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Thread: Keeping mice and rats out of your hunting truck

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2020

    Keeping mice and rats out of your hunting truck

    Has anyone found a dependable was of keeping pests out of your trucks while in the bush? I have a small jammer every time I see one pop into my engine bay. Ultrasonic repellant? Coyote urine? Moth balls? Dryer sheets?? I will lawfully shoot a coyote and drag it around my parked truck at times to help. I have a GMC canyon and I know the Toyotas also have soy based wiring insulation.

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Aldergrove, BC

    Re: Keeping mice and rats out of your hunting truck

    I just destroyed a nest from my F150 5.0. Below the air intake and above the block, right in the "V" of the engine is a nice, warm 3" gap for them to settle into.

    Complete with turds on top of the intake. Disgusting.

    I am interested in this also, as it can be a serious concern when out in the bush, especially alone.

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Re: Keeping mice and rats out of your hunting truck

    Leave the hood open and a light if you can,rats were bad this year destroyed the wifes car dont waste your money on moth balls as well as cotton soaked in peppermint oil or dryer sheets they just used it for thier nest.

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2006

    Re: Keeping mice and rats out of your hunting truck

    Left my truck for a week sometimes and never had a problem with anything chewing wires etc. One time had a pack rack stuff a bunch of leaves and some salami (that we tried feeding the whisky jacks with) around my engine block. That was it. Heard of porcupine chewing tires where there are large numbers of them. Guys wrap some chicken wire around the truck. But never heard of mice problems.

    Quote Originally Posted by BiG Boar View Post
    Are you M or F? Might get more takers with tits.

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Campbell River

    Re: Keeping mice and rats out of your hunting truck

    open the hood 5" or so. found this out years ago. at a new lake an notice trucks with all the hoods slightly open, had too ask.
    bush rats they call them.

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: Keeping mice and rats out of your hunting truck

    you might wat to consider chaining the hood ajar or risk a missing battery when you get back

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Keeping mice and rats out of your hunting truck

    Yes, propping the hood open with a piece of 2x4 on its side helps prevent them from entering the engine bay.

    They can't chew through stainless steel wire mesh, you can get some to cover your air intakes etc.


  9. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Aldergrove, BC

    Re: Keeping mice and rats out of your hunting truck

    what is the deal with leaving the hood open? Gives them less of an "enclosed" feel? Makes them less likely to stick around?

  10. #9
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: Keeping mice and rats out of your hunting truck

    Rats feasted on some of my truck wiring last winter. Check engine light came on so off to the dealer.
    $3000 in damage. ICBC covered most of the bill. Weaton GM technician suggest Irish Spring soap flakes under the hood.
    So far so good. Used to be pissed at cats pooping under my deck but now welcome them (rat deterrent).

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Keeping mice and rats out of your hunting truck

    Quote Originally Posted by twoSevenO View Post
    what is the deal with leaving the hood open? Gives them less of an "enclosed" feel? Makes them less likely to stick around?
    Ya, I’ve seen the same thing last year at a camp close to ours. We were wondering why they had all their hoods up. First day we figured that someone was getting a boost or had a mechanical problem but after a week of the same thing, we were scratching our heads.

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