returned home for dinner and told his mother that he was watching me make a duck blind. His mother came storming into my garage and confronted me for "poking out a duck's eyes in front of her son."
    Last edited by blindman; 12-08-2020 at 02:16 PM.
    Why do the ducks come just after I pour my coffee?

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