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Thread: 5-15a

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014


    Well finally got a draw, pouring over maps, upgrading gear, get the new regs, looks like most of my zone is listed as restricted Crap !! (deception mountain area), anyone done the goat draw there?, , Topo maps seem, like its not that mountain like in the very small area that’s not restricted, I tried calling the overlords for clarification, but they never return calls or emails it would seem, anyone got a bit on insight to it? Pm or post here is fine ..

    thanks in advance

  2. Site Sponsor

  3. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2016

    Re: 5-15a

    So to clarify you have a LEH goat draw in 5-15A? What are the dates ?

    i could be mistaken but aren’t goats open season in 5-15? So what does getting the LEH authorization change, the allowing you to hunt later in the season when the goats are likely in the area, or what ?this is something I’d like to know as well!

    where do you plan on staying ? Spike camp in the alpine I imagine ?

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    williams lake

    Re: 5-15a

    the goat draw for 5-15A opens up part of the closed area in 5-15

    The open area of 5-15 is east of the North Arm

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    Re: 5-15a

    Which draw did you get? If its the 5-15a goat draw - boss deception, then it opens up the areas that are closed. I mean there's only 3 places in 5-15a with goats. boss , deception, and eureka. which is where the draws are.

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