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Thread: Tenting in Grizzly territory

  1. #171
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Tenting in Grizzly territory

    I got a packalarm last year, love it. Have used it a few times and it's never been set off by wind or branches. Slept in a tent in bear country for years without one but it was only when my boy started coming with me that I really ever got concerned about bears at all. Still not really "concerned" but it is an extra bit of peace of mind at night. Not a substitute for keeping a clean camp and being smart with your food but it's a worthwhile little piece of kit to have.

  2. #172
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    region 9

    Re: Tenting in Grizzly territory

    ^^^good to know, my little guy is 4 and I will be backpack camping with him hopefully starting this year or next, he loves tenting already..

  3. #173
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    N. Okanagan

    Re: Tenting in Grizzly territory

    I made up a kit with a rape whistle and a rape alarm key chain with 100 yds of white flyline backing..........

    never have taken it along
    Never say whoa in the middle of a mud hole

  4. #174
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Tenting in Grizzly territory

    Quote Originally Posted by mpotzold View Post

    RE: DOGS
    308 LOVER (LT)'s dog named Shadow has been our camp watchdog since he was very young. We've never had a bear approach any of our camps even with hanging game nearby.
    A few years ago 2 large wolves walked right through our camp in the middle of the night(large tracks in the snow). Not even a whisper from the dog!
    Also while sitting by the camp fire having a coffee after lunch, Eve(eagle eyes) spotted a big 4 pointer walking by only about 60 yards away. Our guns were too far away & we were too late. The dog was nearby but didn't notice the deer's presence.
    Just got a call tonight from LT that Shadow has died due to cancer.
    He was 12 1/2 .
    He was a border collie, no doubt one of the most intelligent breeds if not the smartest.
    I was the one who suggested calling him Shadow because on our hunting trip north of Gang when only weeks old he would always follow us like the shadow.

    LT mostly fed him dog biscuits but I always saved some meat/cold cuts for him which he devoured with a passion.
    I really miss Shadow like he was part of the family. He was with us on all our hunting trips.

    Never forget the evening I was imbibing in my favourite glass of red wine sitting in front of a roaring campfire alone & all of a sudden Shadow appears, sits down right beside me & puts his left paw on my knee & looks directly in my eyes!

    Shadow was only 3 -north of Germansen -lots of grizz & moose signs

    “People never lie so much as after a hunt, during a war or before an election.” -Otto von Bismarck
    Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.-Albert Einstein

  5. #175
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Tenting in Grizzly territory

    Quote Originally Posted by boxhitch View Post
    I made up a kit with a rape whistle and a rape alarm key chain with 100 yds of white flyline backing..........

    never have taken it along
    Too funny. I made the exact same rig, except with braided nylon 70lb test. We rigged it up around a tent one day. Something set it off at the first hint of light we're not sure what. I don't think it was a bear, but possibly a small critter like a coyote. I had a trailcam covering some of our camp, but it missed whatever set it off.

  6. #176
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Tenting in Grizzly territory

    Quote Originally Posted by mpotzold View Post
    Just got a call tonight from LT that Shadow has died due to cancer.
    He was 12 1/2 .
    He was a border collie, no doubt one of the most intelligent breeds if not the smartest.
    I was the one who suggested calling him Shadow because on our hunting trip north of Gang when only weeks old he would always follow us like the shadow.

    LT mostly fed him dog biscuits but I always saved some meat/cold cuts for him which he devoured with a passion.
    I really miss Shadow like he was part of the family. He was with us on all our hunting trips.

    Never forget the evening I was imbibing in my favourite glass of red wine sitting in front of a roaring campfire alone & all of a sudden Shadow appears, sits down right beside me & puts his left paw on my knee & looks directly in my eyes!

    Shadow was only 3 -north of Germansen -lots of grizz & moose signs

    Oh no! I am sorry to hear the news about your companion and camp watch guard.

  7. #177
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    west kootenay

    Re: Tenting in Grizzly territory

    Quote Originally Posted by steel_ram View Post
    Worse ways of going . . . like lying in a hospital with tubes stuck everywhere, a full diaper and whining relatives all around. A woodsmen would be lucky and honoured to be taken by a bear . . . just don't go painting yourself with honey.
    eloquently put

  8. #178
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    Re: Tenting in Grizzly territory

    i haven't used the ele
    Last edited by stoneramhunter; 05-30-2024 at 03:59 PM.

  9. #179
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Northern BC

    Re: Tenting in Grizzly territory

    Interesting with the white strips.

    Funny thing, I have called in an absolutely ridiculous amount of black bears and a solid double
    handful of grizzlies with predator calls. Best way to get a bear to present in a spot so you can get an arrow into
    him is to hang a white tshirt over a limb 15 or so yards away. Bears almost always appear under that white shirt, usually before you realize they are that close. Which is preferable to having them show up close enough behind you that you hear them breathing before you see them.

  10. #180
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    region 9

    Re: Tenting in Grizzly territory

    Quote Originally Posted by stoneramhunter View Post

    i haven't used the electric fence method it does seem quite lite and sounds like it works as advertised. My fix for as long as i have been going into the mountains sheep hunting is as follows, take some fishing line and a few white plastic bags. i put a line about 3 ft off the ground around my tent area and i cut the bag into strips about one inch wide 12 plus inches long and tie them hanging from the line. every two feet or so. Any breeze makes the strips move. On numerous occasions i have had bears and other animals stop when they see the white strips turn and high tail it out of as fast as they can go. Bears in particular I think are so confused as to what it is presented decide to bail. I have never witnessed a bear come any closer to check it out they turn and run. It's a system that works for me.
    Interesting.. I use pink flagging tape on my thin perimeter line from my Pack-alarm. But maybe the movement of the flagging tape works like you said..

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