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Thread: WTF....why kill more than you can eat just because your allowed too??

  1. #111
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: WTF....why kill more than you can eat just because your allowed too??

    Not just in hunting, but greed and entitlement in all walks of like eventually screws it up for everyone.

  2. #112
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: WTF....why kill more than you can eat just because your allowed too??

    Quote Originally Posted by Looking_4_Jerky View Post
    I like how when someone posts a topic for the sake of discussion (kinda the point of a forum, no?), anyone with nothing intelligent to say has to come out and start calling people trolls, jealous, puss, anti, vegetarian, libtard, and the list goes on. Lot of real pieces of work on this site.
    I agree with you,, and ya I did get a bit carried away.... but I did kinda laugh at you post a bit.... you know your on the right site when calling someone a "vegetarian" is taken as a slam... lol

  3. #113
    Join Date
    Apr 2006

    Re: WTF....why kill more than you can eat just because your allowed too??

    Oh my goodness, there is someone who believes we shouldn't shoot everything just because we're allowed!!!

    We all agree with your statement and 99 per cent of hunters do not shoot more than they need. That is why i dislike this thread. It will give some people the idea that overhunting by hunters is rampant. It makes a big deal out of a rare circumstance.
    And like i said it gets some people thinking we should regulate more,got that moose,no deer hunting for you! Debate is fine,why not debate the many problems facing the hunting community,the one in a thousand with more than they can eat is not in that group.

  4. #114
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: WTF....why kill more than you can eat just because your allowed too??

    Some policing within our own community without being labelled an "anti" is necessary. I have no problem shaming those that are greedy. Though they are probably self righteous and probably feel no shame. They are within the bounds of the law so it must be ok, right?

  5. #115
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Re: WTF....why kill more than you can eat just because your allowed too??

    Yep, same here.... I am an immigrant, too. Never hunted where I am from.
    Canada does not really have "mass immigration" if you compare it to any country in Europe. Just saying but don't want to trigger political debate here.
    I am hunting purely for meat so I don't have to buy mass produced. But some people might have different motivation for hunting. Do I agree with hunting and killing for the fun of it? Personally, no but each their own.
    I also pass on animals that are either too young, small or it just doesn't feel right.

  6. #116
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: WTF....why kill more than you can eat just because your allowed too??

    The one thing that sets HBC apart is that we can and do discuss "issues".
    Whether it be habitat issues, access, preds and yes, even entitlement and personal agendas.

    Any where else, such as FB or twitter, all you generally see is someone's success or little snip its of info of events etc.
    Generally nothing else is discussed on them.

    Here, we can talk and help folks with less experience or help on a great deal of issues surrounding hunting.
    And there is a lot of them!.

    But people are all different, some can convey their thoughts well on the keyboard while others have troubles expressing what they mean or how they come across.
    We also have to understand that inside the hunting community, there are/can be huge differences in opinion.

    We don't have to accept another persons opinion, but it doesn't mean we can't "listen" to their thoughts and concerns, as this thread and OP
    is a great example.
    But listening never hurt anyone (as far as I know) and sometimes can give a perspective that some of us may never have given thought to.
    There have been times where I was of one opinion, only to have listened to another's point, and have considered it and taken that advice or
    Other times I just move on, and stick to my guns and my true gut feelings.

    One thing I generally realize, regardless of difference of opinions, is that most people generally care about the state of our wildlife, and do
    care about hunting and is something we all should keep in mind when speaking to others on here.

    Granted, you get into the "open topic or political threads" and there are some individuals who do play on HBC that I do think have no other
    interests then to "troll" and truly have little in their life that resembles the most of us as hunters on HBC.
    That is a different story.
    But to be able to discuss whether some "harvest too much" and for what reasons isn't the end of the world on HBC.
    Who knows, maybe the OP member has read some posts on this thread and now sees it in a different light.
    Or, maybe not.

    I can tell you one thing, people will generally listen if you reply "respectfully".
    Telling someone they have their "head up their ass" generally leads to the other person to just solidify how they feel and being disrespectful
    just proves to them that some folks just don't give a shit.

    I do often wonder if some folks are just they way they are behind a keyboard, and different when in face to face conversation.
    I think some are.
    However, I think some are exactly the same in person.
    Just hard to know who is what when all we ever do is converse from are keyboards.

    Right now, our main focus should be pounding the government/ministry doors continuously to get funding and get some proper action plans
    together to help our state of affairs for all residents of BC, not just special interest groups as is the case for so long now and seems there is
    no end in sight!

  7. #117
    Join Date
    Aug 2019

    Re: WTF....why kill more than you can eat just because your allowed too??

    Quote Originally Posted by SSG-man View Post
    You take what you need and leave the rest for another year. Tag out if you can/want to.

    Greed is a horrible addiction.

    I went hunting with a guy when I was young and he would use all the young guys tags just to fill his freezer.
    Give you a few cuts and say there's your share.

    i hunt for the experience....meat is cheaper in the stores.
    bang on with this post!

  8. #118
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Behind your trailcam

    Re: WTF....why kill more than you can eat just because your allowed too??

    Quote Originally Posted by Bugle M In View Post
    The one thing that sets HBC apart is that we can and do discuss "issues".
    Whether it be habitat issues, access, preds and yes, even entitlement and personal agendas.

    Any where else, such as FB or twitter, all you generally see is someone's success or little snip its of info of events etc.
    Generally nothing else is discussed on them.

    Here, we can talk and help folks with less experience or help on a great deal of issues surrounding hunting.
    And there is a lot of them!.

    But people are all different, some can convey their thoughts well on the keyboard while others have troubles expressing what they mean or how they come across.
    We also have to understand that inside the hunting community, there are/can be huge differences in opinion.

    We don't have to accept another persons opinion, but it doesn't mean we can't "listen" to their thoughts and concerns, as this thread and OP
    is a great example.
    But listening never hurt anyone (as far as I know) and sometimes can give a perspective that some of us may never have given thought to.
    There have been times where I was of one opinion, only to have listened to another's point, and have considered it and taken that advice or
    Other times I just move on, and stick to my guns and my true gut feelings.

    One thing I generally realize, regardless of difference of opinions, is that most people generally care about the state of our wildlife, and do
    care about hunting and is something we all should keep in mind when speaking to others on here.

    Granted, you get into the "open topic or political threads" and there are some individuals who do play on HBC that I do think have no other
    interests then to "troll" and truly have little in their life that resembles the most of us as hunters on HBC.
    That is a different story.
    But to be able to discuss whether some "harvest too much" and for what reasons isn't the end of the world on HBC.
    Who knows, maybe the OP member has read some posts on this thread and now sees it in a different light.
    Or, maybe not.

    I can tell you one thing, people will generally listen if you reply "respectfully".
    Telling someone they have their "head up their ass" generally leads to the other person to just solidify how they feel and being disrespectful
    just proves to them that some folks just don't give a shit.

    I do often wonder if some folks are just they way they are behind a keyboard, and different when in face to face conversation.
    I think some are.
    However, I think some are exactly the same in person.
    Just hard to know who is what when all we ever do is converse from are keyboards.

    Right now, our main focus should be pounding the government/ministry doors continuously to get funding and get some proper action plans
    together to help our state of affairs for all residents of BC, not just special interest groups as is the case for so long now and seems there is
    no end in sight!
    Bugle, discussion does happen on this forum, but in my opinion FAR too often it turns into mud slinging between members. I agree with you totally. It seems like some members get angry and start getting personal as soon as something is said that doesn't align with their view! Having thick skin is necessary but I think we'd have more people offering their perspectives (enriching the conversation) if they didn't think they were going to get personally attacked for it.

    Just food for thought.

  9. #119
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Re: WTF....why kill more than you can eat just because your allowed too??

    Just because I have a full freezer doesn't mean I won't chase Mule deer all November. We truly have a different outlook on hunting/harvesting.

    For me It's a passion. It's a lifestyle. I can't comprehend when people refer to hunting as a "sport". I hunt for meat and if my freezer is full I'll hold out for a older mature buck. You wont find me at home watching football on a Sunday.

    I have thick skin so ill ignore the post where hunters are judged because others think they harvest too much. I've been in their shoes. Not this year though. I'd be happy to see a legal buck. It would be my first ungulate of the year. Some years are like that. Take what you can when you can. Because you might be having a year like me...

    I've been out for Goat, Caribou, Moose, Deer. Came close many times. You know what that gets ya.

    Luckily I had a great year last year. Some might say I harvested too much because I still have meat left over. Looks like I was just stock piling for a year filled with bad luck.

  10. #120
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    North of Hope

    Re: WTF....why kill more than you can eat just because your allowed too??

    Things would be better if those GREEDY people that keep getting LEH draws would just stand aside for the less fortunate next season....don't even apply, save your money.

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