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Thread: 2020 Hunting And Fishing Play by Play

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    williams lake

    2020 Hunting And Fishing Play by Play

    New year/new decade... let's see how this pans out.

    This year has started of cold, as everyone knows. Friday night was fighting my mother's furnace... guess you gotta service it a little more regularly than once every 6 years. So got that all fixed Saturday morning. Then my step nephew Brickles and my brother decided we were going on a road trip to Quesnel for the day. Then Brickles' brother Young Jakey came up Saturday afternoon from Kamloops. Well that means we were going ice fishing on Sunday.

    So last November this happened

    Quote Originally Posted by warnniklz View Post

    Sunday we decided we may as well head out hunting anyways because that's what we came for. Headed up the Coquihalla into the snow... found a road that looked like it went up into some decent country. Not even a kilometer down the road, CV lets go... no more 4 wheel drive. We tried climbing the mountain, but it wasn't happening in 2 wheel drive. Short hunting trip and we got drive back to town in 2 wheel drive...
    So turns out it wasn't the CV, but the transfer case is pooched. Apparently there's two types of transfer cases for a 97? tacoma. Electronic and J-Shift... needing the J-shift, they've been tough to find. So the go-to war wagon has been out of commish for a bit.

    Sunday we had intentions of going to either "Dewar" or "Dugan" lake. We were about 2 or 3 kilometers from the turn off and the road was now longer plowed. We tried plowing through, but between champagne pow and lack of clearance, we weren't getting in to the lake. I was willing to make the 10km hike to the lake, but the other two weren't keeners.

    We headed out and made our way to another lake. It's not a secret lake at all... so I've never fished it. Been there enjoying the outdoors by other means, just never with a fishing rod. But Young Jakey has always asked to go there, so we figured we'd may as well give it a go. Our uncle has spoken of this lake as well.

    By the time we got there it was 12:30. We drilled some holes and got set-up. It was half hour before my brother seen a one pounder come swimming by his hole. Half hour later, we started thinking "maybe over by where people have been set up before might be better?" Plus we wouldn't risk losing a fish in the submerged trees.

    Young Jakey clearing a spot

    Thinking the fishermen before us knew something we didn't, we went and punched a new hole. We got set up and we were ready. Nothing. It was about an hour after that, we finally had a quarter pounder with cheese do a fly by of our hole. We didn't have much daylight left to work with. Another one moved it and started messing with my bait. He swam away with the hook and and did a couple head shakes. Went to set the hook and the fish just swam away. Missed him. Right after that my brother hooked into a fish.

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    williams lake

    Re: 2020 Hunting And Fishing Play by Play

    Now big holes are nice for big fish... but when your hole is 24 to 30 inches wide, smaller fish get tricky. I pulled a rookie move and grabbed the line and tried to beach the fish. No luck. I tried grabbing it by the tail and slipped out of my hand. So I went in with two hands center mass... squirrely little thing slipped out again. As it went to swim under the ice again I reached under one handed and hauled it out. The first fish of 2020.

    Don't know how to embed FB videos...
    http://<a href="https://www.facebook...004534074/</a>

    Tried weighing him, guess my battery in my scale is dying. He's somewhere between 1oz and 24lbs according to my scale.

    Shortly after we had another quarter pounder with cheese messing with my bait. Then all of a sudden he turned and hammered Young Jakey's hook. He got his feet shoulder width apart, toes pointed slightly out, knees bent and slight lean forward. I got his drag set and he beached it like a salmon. We had enough fish for dinner that night and were done for the day. Jakey was a little concerned with how the fish would taste considering the lake smelled like swamp ass. But it was a cold deep lake.

    My brother got the bigger one

    Baked them up. Did one fish in traditional salt, lemon pepper and dill, one fillet with a greek blend and one with a cajun blend. Sided with ceasar salad and roasted carrots followed by strawberry rhubarb pie with vanilla ice cream.

    Not a terrible way to kick off 2020

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Williams Lake, BC Canada

    Re: 2020 Hunting And Fishing Play by Play

    Hmmmm well done guys..good writing style..hmmm can't understand 10 kms into Dewar..or Dugan..oh well glad Moms furnace got fixed..your not just great hunter..fisher..even can fix furnaces..
    keep your adventures coming..enjoyable.

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Surrey, BC

    Re: 2020 Hunting And Fishing Play by Play

    Awesome trout!

    This year I did my first ice fishing.
    We didn't catch anything but I think I could learn to like it.
    My buddy had one of those underwater cameras.
    Nice to see what goes on down there.
    1. Human over population
    2. Government burden and overreach

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2016

    Re: 2020 Hunting And Fishing Play by Play

    Nice start. Hoping to hit the ice this weekend.
    Check my Youtube Channel for fishing and hunting videos

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    williams lake

    Re: 2020 Hunting And Fishing Play by Play

    Quote Originally Posted by srupp View Post
    ...hmmm can't understand 10 kms into Dewar..or Dugan...
    "Dewar" "Dugan"... code names lol

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2019

    Re: 2020 Hunting And Fishing Play by Play

    LMAO! "anywhere between 1oz and 24Lbs"

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    williams lake

    Re: 2020 Hunting And Fishing Play by Play

    Quote Originally Posted by HikerHunter View Post
    LMAO! "anywhere between 1oz and 24Lbs"
    I'm going to say each of them are 9.2lbs lol

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    williams lake

    Re: 2020 Hunting And Fishing Play by Play

    Myself and Beer-Radimus-Anus-Maximus-Decimus-Meridius are bornt 9 days apart. So last year, his woman told me to take him ice fishing so she could decorate for his surprise party. We went out in -30 whatever and didn't touch a thing. But little did we know it started a tradition...

    It had been determined that last Saturday would be a day for ice fishing. So Friday, I made the pilgrimage up to B-Rad's at Douchie Lake. Schmyle Smashin and his wife Smashlee came down from PG. Friday night involved Rock Band, a Swedish dessert made of soda crackers and whipped cream and some game called Anomia... frig that game.

    We knew Saturday was going to be a sleep in. I figured 9ish. B-Rad figured 7:30 was a sleep in enough. May have been later than 7:30, I don't really know. But it didn't take long until myself, B-Rad and his woman Felacio, Schmyle and his wife Smashlee were off on the Nazko road.

    We got to the lake and unloaded everything. For some reason we had to go to the furthest point from our parking spot. B-Rad ferried people on his quad. I made the full hoof across the lake just to spite B-Rad's decision we had to fish so far away. I didn't complain out loud, but some others did. B-Rad assured us there was a reason we had to go all this way.

    We kind of got everything set up. Some other friends of B-Rad's had met us there. When I seen the nuclear prawns... I thought maybe I'm out of my element. B-Rad likes to mess around with his scents and stuff, especially anise scents. Mostly because he calls it anus scent.

    I think B-Rad's friend Bond brought it. B-Rad had some cotton candy pink bait that he brined in feta juice?? I just stuck with the plain jane raw white prawn. Schmyle saw me put my bait on and asked "bait that big really works?"

    Well Schmyle you play a gambling game. You get lots of bites, but if you have the hook in the wrong spot... If the hook is coming out the tail and the fish bites the middle of the bait, you'll miss them. But if the hook is poking out the middle and the fish bites the tail...

    As we were messing around... I looked over to the one they called Darrick. His rod was bent over...

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    williams lake

    Re: 2020 Hunting And Fishing Play by Play

    His drag was loosened right off and he was quietly reeling away and not really getting anywhere. I watched in surprise for a half second before I could say "dude you got a fish on". B-Rad came running over looking down the hole... grabbing The One They Call Darrick's line. It made me wince a little watching B-Rad grabbing that line. I got The One They Call Darrick's drag set properly and he made short work of fighting the fish.

    [photo taken by Bond]

    Obviously I had to ask him what bait he was using... turns out The One They Call Darrick wasn't using any bait at all, but just a lure... a glowing wedding band. Schmyle was making fun of me because all my ice fishing rules were being broken...

    1 - No Bait (if you aren't allowed bait, what's the point of ice fishing?)
    2 - Using a trolling lure (a wedding band!? Ice Fishing?! Really?)
    3 - It was warm out (Should be about minus 20 or colder to catch big fish)

    Shortly after my rod had line peeling out, however I knew it was a lost cause right away as the fish had the bait in it's mouth and not the hook. As soon as my fish was gone, Smashlee's rod started to vibrate. I think my fish left me for Smashlee. She wasn't able to get her hook set either.

    It had quietened down again, and I was shoveling snow just because.

    B-Rad had his rod laying down next to his hole. B-Rad quickly grabbed it and had a fish on.

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