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Thread: Ontario to move towards point based system for LEH moose

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Ontario to move towards point based system for LEH moose

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Northern BC

    Re: Ontario to move towards point based system for LEH moose

    I feel bad for future generations of hunters who will never have the opportunity to draw a moose tag there under that system.

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Region 2

    Re: Ontario to move towards point based system for LEH moose

    I don't know what the number of tags handed out, but if given the population of ontario it is realistic 20,000 or more people apply the first year. Even if they hand out 1000 tags a year will take 20 years to get through that. Now add a growing population, the rise in unregulated hunting, and continued decline in Numbers and the moose becomes a once in a life time hunt.

    Of the 37 million people in Canada, 15 million of them live in Ontario. My guess, the moose hunt will be ended before the first year of applicants will ever get drawn.
    I don't shoot innocent animals... Just the ones that look guilty!

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Ontario to move towards point based system for LEH moose

    According to the author, climate change is the largest driver of the shrinking moose population.

    Why would I believe anything else he has to say?

    The priority point system for low odd draws is a terrible system,
    one that effects the exclusion and elimination of hunter activism.

    Hunters that care about future generations having the ability to hunt should never support the concept.

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Re: Ontario to move towards point based system for LEH moose

    This is the way it’s done in Alberta and I think it’s way better than B.C. At least with this system you can plan what year you’re going to hunt and where you’re going. Between a family or a group of hunters you can plan for someone to draw a tag every season, depending on how long many years you have to wait to draw a tag.

    Next year I’ll have a priority of two and I know I’ll get an early draw where I want to hunt. My wife will also have a priority of two, so she’ll put a 999 code in and that just boosts her priority for the year without actually putting in for a draw. My son will be putting in for the first time next year , so the cycle goes on. Mix that with my other three regular partners and their kids adds up to a lot of tags. As some people build more priority they can start putting in for areas down south(I don’t think the hunting is better, it’s just more people putting in for them and less animals to draw)

    The shitty part is waiting for a non-trophy sheep tag. 8-9 years of priority.

    Goats and bison are a once in a lifetime lottery.

    For those of you who haven’t figured it out, this is the good ole days of hunting. It’s never going to be better than it is right now.
    If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis-informed.

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Ontario to move towards point based system for LEH moose


    As an Alberta resident I can confidently tell you that the straight priority system sucks once the wait times go past single digits.
    Very quickly many draws become impossible to draw in a lifetime.
    The system just does not work fairly for all hunters when demand outstrips the resource.

    Alberta has been trying to get out of the straight priority system for years, with difficulty due to legal issues of changing the system after many are invested.

    It is very clear that Ontario will find themselves in this same mess in short order.

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