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Thread: BCWF to push for CROSSBOW BAN

  1. #151
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    Re: BCWF to push for CROSSBOW BAN

    "If you ever go into the bush, there are grizzly bears lurking behind just about every bush, waiting to pounce, so you need a powerful gun, with huge bullets" - Gatehouse ~ 2004

  2. #152
    Join Date
    May 2007

    Re: BCWF to push for CROSSBOW BAN

    Quote Originally Posted by LBM View Post
    See on the news that they found a sea lion shot with a crossbow.
    So what are you inferring...? Or is this just another session of “Deep thoughts by LBM”...

  3. #153
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: BCWF to push for CROSSBOW BAN

    Quote Originally Posted by fuzzybiscuit View Post
    So what are you inferring...? Or is this just another session of “Deep thoughts by LBM”...

  4. #154
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Victoia BC when not at work, otherwise up North

    Re: BCWF to push for CROSSBOW BAN

    Quote Originally Posted by Jagermeister View Post
    Personally, I'm happy that the OP brought it forward and I would hardly call it over dramatizing. I look at it as closing the gate before the sheep got out.
    And I would not put it above some people to rubber stamp it at a regional meeting to get it on the resolution list and we all know how things can be missed when those resolutions can slide past "home" at the club meetings where resolutions are approved for the AGM. We just don't need it on the approved resolutions list.
    And this I can tell you. I am both a bow and a rifle hunter, well now crossbow. I have never looked down on a person for their choice although I think archers are better hunters and that's because they have to get closer to the game, to see the whites of their eyes.
    Hunting has evolved in all aspects, not just bows and crossbow, but rifles and optics including range finders and thermal imaging as well. It just makes no sense to put further limitations on hunting as the government and their greenlings are doing a fine job.

    Where is the Like Button ?


    * When the People fear the Government there is Tyranny, when the Government fears the people there is liberty.
    * Studies have shown, Vegetarians are poor providers !
    * We are told this is the Information age. Seems to me more like the missinfomation age !
    * Most always the soft spoken ones are the most deceiving and Dangerous !
    * The Law is no substitute for Morality !

    Be safe and happy Trails !

  5. #155
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: BCWF to push for CROSSBOW BAN

    Well here its is

    Current Regulations:
    There are currently no regulations that prohibit the use of a scope on archery equipment during bow only seasons.

    Proposed Regulations:
    Prohibit the use of scopes on bows during bow-only seasons

    This proposed regulation was requested by the Provincial Hunting and Trapping Advisory Team. For more information on the process that led to the request refer to the “Additional Information” section at the bottom of this page.
    Crossbow technology has advanced in recent years and their operation has become easier; some users consider a modern crossbow to be more similar to a firearm than a bow. There is mixed support for crossbows during bow only seasons; many jurisdictions have prohibited crossbows during bow only seasons. In B.C., crossbows are still permitted. As a compromise between permitting and prohibiting crossbows during bow only seasons, it is proposed to reduce the effectiveness of modern versions of these weapons by prohibiting scopes.
    Bow only seasons are intended to be short range (i.e. around 40 yards) hunting opportunities, and often allow hunting for classes of species (i.e. any buck or antlerless deer) that are not open through general open seasons when firearms are permitted. Historically, this opportunity was in place simply because the success rates of bow hunters was much lower than that of hunters with firearms. Advancements in crossbow technology has increased the range of crossbows closer to 100 yards, which was not considered when instituting short-range hunting seasons in the past. Prohibiting scopes on bows is thought to bring crossbows back into the short-range weapon category.
    Under this proposed regulation the use of scopes on bows would only be prohibited during bow only seasons; scopes on bows would continue to be permitted during general open seasons.

  6. #156
    guest Guest

    Re: BCWF to push for CROSSBOW BAN

    Way to go PHTAT !

    Thanks for nothing, thanks for pinning more regulation that means nothing but putting more wounded animals in the bush.

    Shame on you all that have brought this forward! Your Elitism reeks right now .

    SENSELESS changes requested by PHTAT are putting hunter vs hunter. Whats next? Give your Heads a Shake !
    Last edited by guest; 12-18-2019 at 06:49 PM.

  7. #157
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Pemberton BC

    Re: BCWF to push for CROSSBOW BAN

    Let's keep all the scopes on crossbow discussion in the threads that are already on this topic.
    Knowledgeable shooters agree- The 375 Ruger is the NEW KING of all 375 caliber cartridges. ALL HAIL THE NEW KING!

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