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Thread: Makes my blood boil

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    Makes my blood boil

    Just came across this article and it just infuriated me!!!
    Personally, I feel that this individual should’ve
    been made an example of.
    Full on lifetime ban and hefty fines..
    By the sound of things he does seem to be well clothed
    and able to take a few forfeitures and seizures without a problem,
    not even deterring him.
    And then to argue that the 10 year ban is essentially lifetime?
    the audacity of that!

    - Jan

  2. Site Sponsor

  3. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Makes my blood boil

    Yeah that’s been posted here before, prick should be deported for life. F that guy if I ever met him I’d punch him in the dick

  4. #3
    Pemby_mess Guest

    Re: Makes my blood boil

    This is an opportunity for authorities to make an example out of someone imo.

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2016

    Re: Makes my blood boil

    Quote Originally Posted by monasheemountainman View Post
    Yeah that’s been posted here before, prick should be deported for life. F that guy if I ever met him I’d punch him in the dick
    Should‘ve checked... seriously though, our books
    don’t have punishments severe enough.

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Victoia BC when not at work, otherwise up North

    Re: Makes my blood boil

    Agree not pretty this got to stop.

    While were at it, what about the few hundreds of so called "NUISIANCE" Black Bears getting killed and unceremoniously secretly dumped by COs because People are to lazy to look after there Garbage properly. When will there Managers allow the COs to charge those Idiots.

    I also wonder is the Railroad still running down an average of a 1000 Moose in Winter in the high Snowbelt area between Dome Creek and Upper Fraser ?
    Love to blame it on the Wolves but its the Railroad doing the killing making sure the Lobos are well feed.


    * When the People fear the Government there is Tyranny, when the Government fears the people there is liberty.
    * Studies have shown, Vegetarians are poor providers !
    * We are told this is the Information age. Seems to me more like the missinfomation age !
    * Most always the soft spoken ones are the most deceiving and Dangerous !
    * The Law is no substitute for Morality !

    Be safe and happy Trails !

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Makes my blood boil

    Quote Originally Posted by Pemby_mess View Post
    This is an opportunity for authorities to make an example out of someone imo.
    You sick ?

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