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Thread: Another Newb

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Tent city Victoria

    Re: Another Newb

    Quote Originally Posted by Paulus View Post
    Wow, thanks guys(/girls?)!
    Too many to address each individually, but in general:
    Updated my location, was already running late for work this morning.

    As for species i'd like to hunt, for now deer and bear. Elk, moose, goat are most likely in my nearish future. Still debating birds and small game.
    Definitely plan on butchering myself.

    Not at all hung up on hunting gear and (marketing) gimmicks, a decent camo top and a back pack is all I'm considering right now.
    The more essential things like binos, a rifle case, sling, cleaning kit, decent scope base and rings, etc add up real quick. And that's just shooting not hunting.

    As for riffle/scope budget, i don't really have one. I'm by no means a cheapskate and fully understand that generally you get what you pay for and buy once, cry once.
    Also i cant imagine anything more annoying and counter productive, especially for a new shooter than a crappy/inconsistent shooting rifle/scope.
    BUT, the less I spend, the less I need to work and the more freedom I have.
    Definitely not shying away from 2nd hand or just paying a fair price for a fair rifle/scope combo.

    As for getting a .22 (lr?), I thought about that, I've seen the advice given other newbies and it allows me to target smaller game.
    Kinda surprised only 2 people brought it up and makes me think maybe not such a popular train of thought???

    Thanks again guys/girls.
    i think no one else brought up the .22 because it’s just a given that 99% of hunters have a .22

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Re: Another Newb


    i couldn't imagine shooting a larger caliber rifle if i hadn't started with a 22. seriously, if you can only get 1 rifle - get a 22 and buy a larger one later. not saying you can't afford 2 - just saying it's THAT important.


    why don't you get a 22 now - practice all summer and then around end of summer/fall think about a larger caliber. it will give you time to both practice a ton and check out rifles to see what you like. i'm sure there's a few folks here that would let you shoot some different calibers and handle different rifles.

    if you find yourself in kamloops while i'm up there i'm happy to let you shoot my 22's and my 270.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    East Kootenays

    Re: Another Newb

    I started hunting with my grandfathers open sight 3030 lever, wool oants and mack jacket... still filled the freezer.. dont get hung up on the latest and greatest.. use what you can afford and give er
    "It's not the kill, but the thrill of the chase" - Deep Purple

    "Lord knows I'm a Voodoo chile" - SRV (RIP 8-27-90)

    "Know your Land, Know your Prey" Man Tracker

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: Another Newb

    i couldn't imagine shooting a larger caliber rifle if i hadn't started with a 22. seriously, if you can only get 1 rifle - get a 22 and buy a larger one later. not saying you can't afford 2 - just saying it's THAT important.
    I echo this sentiment. Seriously there is absolutely no point buying your "forever rifle" before you even know how to shoot. I know I thought this way before I started hunting. I thought buy once cry once and spend good money on a rifle that will last you a lifetime. Hahaha... How can a person know what they need in a rifle when they don't even know how to shoot? Its like buying a top of the line set of golf clubs or tennis racket before you even know what works for you. Buying a 22 and learning to shoot without any recoil lets you work on basic shooting skills without any recoil disguising bad habits. I think most hunters should start with an air rifle or 22 and I assume most do not judging by the abysmal shooting and confused looks I've seen at the range. I have a low power Weihrauch springer air rifle. It is full sized, not hold sensitive (air rifle thing), accurate, and I can put thousands of cheap shots through it in the comfort of my basement. It undoubtedly makes me a better shooter.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    May 2019
    East Vancouver

    Re: Another Newb

    Tell me about it. Im in a similar situation in regards to having anyone in my inner circle that hunts, fishes, shoots target, or even is willing to try anything more strenuous than pokemon go and posting on facebook lol. Either that or they flake at the last second lo... ahhh city life... 😝

    Do you have any tags or target game in mind yet? I was hopin to get out befor spring bear is finished, but my excuse bas been, first time out id like to not go alone.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Tent city Victoria

    Re: Another Newb

    Quote Originally Posted by jlirot View Post

    i couldn't imagine shooting a larger caliber rifle if i hadn't started with a 22. seriously, if you can only get 1 rifle - get a 22 and buy a larger one later. not saying you can't afford 2 - just saying it's THAT important.


    why don't you get a 22 now - practice all summer and then around end of summer/fall think about a larger caliber. it will give you time to both practice a ton and check out rifles to see what you like. i'm sure there's a few folks here that would let you shoot some different calibers and handle different rifles.

    if you find yourself in kamloops while i'm up there i'm happy to let you shoot my 22's and my 270.
    My first firearm was a 12 ga, second was a .30-06. I do think I would have had an easier time learning to shoot with a .22 but practice makes perfect

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Oct 2020

    Re: Another Newb

    New here.
    Opening joke to get things started.

    What's cheaper beer nuts or deer nuts........deer nuts, there under a buck.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Oct 2020

    Re: Another Newb

    Good one lol. New here also, so I guess a joke is due.

    We're going to hunt gorillas
    I've never done such a thing, how do you even hunt gorillas Well it's quite easy, all you need is a dog, a big bag, and a rifle
    OK... And how do you use them?
    Simple as that : I climb the tree, then I scare the gorilla to make it fall on the ground. When the gorilla falls, the dog is trained, and will bite the gorilla's balls, and when it faints due to the pain, we put it in the bag. Easy
    Then why the rifle?
    If I fall first, you shoot the dog
    !00% Zulu Warior. Hunter and provider. Proud CANADIAN, USA, citizen. ​BLM, ALM.

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