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Thread: 2020 Hunting And Fishing Play by Play

  1. #31
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    williams lake

    Re: 2020 Hunting And Fishing Play by Play

    A friend wanted to come and see what bear hunting was all about. So I took him and his 7 year old out. This one bear was on the cusp of being big enough for me... but not quite.

    Showed them about 5 others bears but no shooters.

  2. #32
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    williams lake

    Re: 2020 Hunting And Fishing Play by Play

    Jakeskins my step nephew kept wanting to load the boat up to go to a different lake to fish because he wanted to catch fish. I told him to get in the boat. We anchored up in one spot, gave him a couple pointers on casting and how to properly retrieve a damsel fly nymph. He ended up hooking into this 2.5 pounder.

    He didn't want to go to the other lake after catching us lunch.

  3. #33
    Join Date
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    williams lake

  4. #34
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  5. #35
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  6. #36
    Join Date
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  7. #37
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: 2020 Hunting And Fishing Play by Play

    hey warren:

    great pix; thanks for the journey

    i'm in the office

    not so nice.............

  8. #38
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    williams lake

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    williams lake

    Re: 2020 Hunting And Fishing Play by Play

    Took Jakeskins fishing the one day. We slowly drifted down to the far side of the lake. I caught some movement on the shoreline. Big black spot in a grassy opening. Figured it was worth further investigation. I pulled oars as hard as possible back to camp. 2 KM as the crow flies. Had some lunch and waited for C-Man to take off bear hunting. Then I grabbed my gear and rowed back to the other end of the lake. The bear was napping in the sun as I drifted into shore. I quietly beached the boat, hopped out. I laid half in the water to use the beach as a rest. I watched the bear get up and feed for an hour or so. In that time I even switched my safety off twice, once even resting my finger on the trigger. I ultimately decided he wasn't quite big enough and left the area. I'll probably kick my own ass for letting it walk. But headed back tomorrow with C-man to see if we can get him in on the bear. Possibly breaking his only shooting colour phase streak.

  10. #40
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    williams lake

    Re: 2020 Hunting And Fishing Play by Play

    Been slacking on the bear hunting front lately. Now I'm in a little bit of a panic. Had last weekend, next weekend is my step sister's wedding and then I have the following weekend. So now I have to start being less picky.

    Friday I got a call from a family friend wanting to head out bear hunting on Saturday. Wasn't very hard to agree on a spot to go, considering I had intended going out there anyways. On top of that I haven't hunted that spot since... well 5 or 6 years. Kind of stopped hunting the area when others started bear hunting with me. I asked what time we should meet up. He got his hackles up and said "it's not deer hunting, we don't need to be up zero dark thirty. I wan't to sleep in". So I again asked "what time do you want to head out?" His reply was "Eight should be good"

    I was thinking... ten... noon... ish. But 8 was fine considering the sunlight smashes me in the face at 5:30 these days.

    We spent most of the day without seeing a whole lot of nothing. The area sure has grown up over the last half decade. But we did see a sow with triplets and a decent boar on private property.

    This sow sent her cubs waaaaay up a tree and wanted to fight. But when you're hiding behind a truck, we both kept our distance.


    We ran into a conservation officer. He was very professional and pleasant to deal with. I had buddy's 12 year old squirming a little. I told him that "the first time you have to deal with a C.O. you get a one time $150 initiation ticket"

    The C.O. was real cool and walked the young gun through the process of interacting with a conservation officer.
    Last edited by warnniklz; 06-15-2020 at 09:29 AM.

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