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Thread: Boundary bay access?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Boundary bay access?

    Hey, I知 new to waterfowl hunting and I知 wanting to get out down onto boundary bay but I知 not sure about where I access it, I thought I壇 get there through the mud bay parking lot but from Lookingat the special area map I seem to be a ways off. I知 also curious if most people hunt it during high or low tide? With or without decoys? Do you build a small blind or just camo up as best as you can?

    i feel like with it being so close to home I should take advantage, maybe someone would like to join me and show me around, I知 not into hunting somewhere I shouldn稚 be or pissing off the dog walkers etc... thanks for any help or info in advance, I know local waterfowlers can be tight lipped lol

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: Boundary bay access?

    There are two places where you can park your vehicle and walk the dyke in order to get to the hunting areas. This is at the foot of 64th street and foot of 72nd street. On Google you will see public markers put down for "Boundary Bay Dyke" which will lead you to 72nd street and "Boundary Bay" which will lead you to 64th street. I was in your position on Boundary Bay a few weeks back (I've shot other areas previous years). I will return depending on how scouting goes. I am not giving away anything here.

    Yes you SHOULD always consult the Fraser Valley Special Area Hunting Brochure that includes a map of all shooting areas and their particular rules. Posting it again for others to review:
    This is especially true of the foot of 64th street because you cannot go too far west once you get into the foreshore or it is not legal. I assure you Conservation Officers know that hunters who are not careful have been seen shooting too close to the dyke, too far west and too close to be shooting toward the dyke.

    Neither of these areas has any special honey holes IMO. Basically just going there and scouting (PRE scouting) and experience would give you the same information as most hunters. There is quite a lot of space even observing the 50 yard nicety between other hunters. And nothing stops you from walking out there before the opener and marking locations on your phone. On hunting day get there early .. and I mean well before first light and you will likely be racing hunters to spots they are comfortable in. Ducks were plentiful a couple weeks back. I think everyone will be happy. If you can take a day off during the week, I found Boundary Bay virtually empty of competition, btw. Though this might change when it is duck season.

    A few weeks back when I was there for goose there was not much terrain coverage - low grass and scrub - but I will be scouting there again before opening to see if the foliage has changed much. That informs you on camo and what blinds you may want to put up. The nice thing is that Bass Pro is really close so you could go there, take a look and do some shopping the same morning.

    I was only there low tide but from what I see of the high tide mark there is still plenty of space. With low tide you could get away with just having high boots IMO. Other places like Brunswick you definitely need waders; here I did not think it was necessary. I got away with having a low seat in all the places I tried.

    I think people will be more willing to extend help after it has opened for a few days. But that shouldn't stop you from starting to learn - by experience.

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Boundary bay access?

    I was finally able to track down the map so have a bit better idea now, I did notice at the bottom of the map next to white rock there’s a small box with tiny writing that says the dykes of boundary bay park are closed to hunting, I assume that means actually hunting from the dykes not one serving the 150 or 180m rule?

    ill get down there during the week this week and check things out so I’m less likely to be the guy that everyone’s hating lol gotta start somewhere though.

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: Boundary bay access?

    Yes what that little box means is that you can use the dykes to get TO the hunting areas with your firearms, you just cannot shoot from the dykes.

    In Boundary Bay it is no shooting until you are 150m from the dykes. And if you are within 180m you cannot shoot toward the dykes. You can shoot toward the dykes if you are further than 180m. I didn't quite understand that earlier on and missed a good opportunity because I thought it was an outright prohibition on shooting toward the dyke (the areas where there is an outright prohibition of shooting toward the shore are marked with the cross-hatch pattern). At least this is how I am reading it.

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Boundary bay access?

    That’s what I figured, thanks for helping clarify.

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: Boundary bay access?

    You can also access the bay from 112th, but you cannot park at the roads end, you need to park at 112th & Hornby across from Seabreeze farms and there is limited parking to boot. This makes for a good long walk (figure about a half hour) to get to your spot.

    Also I find from experience, I don't bother hunting boundary bay at low tide. Birds are often too far out in the bay. For me the ideal hunt on the bay is a windy rainy day, with high tide hitting close to or within an hour or so after sunrise.

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Boundary bay access?

    So,not sure what if anything im doing wrong here,my first couple trips out i atleast was anle to get a few shots off, been out a bunch of times after that and theres bee absolutely nothing in the air,lots on the water but nothing flying. All i can think of is maybe the weather has been too nice? Definitely frustrating when you know theres so many around, if anyone wants to teach me anything fe free to offer lol

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Boundary bay access?

    There will be more if the weather turns cold chases them out of the valley to salt water.

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2008

    Re: Boundary bay access?

    The only time I’ve found that place to be good is first thing in the morning. Incoming or a high tide with the wind at your back. A robo duck or few deaks and it should be fun. Lots of duck will go to or from the golf course also, but I tend to hunt the furthest east part of the boundary line, they tend to bunch up in the bay further east by the overpass. If you want snows or geese, you’ll need a punt or canoe they tend to stay out further from shore.
    It use to be really good but I have found with some new green houses and berry fields it’s not as good.
    Good luck ! It’s a fun place that’s close.
    Last edited by limit time; 11-26-2019 at 08:39 PM.

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Boundary bay access?

    Quote Originally Posted by limit time View Post
    The only time I’ve found that place to be good is first thing in the morning. Incoming or a high tide with the wind at your back. A robo duck or few deaks and it should be fun. Lots of duck will go to or from the golf course also, but I tend to hunt the furthest east part of the boundary line, they tend to bunch up in the bay further east by the overpass. If you want snows or geese, you’ll need a punt or canoe they tend to stay out further from shore.
    It use to be really good but I have found with some new green houses and berry fields it’s not as good.
    Good luck ! It’s a fun place that’s close.
    Yea i want to geg down there on a bad weather day and see if its any better, its weird getting out of the truck with your gun and walking by 30 bird watchers lol had an old man with the special area map out the other day try to tell me i was only aloud to be 150m in either direction from the gate, i tried to clarify that it was off the dyke towards ghe water but he seemed to want to argue so i just kept walking haha

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