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Thread: Grouse numbers good again this year

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Grouse numbers good again this year

    While out scouting my deer areas and looking for that ever elusive 4 point or any WT buck I've also taken some time to travel the out of the way roads that I always see some grouse on. Been keeping a running tally and in 7 days of hunting so far this season I have now seen exactly 100 birds. This has been the 4-5th year running that I've seen that many grouse in the month of September so the population has been pretty consistent.

    The first week it was probably about 75% spruce,,,,the rest were ruffies. This week in the same area the numbers have reversed because all those fool hens probably met their demise. The ruff grouse are sure getting skittish, though. That being said, I've had no issues getting a bag limit each of those seven days with my griff, Sako.

    How are the numbers in your area?

    A few photos to come:

    Last edited by mastercaster; 09-23-2019 at 03:30 PM.

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Walnut Grove

    Re: Grouse numbers good again this year

    Thats great to hear.

    Im taking my 1 year old GSP out for her hunt this coming sunday (bringing my 6 year old son too, for his first hunt). Done a bunch of training and working on gun conditioning, so hopefully we can find a bird or two to point/shoot! Only doing a day trip, but eager to get out with the dog and see what we can find (I think my son is more excited that I am).

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Re: Grouse numbers good again this year

    Went out exploring in region 2 for black tail. Saw a grouse-ish looking area. Went in and flushed 25 within 800 meters. Taking a shotgun this weekend.

  5. #4
    Join Date
    May 2015

    Re: Grouse numbers good again this year

    I have seen 0. This year in my spot that generally holds 20 or so birds. Have also driven 150km of fsr and still found none.

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2006

    Re: Grouse numbers good again this year

    Was out once so far. Reg 1 mid Van Isle. Shot 2 ruffed, saw another 7. Should of had 5 birds but shot like crap.

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Walnut Grove

    Re: Grouse numbers good again this year

    Quote Originally Posted by Ron.C View Post
    Was out once so far. Reg 1 mid Van Isle. Shot 2 ruffed, saw another 7. Should of had 5 birds but shot like crap.
    How did your young lab do?

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    williams lake

    Re: Grouse numbers good again this year

    I personally haven't seen many in my region 5 hunting spots.

    However I don't hunt birds a whole lot and told myself to do it way more this year... probably why I havent seen as many

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2015

    Re: Grouse numbers good again this year

    I was in region 8 on Sept 1st weekend. Didn't see a single grouse.

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Re: Grouse numbers good again this year

    I am going to do my best to get a pic or 2 of Tim like that...all artsy and stuff.

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: Grouse numbers good again this year

    Quote Originally Posted by DeepJeep View Post
    I was in region 8 on Sept 1st weekend. Didn't see a single grouse.
    Region 8 is where I'm getting all my birds but I RARELY see grouse in the areas I see and shoot my deer. I will see the odd deer in my grouse spots but they would probably be unshootable ,,,,unless they were standing on the road because it's so thick and bushy. If they moved 10' off the road you wouldn't likely have an ethical shot because they'd be in the thick of things.

    That's the kind of habitat that grouse like in Region 8. You don't see them along clear cuts or other open forested areas. The skinnier and less used a FSR is used the better your chance of seeing grouse is my experience.

    Sure helps to have a dog that can retrieve them out of the real tough spots:
    Last edited by mastercaster; 09-23-2019 at 03:28 PM.

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