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Thread: CWD Update

  1. #111
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: CWD Update

    Quote Originally Posted by silvertipp View Post
    I heard a rumour ? Maybe you should try confirming your rumour before posting it!
    and... here’s the yappy little dog at the rear of the pack. Haha.

    Thank you ourea for the post The very specific details of the malicious rumour is actually what prompted me to reach out for help on the topic. However help comes in some odd shapes. Why or how these come to be isn’t known to me but I can confidently tell this individual to stop until proven otherwise.

  2. #112
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: CWD Update

    Spreading bs rumours is helping no one
    try doing your own homework instead of getting others to do it for you
    you start throwing insults as soon as you don't like what you hear
    If your going to write something based on rumours you may as well leave it in the outhouse where it will be good for something other than reading

  3. #113
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: CWD Update

    When u learn to read. Please go to the post where I asked for help on this issue.

  4. #114
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: CWD Update

    okay, lets just stay cool folks.
    we all know cwd is out there and spreading and is a serious situation for many places already.
    lets hope that some of the new thinking on what might be causing it is in fact the case.
    if so, then a vaccine is possible.
    only worry then is "mutation" at some point down the road.
    I have seen some video links posted by others, but here is a link on a short read for the basic details, fyi.
    I do think, imo, that the bc ministry try to initiate some testing in bc, asap.
    rather then waiting and being behind the 8-ball like they so often are on so many wildlife issues.
    I know there is a big mountain range between bc/alberta, but then again, as far as I understand things, some species
    do migrate from wintering grounds in alberta to summer range in bc.
    So, transfer could happen, or at least is possible in time.
    As far as food plots for game cams, I think all should give that a rest only because if cwd does spread into bc, it really
    isn't going to matter how the deer family get it.
    Food plot or on agricultural land, what does it matter?
    Right now I could hike into one area where neither exists, but where probably a couple hundred head of deer are
    spending their winter right now.

    Lets hope it is "bacteria" related.
    For many years people suffered from ulcers.
    For years doctors found h.pylori in many peoples guts but never thought much of it.
    But now they discovered the connection.
    The fact that this researcher did introduce the bacteria into some test sample deer and the fact that within 5.5 months
    they had all contracted cwd is a positive finding.

  5. #115
    Join Date
    Apr 2011

    Re: CWD Update

    Quote Originally Posted by Bugle M In View Post
    I do think, imo, that the bc ministry try to initiate some testing in bc, asap.
    rather then waiting and being behind the 8-ball like they so often are on so many wildlife issues.
    CWD testing has been ongoing in BC for multiple years now with 3-4 thousand samples tested.


    I sent the following questions to the Provincial Wildlife Health Biologist providing the link to this forum discussion:

    Have you heard of this? Any truth to it?

    She replied:

    The rumours are not true. We have had NO CWD positive samples from BC.

    Let me how I can help to put a stop to the rumours and get the correct information out there.

    The testing for the 2018 season are ongoing but I will be able to report those results in the next few weeks.

    We have had a significant increase in the number of BC hunters returning from Alberta with CWD positive meat. This might be prompting the rumours.

    Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I'm sorry for just getting back to you now, I was not in the office yesterday.

  6. #116
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: CWD Update

    Quote Originally Posted by 2chodi View Post
    CWD testing has been ongoing in BC for multiple years now with 3-4 thousand samples tested.


    I sent the following questions to the Provincial Wildlife Health Biologist providing the link to this forum discussion:

    Have you heard of this? Any truth to it?

    She replied:

    The rumours are not true. We have had NO CWD positive samples from BC.

    Let me how I can help to put a stop to the rumours and get the correct information out there.

    The testing for the 2018 season are ongoing but I will be able to report those results in the next few weeks.

    We have had a significant increase in the number of BC hunters returning from Alberta with CWD positive meat. This might be prompting the rumours.

    Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I'm sorry for just getting back to you now, I was not in the office yesterday.
    Good job and thanks for the info on bc already doing some testing....good to know.
    (I still want to find out what program my friend was listening to that said cwd was reprted in bc and who was saying that)
    When she brought the program I said it was ironic because it was be discussed here but that cwd was not reported that
    it had made it into bc.
    (however she said different....but like I said, it was 2nd hand news, but we still need to know who was spreading rumors
    if in fact she was right and someone was saying it existed here.....they need to be stopped!)

    thanks again 2chodi!

  7. #117
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: CWD Update

    Quote Originally Posted by RobU View Post
    and... here’s the yappy little dog at the rear of the pack. Haha.

    Thank you ourea for the post The very specific details of the malicious rumour is actually what prompted me to reach out for help on the topic. However help comes in some odd shapes. Why or how these come to be isn’t known to me but I can confidently tell this individual to stop until proven otherwise.
    RobU, the data and information on CWD is readily available. I am somewhat puzzled as to why you simply don't go to the sources, like others have done. Simply get the data and info you seek from those that are monitoring the situation.

    I am also puzzled that you appear to be perpetuating "speculation and rumor" (from my perspective) when the facts say otherwise.
    It is not a slight on you but just a general observation.

    Addition thoughts...
    There are collection centers to test for the disease in BC.
    Regulations are in place banning the transportation of all body parts that can pass the disease on coming into BC.

    If you are being tasked to write about the, do some simple homework and stay out of the rumor mill.

    Not trying to run anyone's life or tell them what to do but an approach could be....
    Meet with a regional game manager or call him.
    Call some folks in Alberta/ Sask/US that are involved in MONOTORING the disease, (not some random ill informed individual) and you are guaranteed to get the answers you seek.


    I'm all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Let's start with keyboards and forums. - F L Wright

    Try and be kind to everyone but fear no one. - Ourea

  8. #118
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: CWD Update

    Okay, the show that spoke about cwd was the Simi Sara Show on CKNW 980.
    However, it does not appear to be posted as of yet to listen to.
    I would like to know if someone actually said it exists in BC, AND, who was saying that.
    Obviously they need to stop if they are saying that.

  9. #119
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Port Alberni

    Exclamation Re: CWD Update

    Quote Originally Posted by RobU View Post
    ... I’m tasked with writing an article on this topic specifically on BC and relevant facts so I’ll be watching very closely. Can’t have fake news. Lol
    Why don't you enlighten us all with just who "tasked you" with writing said article, and just where it will eventually appear if / when written.


    Egotistical, Self Centered, Son of a Bitch Killer that Doesn't Play Well With Others.

    Guess he got to Know me

  10. #120
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Port Alberni

    Exclamation Re: CWD Update

    Quote Originally Posted by Bugle M In View Post
    Okay, the show that spoke about cwd was the Simi Sara Show on CKNW 980.
    Direct from Simi Sara herself:

    Hi Matt,

    We haven't had anyone on about this topic, we briefly talked about it as a trending story which was on the website You might find the info there. I definitely want to do more on it so if you can recommend an expert or someone to talk to, let me know.


    The only recent reference to CWD on Global's site relates to the sensationalist article about "Zombie Deer", and nowhere mentions BC:

    So much for that baloney...

    Last edited by IronNoggin; 02-19-2019 at 01:03 PM.

    Egotistical, Self Centered, Son of a Bitch Killer that Doesn't Play Well With Others.

    Guess he got to Know me

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