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Thread: BCWF supports BAN on crossbow scopes

  1. #121
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Re: BCWF supports BAN on crossbow scopes

    I have tried to listen to all the statements on this proposal and remain as an observer however I must say that this ban is very discriminatory of those with eyesight issues, especially the older among us.

    Scopes allow those of us with eyesight issues (near sighted/far sighted) to see the sight plane clearly and to see the target clearly. For years I have not been able to utilize open sights as accurately as I once could because I can not see both the rear and front sight clearly when I focus on the target so I think there may have to be an option for us "sight impaired" folks that let us utilize scopes for hunting with a crossbow and if there isn't I could see this going through the courts as an age discrimination issue or discriminating against the handicapped issue.

    It seems to me that people keep focusing on restricting hunter access by reducing the ways to hunt instead of focusing on game availability by increasing the game populations. The failures in the game management area by the folks responsible for it, keep getting solved in the hunter management area and the game species continue to suffer for it, time to focus on areas of responsibility and hold those responsible for it to account.

    Just my thoughts on this issue, hope they help.

    Cheers, Bob
    Quote Originally Posted by wetcoastwillie View Post
    In general.... sometimes I may come across as being a prick.... but I'm human.... and cant always express my views as best as I should

  2. #122
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Re: BCWF supports BAN on crossbow scopes

    Quote Originally Posted by Jagermeister View Post
    so who proposed the "cross"bow scope ban and who supported it?
    Government proposed it. Without any discussion specific to a scope restriction, as far as I can tell. The objective was to not lose archery seasons, maintain the 'short range' concept of the BOS and I don't think anyone wanted to alienate the crossbow user. There are alternatives to scopes (mountable pin sights) which maintain the short range concept of why there are archery seasons. Finding a solution was Government's decision to make. It came upon everyone around the table quickly, there was very little time to discuss it. So put it out to public engagement and see what the responses are. I think we know what the responses are.

  3. #123
    Join Date
    Mar 2005

    Re: BCWF supports BAN on crossbow scopes

    Jt question? Where did you see the sights available for xbows? Ive been looking on google and can only find one manufacturer and they are a couple hundred bucks. I dont think its just a matter getting xbows sights.

  4. #124
    Join Date
    Sep 2008

    Re: BCWF supports BAN on crossbow scopes

    I believe this comes right from Horgan and that idiot Donaldson our environment minister. They are the ones who propose this stuff to justify their jobs. They put forth the proposal with only four alternatives to choose from. (All four which only work in their favour) then the gov posts it like the BCWF Wssbc etc were all in favour to take the blame and pressure away from the government and to cause divisions in our community of outdoorsman.
    donaldson is useless. His whole forest revitalization plan is a crock of shit as well.
    WSSBC Life Member
    WSSBC Monarch Member
    CCFR Member

  5. #125
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: BCWF supports BAN on crossbow scopes

    Quote Originally Posted by Jagermeister View Post
    You mean, like, the GOABC and the rest of the cronies that make up the Wildlife Stewardship Council? I'd hardly call them a friend of the resident hunter, would you? Fat chance anyone's voice could be heard above the clamor of that parliament of magpies.
    BearValley, you have a seat at the table, so who proposed the "cross"bow scope ban and who supported it?
    I second this question.

  6. #126
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Port Alberni

    Arrow Re: BCWF supports BAN on crossbow scopes

    Quote Originally Posted by Walking Buffalo View Post
    ... Nog, Any progress with those minutes?
    I suspect you will be slow played, they will run out the clock.
    That is pretty much a certainty IMO.
    However, regardless of when we get them, there will be some telling information about each and every rep sitting at the table.
    My info to date strongly suggests the government, and certain outfitters (along with their region's club) ain't no friend of mine!

    Quote Originally Posted by Jagermeister View Post
    ... Regardless, should this regulation become the way, I shall file a discrimination charge against the government and the advising participants...
    We are already gearing up for that.

    According to CHRADA (Canadian Human Rights And Disability Act), any action that restricts a person with a disability (vision problems is a disability) from being able to participate in an activity enjoyed by an able bodied person, shall be deemed "DISCRIMINATORY" or discrimination.


    Egotistical, Self Centered, Son of a Bitch Killer that Doesn't Play Well With Others.

    Guess he got to Know me

  7. #127
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: BCWF supports BAN on crossbow scopes

    Quote Originally Posted by IronNoggin View Post
    That is pretty much a certainty IMO.
    However, regardless of when we get them, there will be some telling information about each and every rep sitting at the table.
    My info to date strongly suggests the government, and certain outfitters (along with their region's club) ain't no friend of mine!
    That's pretty much what I have as well.

  8. #128
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Fraser Valley

    Re: BCWF supports BAN on crossbow scopes

    Quit supporting BCWF they are not our friends! I was a BCWF member for many, many years but will not give them anything now. Won't even buy their raffle tickets. To me supporting banning certain forms of hunting is not right and anti-hunter! They have just given the antis a huge boost by again pitting hunters against each other. If I was still a member this would be the last straw. All hunters should quit this pathetic organization.

  9. #129
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Fraser Valley

    Re: BCWF supports BAN on crossbow scopes

    I too would like to know the names and organizations that supported this? I joined the SCI West Coast last year and recently was sent an email to forward to the committee stating that we do not support this proposal! I plan to re-new my membership with SCI West Coast for a further 3 years this year!

  10. #130
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Fraser Valley

    Re: BCWF supports BAN on crossbow scopes

    Quote Originally Posted by BriarPatch View Post
    And to think only a few weeks ago many on here condemned & accused Foxton Gundogs of sensationalizing the proposed "secret" crossbow ban now who has egg on their face!!!!!!!

    Neither the BCWF, BC Outdoors or other groups promoted on this site and elsewhere as supposedly representing hunters rights or being hunter friendly actually do represent them at all. Simply follow the money trail and it will eventually lead to some at best dubious partnerships.

    I have personally spoken on here with people who claim to be hunters yet still support more firearm control and to all I say wake up, when we allow & create division in our own ranks it only helps the various groups who want to destroy our way of life. These issues are not only directly related to firearms and hunting but encompass things such as tail docking in dogs which now prevents many responsible & ethical breeders from breeding dogs and over the next few years the blood lines that they have striven so hard to create in Canada will die out.

    And as for anyone supporting firearm control what do you think will happen to the gun stores or the price of ammunition when they can no longer sell hand guns or the ammunition for them?

    Do not forget about your friends who work in these stores and who have done so for years and who give good, sound, reliable advice on a daily basis for free.

    Unless ALL HUNTERS, FISHERMAN, FARMERS, OUTDOORS PEOPLE, OUTFITTERS, GUIDES, DOG TRAINERS, OUDOOR STORES ETC. stick together & stop all the infighting their will be nothing left.

    And finally to all the First Nations out there who frequent this site you too need to be united in this fight with the aforementioned because make no mistake once the resident hunters are extinct, all guns will be gone, your usefulness will come to an end and you will be next with no one left to fight for you. First rule of war "Divide & Conquer"
    Totally Agree!1

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