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Thread: CWD Update

  1. #81
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: CWD Update
    another blurb on recent research for CWD and humic acid
    and another
    Last edited by wideopenthrottle; 02-17-2019 at 12:40 PM.

  2. #82
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    In the bush near a lake

    Re: CWD Update

    I am well aware of where your theory comes from. If the humic acid theory is proven effective BC has nothing to fear but these theories needs to be tested were CWD is present

    My point is this is not a proven cure and battling CWD with an unproven cure in BC where CWD is not present is futile. It would be nothing more then an attempt to morally justify baiting to those opposed to baiting

  3. #83
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: CWD Update

    Baiting is just one man made threat to create a cwd environment. Not a bait bashing thread but hopefully bringing about awareness to hunters as this website is about hunters. Identifying all higher risk environments and successfully addressing them will be key moving ahead in BC.
    An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure right now. Great posts everyone. Very informative.

  4. #84
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    In the bush near a lake

    Re: CWD Update

    Quote Originally Posted by RobU View Post
    Baiting is just one man made threat to create a cwd environment. Not a bait bashing thread but hopefully bringing about awareness to hunters as this website is about hunters. Identifying all higher risk environments and successfully addressing them will be key moving ahead in BC.
    An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure right now. Great posts everyone. Very informative.
    If Alberta’s(or anywhere for that matter) bait ban showed evidence of preventing the spread of CWD I would see the reason to support a ban in BC. If CWD reaches BC a bait ban won’t stop the spread

    There is always the one option that would be very unpopular and that would be a major cull along the BC border. Culls have been way more effective then a bait bans. Another effective tool is ban ungulate parts of any kind from outside of BC to lower the risk of CWD infected tissue of any kind is not brought into B.C..

    We could take measures that are way more effective than a bait ban if we want to head down that road but people won’t like those options

    Keep saying it if BC hunters who fear CWD want to do something the fight is not here in BC it’s in the areas that are infected. We can apply bait bans and testing in BC even but that is really no more then crossing your fingers CWD is cured before it reaches BC

  5. #85
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: CWD Update

    Devils advocate...would not a migration corridor such as y2y envisions facilitate the spread of chronic wasting disease? logic would suggest isolated populations would be at less risk..
    Habitat fragmentation might just be a last hope? Somthing to think about eh? Not without historical precedent either.
    It is well to try and journey ones road and to fight with the air.Man must die! At worst he can die a little sooner." (H Ryder Haggard)

  6. #86
    Join Date
    Feb 2018

    Re: CWD Update

    Quote Originally Posted by Wild one View Post
    If Alberta’s(or anywhere for that matter) bait ban showed evidence of preventing the spread of CWD I would see the reason to support a ban in BC. If CWD reaches BC a bait ban won’t stop the spread

    There is always the one option that would be very unpopular and that would be a major cull along the BC border. Culls have been way more effective then a bait bans. Another effective tool is ban ungulate parts of any kind from outside of BC to lower the risk of CWD infected tissue of any kind is not brought into B.C..

    We could take measures that are way more effective than a bait ban if we want to head down that road but people won’t like those options

    Keep saying it if BC hunters who fear CWD want to do something the fight is not here in BC it’s in the areas that are infected. We can apply bait bans and testing in BC even but that is really no more then crossing your fingers CWD is cured before it reaches BC
    Perhaps one thing to consider and this is wide open to interpretation and criticism. Alberta cwd % is around half of that in Saskatchewan. One has wide open baiting one doesn’t. Connecting the dots is way above my pay grade. Lol

  7. #87
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: CWD Update

    Quote Originally Posted by RobU View Post
    Interesting. You just received results now? Your meat now gone? I’m curious as to the events between kill date, testing date and results date. Seems a very long time for you to wait. Were you given information in Alberta on what to do during this length of time?
    Just got results last week yep. Submitted test Nov 17 and most wait times are pretty long these days it seems. Meat is not consumed and has been in a freezer deboned. All bones and carcass were discarded within 300 yards of the kill site.

    Alberta has decent paperwork on meat and bone handling procedures.

  8. #88
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    In the bush near a lake

    Re: CWD Update

    Quote Originally Posted by RobU View Post
    Perhaps one thing to consider and this is wide open to interpretation and criticism. Alberta cwd % is around half of that in Saskatchewan. One has wide open baiting one doesn’t. Connecting the dots is way above my pay grade. Lol
    I would assume Saskatchewan being infected with CWD for a longer period plays a large roll in the fact it has spread over a larger number of animals. Looking at maps of the CWD infected areas in both Saskatchewan and Alberta along with the time difference in known infection it does not look like the bait ban has had much effect

    regardless it is clear a bait ban has done little to nothing to stop the spread of CWD

    A bait ban would have no personal impact on me I don’t use it but I also don’t see it being an issue
    Last edited by Wild one; 02-18-2019 at 09:43 AM.

  9. #89
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    region 9

    Re: CWD Update

    I haven't had time to research it yet, I will when I have some time, but has anyone found out how states such as Washington and Idaho are doing with regards to CWD? I would find that more worrysome than Alberta, as animals south of us don't have the Rockies in their way to migrate up here...

  10. #90
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    In the bush near a lake

    Re: CWD Update

    Quote Originally Posted by HarryToolips View Post
    I haven't had time to research it yet, I will when I have some time, but has anyone found out how states such as Washington and Idaho are doing with regards to CWD? I would find that more worrysome than Alberta, as animals south of us don't have the Rockies in their way to migrate up here...
    I am no expert but have done a little research and from everything I have gone through CWD is all east of the Rockies

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