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Thread: 2020 turkey hunt

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    2020 turkey hunt

    Well my son and I had another great turkey hunt this spring. We located a few birds before the opener, and had a blind set up for opening day in a promising spot.

    Morning broke with a steady drizzle, and the birds slept in an extra 45 minutes before the gobbling started as expected. About 25 minutes later, we watched them pitch down and the show began. A quick seniority discussion amongst the boys, and they all turned and started marching towards my decoy setup. Unfortunately they hung up at about 60 metres, and eventually just fed off to the south.

    Later on, around 10am, several jakes and hens were approaching with 2 longbeards in tow. Of course rather than walk in front of us, they passed not 5 metres directly behind us. While they approached, I had my son lean out the side window, and when the 2 toms rolled by he let fly a perfectly placed arrow. The bird didn’t go 5 feet.

    For the next hour, we watched ( and took video ) as several jakes took turns attacking, humping, and generally disrespecting the old boy who’d been kicking their assess for the last couple months. Unfortunately the other longbeard didn’t stick around, so I would have to wait for my turn. No big deal, we had one down on the opener and needed to get it cleaned and processed.

    Twist and pull.

  2. Site Sponsor

  3. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: 2020 turkey hunt

    There was lots of action over the next 24 hours, including 2 or 3 blown opportunities at a big dominant tom I had taken video of breeding several hens while the other boys stood around jerking off. Tonight it was time to change it up, so we made use of a natural blind in hopes of an ambush on the way to roost.

    Our plan worked almost too well, as the first couple birds to show up (jakes) almost stepped on us they came up from behind. Time ticked on, light continued to fade and we watched as more jakes and hens marched by and flew to roost. Then from the opposite direction, 2 birds came rolling in, on a mission to join the others. A quick peek through my binos confirmed one jake and one tom. Then luckily, they walked within range, and the longbeard stood staring in our direction. I confirmed distance with my rangefinder, and let the arrow fly. I heard the arrow make a solid hit, and I watched as the bird flopped towards some thick brush. I was worried he might disappear, and I had no headlamp or flashlight so I quickly hit him again as it would be dark soon…the post mortem determined the first hit was lethal, breaking the sternum, then turning and exiting out the thigh – he wasn’t going anywhere. A quick late night pizza feast in the truck was next, followed by bird cleaning in my headlights.

    All in all a great trip. Tons of video, of everything from strutting and fighting toms, to breeding, fly ups, fly downs, and the usual turkey shenanigans.

    Happy hunting!
    Twist and pull.

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2019

    Re: 2020 turkey hunt

    Sounds like you had a great hunt! Congratulations.

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Surrey, BC

    Re: 2020 turkey hunt

    Cool story, congrats!
    1. Human over population
    2. Government burden and overreach

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Re: 2020 turkey hunt

    Great hunt. Congrats.on the gobblers!

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: 2020 turkey hunt

    Great opener for you and yours!

    Finland is a neutral country - but the guns point to the east.

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Re: 2020 turkey hunt

    that's awesome!!! Happy boy and a great bird. Congrats and thanks for sharing.

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2016

    Re: 2020 turkey hunt

    Nicely done.
    Check my Youtube Channel for fishing and hunting videos

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Port Alberni

    Thumbs up Re: 2020 turkey hunt

    Very Nice Work!!

    One day perhaps I'll get in on one of those again.
    Nice to live vicariously until I can.

    What model of Excalibur was your Young Gun shooting?
    Can't quite make it out in the photo above...


    Egotistical, Self Centered, Son of a Bitch Killer that Doesn't Play Well With Others.

    Guess he got to Know me

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: 2020 turkey hunt

    Quote Originally Posted by IronNoggin View Post
    What model of Excalibur was your Young Gun shooting?
    Can't quite make it out in the photo above...

    Hey Nog it’s a Micro 355. After 3 rotator cuff tears (2 left, 1 right) I could no longer draw my compound and so decided to sell it last year.
    For the turkeys we used cheap Eastman mechanicals, with devastating results.
    Twist and pull.

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