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Thread: BCWF to push for CROSSBOW BAN

  1. #101
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: BCWF to push for CROSSBOW BAN

    Quote Originally Posted by Stone Sheep Steve View Post
    CT- this is the agenda of a couple individuals in Reg 2. I can pretty much guarantee it’s not going far.
    wild one says this goes even higher then them. An agenda is going on under our noses. Can you smell what the cucks are cookin ?

  2. #102
    Join Date
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    In the bush near a lake

    Re: BCWF to push for CROSSBOW BAN

    Quote Originally Posted by limit time View Post
    wild one says this goes even higher then them. An agenda is going on under our noses. Can you smell what the cucks are cookin ?
    No link between the two groups

  3. #103
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    Re: BCWF to push for CROSSBOW BAN

    Quote Originally Posted by Wild one View Post
    No link between the two groups
    I get that. What I’m saying is this goes beyond those two and Someone else has a hardon for x bows. The war isn’t over yet ?

  4. #104
    Join Date
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    Re: BCWF to push for CROSSBOW BAN

    Quote Originally Posted by 835 View Post
    I just figured you would have been more on side with what this thread was created for.
    I understand that this thread came out " Guns blazing" but in cases like this they need to. Your post 31 mentioning 1 guy ... it only takes one guy. and post 53 about the dramatic way the tread was started.. this is an issue.

    lately these sorts of things have been getting at me. Threads like Kossers, Sure I went a bit balls deep on that one... Threads like this one.... Clark, I just see way too much self destruction in our sport. That's all.
    sure I can understand how far Crossbows have come,,, but so have Bows... This is just another "inside attack" .... Sure at times I might be just as "Dramatic" as anyone here, I did call Kosser a Vegetarian... lol...
    But we need to band up, we need places like the BCWF to work for us making Game not taking it.
    I think the way the thread was presented was indeed overly dramatic.

    To begin with, the title "BCWF to PUSH FOR crossbow ban" was completely inaccurate. It turns out it was two BCWF reps in one region who had an idea they wanted to explore. If you are going to make a controversial thread, at least take the time to get the title of the thread correct.

    Then the post goes on to be a call to arms without actually talking to the people involved. It's not like the OP didn't have the contact info, he posted it in the thread. Why not contact Mark and discuss it to find out what is actually going on before plastering it all over social media. My first question to the OP -which was not answered- was "What did Mark say when you spoke to him?" Turns out he didn't actually bother to go to the source.

    Keep in mind, this was a proposed resolution. Which means it hadn't got anywhere, it hadn't been approved to go forward as a resolution, and it certainly didn't reflect the opinion of the entire BCWF.

    The OP got what he wanted though-lots of drama and people freaking out that the entire BCWF is trying to take away hunter opportunity. When the reality is that it is questionable if this proposed resolution would even make it past a regional vote, and it almost certainly wouldn't pass at the AGM. So yeah, it was unnecessarily dramatic.

    On the topic of advancing technology in hunting, it's a subject hunters can't really avoid. It's already arrived. Drones were banned pretty fast. Trail cameras have been banned in some states and make no mistake about it, it's going to be a topic here, too. MichelD asked what became of the ML season in BC? As I understand it, ML technology outgrew the purpose of having a ML season, so it was cancelled.

    Have bows also evolved to the point where having a special bow season is redundant? I know this thread was originally about crossbows, but as everyone has pointed out, compound technology has advanced as well, and you can't really talk about a modern crossbow without talking about modern compound bows. Wasn't the main purpose of bow seasons to allow hunter opportunity without over harvest? Have the modern bows effected this?

    Many here obviously don't like the idea of excluding crossbows, and want to just shut down the conversation ASAP, but the topic ( including the topic of modern compound bows) is certainly an important thing to discuss, as there are questions that bow hunters need to be able to answer, before someone else decides their future for them- both crossbow and compound alike
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  5. #105
    guest Guest

    Re: BCWF to push for CROSSBOW BAN

    To the Mods........
    Change the Title to more accurately fit the thread.

  6. #106
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    Re: BCWF to push for CROSSBOW BAN

    Personally, I'm happy that the OP brought it forward and I would hardly call it over dramatizing. I look at it as closing the gate before the sheep got out.
    And I would not put it above some people to rubber stamp it at a regional meeting to get it on the resolution list and we all know how things can be missed when those resolutions can slide past "home" at the club meetings where resolutions are approved for the AGM. We just don't need it on the approved resolutions list.
    And this I can tell you. I am both a bow and a rifle hunter, well now crossbow. I have never looked down on a person for their choice although I think archers are better hunters and that's because they have to get closer to the game, to see the whites of their eyes.
    Hunting has evolved in all aspects, not just bows and crossbow, but rifles and optics including range finders and thermal imaging as well. It just makes no sense to put further limitations on hunting as the government and their greenlings are doing a fine job.
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  7. #107
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    Re: BCWF to push for CROSSBOW BAN

    Look Gate I realize you don't like me and that's fine but IF that was a post about the govt proposing firearm confiscation and there was an error in which department or who launched it you would be all over it like a pig in mud no matter the slight errors. The responses not only here but other social media sites indicates the feeling the majority of hunters have for such a proposal. I was on the front lines of both the LEH and G-bear flights and I will continue to stand up for any threat to further take away ANY hunting opportunities no matter where they originate. The #1post was not the OP. it was a share of a post from another site made by a Region 2 member who was at the meeting. Never the less it had the desired effect of bringing it to the attention of hunters from all regions. The change in semantics ie: the fact that Region 2 was not specified as ground 0 of this threat to yet another of our hunting privileges or that the proposed ban was "only" during archery season is also irrelevant as that would curtail a huge percentage of all x-bow hunters activity in the field. The fact is this was something thatALL hunterz needed to know about and express their opinions on BEFORE it made the Region 2 AGM. IMHO it should have been brought up by those proposing it to test the waters BEFORE it ever reached the table. The bottom line is it was brought to life by a valued member of Region 2 and it was able to be discussed before it made it to the AGM table. Mission accomplished, like it or not people have expressed their opinions and the vast majority were decanters of the archery season ban on crossbows.
    Onward and upward to other things
    CT you will note I already tried but the change only shows up on my first post not on the entire thread. I also asked the mods to change the title to reflect it was Region 2 not the Peovincial body.
    Last edited by Foxton Gundogs; 11-25-2019 at 06:39 PM.
    Foxton's Cuervo Gold "KEELA" Oct. 2004-June 2017. Always in my blind and my heart.

  8. #108
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    Re: BCWF to push for CROSSBOW BAN

    Quote Originally Posted by 835 View Post
    oh come on Rock nobody called nobody an asshole yet lol...

    It will happen
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  9. #109
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: BCWF to push for CROSSBOW BAN

    What i do aggree with you on Gate, is that it is infact a conversation that needs to happen. Both bows and crossbows... but that conversation has to start as that.. not " I am thinking of talking about Banning crossbows"

    That is the key part i am aiming at. It went past all of the conversation bit.. Right to Banning... and more so it is coming from a place that would not step up for us in the past on a political feild. Yet talking about changing the regulations to limit opretunity even further is ok? I dont get it...

    Jim can be hot but so can you.... me too... most all of us here are at one time or another... its a room full of rednecks of course that will happen.

  10. #110
    Join Date
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    Vancouver Island

    Re: BCWF to push for CROSSBOW BAN

    Hunting has evolved in all aspects, not just bows and crossbow, but rifles and optics including range finders and thermal imaging as well. It just makes no sense to put further limitations on hunting as the government and their greenlings are doing a fine job.

    The tech that has come and is coming into hunting whether bows, crossbows or rifles will in my opinion( and I know exactly what that is worth) lead to more restrictions. It is inevitable so there is nothing wrong with discussing it and figuring out how much of it we want or we just carry blindly on and wait for shorter seasons and lower bag limits.

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