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Thread: BC Outdoors promoting anti hunting organization

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: BC Outdoors promoting anti hunting organization

    Isn't that magazine pretty much just a fishing magazine???
    At one time it had decent hunting articles, but then switched over and there was only the odd hunting article
    Goes to show I haven't bought one in years
    And I wont be buying one ever again, apology or not, they have shown their real cards

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: BC Outdoors promoting anti hunting organization

    Quote Originally Posted by Bugle M In View Post
    Isn't that magazine pretty much just a fishing magazine???
    At one time it had decent hunting articles, but then switched over and there was only the odd hunting article
    Goes to show I haven't bought one in years
    And I wont be buying one ever again, apology or not, they have shown their real cards
    They have iirc 6 fishing and 6 hunting issues a year. I’m a member of the Mission Rod and Gun and they are part of the membership through BCWF.
    If you can pack it in, You can pack it out !!!


    " The secret of change is to focus all your energy, not on fighting the old, but building on the new"

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Re: BC Outdoors promoting anti hunting organization

    I have never read a BC Outdoors magazine for years. I find the informationon this forum to be much better. I especially enjoy the attacks on indians and the outright racism displayed in the posts. Not to mention all the post regarding the failure of our government to act in the best interests of wildlife. And also the posts about the agendas of the BCWF and other puppet clubs.

  4. #44
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    Re: BC Outdoors promoting anti hunting organization

    Quote Originally Posted by Wild one View Post
    You guys need a voice that is not sucking the anti’s tit
    I joined BHA a few months back with hopes they would actually be active, and I have not heard a single word from them. They asked me for my mailing address which I assumed was for them to send me some info on how to get involved etc etc, but not a word. Once things settle down in the new year I will start tracking them down.
    If we’re not supposed to eat animals, how come they’re made out of meat?

    BHA, BCWF, CCFR, PETA, Lever Action Addict.

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
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    Re: BC Outdoors promoting anti hunting organization

    Quote Originally Posted by Foxton Gundogs View Post
    The following was posted on another site this am. Second hand info but??????

    This from Facebook

    Mike Mitchell Hey gang

    First off let me apologize for the side bar links . The article is about how the coastal wolves are adapting and changing their diet.
    The links in the article were supposed to be removed and during the final edit were left in as an over site.

    We are pro hunting , I am pro hunting. I get the impact other wolf packs are having in other parts of the province and this in not meant to be a save the wolves article but more of a wildlife feature on adaptation
    Thank you all for calling us out and holding me personally accountable
    Again I’m truly sorry for offending you all this was not my/ our intention
    We will be placing a retraction note in the next issue
    Mike Mitchell
    The retraction will be a tiny note on the bottom of page 5 or 6. Nobody will ever see it. Not sure how many anti hunters or “on the fence” people actually read BC Outdoors, but the simple fact that the body of the article even in the roughest of drafts contains links to or or mentions of anti-hunting groups is ridiculous.
    If we’re not supposed to eat animals, how come they’re made out of meat?

    BHA, BCWF, CCFR, PETA, Lever Action Addict.

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    In the bush near a lake

    Re: BC Outdoors promoting anti hunting organization

    Quote Originally Posted by Redthies View Post
    I joined BHA a few months back with hopes they would actually be active, and I have not heard a single word from them. They asked me for my mailing address which I assumed was for them to send me some info on how to get involved etc etc, but not a word. Once things settle down in the new year I will start tracking them down.
    Well best of luck in Alberta the BHA came in and pissed off a bunch of hunters and did piss all but create access restrictions

    If the BHA takes the same path in BC they are just going to create more division

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Re: BC Outdoors promoting anti hunting organization

    When I was a young feller and told an an adult about seeing a bear The first words out of the adults mouth were "did you shoot it" bears were in the same class as rats to be killed when you seen one.

  8. #48
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    Re: BC Outdoors promoting anti hunting organization

    Quote Originally Posted by Wild one View Post
    Well best of luck in Alberta the BHA came in and pissed off a bunch of hunters and did piss all but create access restrictions

    If the BHA takes the same path in BC they are just going to create more division
    They fully support Y2Y and are aligned with multiple anti groups.
    Wolves in sheeps clothing.

  9. #49
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    Re: BC Outdoors promoting anti hunting organization

    I found it interesting that on the Hunting BC facebook page where Mike Mitchell posted his response, one of the admins has called out Jim Foxton for having a fake profile that is only used for stirring the shit.
    Can't say I'm surprised given his track record on the BC forums lol

  10. #50
    Join Date
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    region 9

    Re: BC Outdoors promoting anti hunting organization

    Quote Originally Posted by cpwrestler View Post
    This was not just an editing mistake where a link was accidentally included. The problem is way bigger. It’s the fact that the article also anthropomorphizes the wolf. Naming animals is one of the primary strategies antis use to generate outrage when wildlife is killed... look no further than the effect Cecil the lion had relative to all the other lions that are killed. Furthermore, given that it was an article that was endorsed by WDL, including the link was at least the honest thing to do. Take the link out and you’re just hiding the fact that BC Outdoors is printing anti hunting propaganda. At least this way it’s out in the open! The link isn’t the problem, it’s the fact that BC Outdoors is including anti hunting propaganda.

    As an aside, I thought the article itself was totally bogus. There is absolutely no evidence presented that wolves diet and behavior is “changing”. Coastal wolves have likely always eaten seafood and seals... they’re dogs and dogs will eat whatever food is available! Much like attempts to label the “eastern wolf” or the “red wolf” as distinct species, this coastal wolf naming is another attempt to give special status to these wolves so that they can receive special protection. Again... this article shouldn’t have been anywhere near a hunting magazine, link or not.
    Well said......

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