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Thread: What is The Shortest Range you have taken any game?

  1. #101
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: What is The Shortest Range you have taken any game?

    great story...

    the one that gets away is the one you always want the most.

  2. #102
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: What is The Shortest Range you have taken any game?

    Killed a mink with a wooden mallet once. Trapped him in a pair of waders (not mine).

  3. #103
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    North by North West

    Re: What is The Shortest Range you have taken any game?

    Great stories Nog!

  4. #104
    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Metchosin area

    Re: What is The Shortest Range you have taken any game?

    Well this September I shot a bear in the head at 13 feet in my campsite haha 308. Years ago I shot a bear at 8 yards with my crossbow then I hit him in the throat with a another bolt as he charged me. He dropped 8 feet in front of me with my Bowie in one hand and mace in the other. Also shot a bear in the throat with a 12 gauge slug at 15 yards, after hitting it twice good with a 7.62x54. I love hunting bears and always will. Shot a doe on the malahat with buckshot at 5 yards.

  5. #105
    Join Date
    Aug 2018
    Abbotsford, BC

    Re: What is The Shortest Range you have taken any game?

    Quote Originally Posted by snipersights View Post
    Well this September I shot a bear in the head at 13 feet in my campsite haha 308. Years ago I shot a bear at 8 yards with my crossbow then I hit him in the throat with a another bolt as he charged me. He dropped 8 feet in front of me with my Bowie in one hand and mace in the other. Also shot a bear in the throat with a 12 gauge slug at 15 yards, after hitting it twice good with a 7.62x54. I love hunting bears and always will. Shot a doe on the malahat with buckshot at 5 yards.
    My goodness you sure pack a lot of weaponry with you when you hunt. You are extremely well prepared.

  6. #106
    Join Date
    Jun 2010
    Langley BC

    Re: What is The Shortest Range you have taken any game?

    Quote Originally Posted by GEF View Post
    Inches ,Large mule deer directly above me on the run .Had to pull the muzzle back to make sure i did not bulge the barrel, no aiming just pointed the muzzle .
    As in the illustrious words of Ricky Recardo I got some splainin to do
    Here is the back ground to this tall tale as some my call it.
    It was late November my brother were on a hunt for Mule deer .Got to our camping spot around midnight,piled in the camper had a quick beer turned on the heat and went to bed .I awoke to the sound of my brother trying to get the heater restarted .Ran out of gas some time in the early morning ,DAM IT WAS COLD .Asked him what time it was he muttered 5 am .I got up and switched the propane bottle .Made some coffee ,got geared up and headed out before day break.It was a temperature inversion so foggy as all get up. We were walking on an old grown over road that led to a higher basin that was logged 10 or so years prior.After what seamed like an eternity we came to an opening that was an old landing it was gray first light out but still foggy .I whispered to my brother lets just glass the other side of the valley along the tree line.So we glassed for about 15 minutes an I got ancy and started to walk up the valley a bit and BOOM ! I turned to see my brother still aiming his gun directly below where we were standing .He said I got him ,he' down ! I ran back ,there lay a nice typical 4 point . I guess it was standing behind some xmas tree's at about 20 yards the whole time we were glassing.Helped him dress it drag it up to the landing and he went back to the camper for the game cart .I said I was going to walk up to the top of the basin and see if I could find a buck .As I walked the wind began to blow down the valley in my face.I had gone up the valley about a mile fresh snow and not a track .I glassed the basin for over and hour with that bitter cold wind in my face.Nothing ! I was cold as hell now and shivering like a dog ////. I decide to head back to the truck.I guess walking and with the wind at my back I started to warm up a bit .Then it hit me.On the wind the unmistakable sent of rutting deer .I stopped and man it was strong .So I turned back and walked up the valley in my boot tracks .Stopped at the bottom of the basin and glassed. I could still smell him on the wind.there was a skidder trail that zigzagged up the draw .I started up the trail and got about half way up the basin right smack in the middle and the trial cut the ridge in front of me that was about 4 feet tall .Right at that moment a doe shot out of the timber to my left on the upper part of the basin about 200 yds above me.She ran strait across the basin and right behind her was a large 4 point in hot pursuit .When she got to middle of the basin she made a hard right and followed the ridge top that was the 4 foot road cut in front of me . I had crouched down on the skidder trail a bit .In the mean time the doe went to the right of the ridge top and was coming down the draw strait at me ,and the buck stayed on the top of the ridge .She charged by me to my right at 10 feet and he jumped off of the cut bank directly over my head I raised the gun and followed him with the muzzle and fired as he passed over over me as I hunkered on the road. Piled up right there stone dead.Man my heart was in my throat.He was a large bodied buck heavy mass tall and about 24inches wide but short tines .Stunk to high hell ,but was really good eating . It was a hunt to remember with my brother .This hunt was over 20 years ago and my x wife cut up my hunting pictures or I would have posted them .By the way my brother's buck was his biggest ever.
    By the way I got an D in English in high-school so you might be able to tell
    Last edited by GEF; 01-09-2019 at 11:23 PM.

  7. #107
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Prince Rupert Again, Formerly Fort Nelson

    Re: What is The Shortest Range you have taken any game?

    The bear in my avatar was shot at 12'. Almost had a wolf at 7 paces with my Blackwidow Recurve but was too excited and forgot to "pick a spot"....low through his belly hair.
    "Dy'in ain't much of a livin' boy"

    "There is NO Keyser Soze"!!!!!!

    "Do cow moose have white inside their ears"?!!!!!

  8. #108
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Port Alberni

    Thumbs up Re: What is The Shortest Range you have taken any game?

    Quote Originally Posted by GEF View Post
    ... By the way I got an D in English in high-school so you might be able to tell
    Nope, Not Really.
    A few breaks (paragraphs) would make it a little easier to read is my only critique.
    Other than that, a heck of a Fine Tale my Friend!

    Cheers & Thanks for the share!

    Egotistical, Self Centered, Son of a Bitch Killer that Doesn't Play Well With Others.

    Guess he got to Know me

  9. #109
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Re: What is The Shortest Range you have taken any game?

    Quote Originally Posted by GEF View Post
    As in the illustrious words of Ricky Recardo I got some splainin to do
    Here is the back ground to this tall tale as some my call it.
    It was late November my brother were on a hunt for Mule deer .Got to our camping spot around midnight,piled in the camper had a quick beer turned on the heat and went to bed .I awoke to the sound of my brother trying to get the heater restarted .Ran out of gas some time in the early morning ,DAM IT WAS COLD .Asked him what time it was he muttered 5 am .I got up and switched the propane bottle .Made some coffee ,got geared up and headed out before day break.It was a temperature inversion so foggy as all get up. We were walking on an old grown over road that led to a higher basin that was logged 10 or so years prior.After what seamed like an eternity we came to an opening that was an old landing it was gray first light out but still foggy .I whispered to my brother lets just glass the other side of the valley along the tree line.So we glassed for about 15 minutes an I got ancy and started to walk up the valley a bit and BOOM ! I turned to see my brother still aiming his gun directly below where we were standing .He said I got him ,he' down ! I ran back ,there lay a nice typical 4 point . I guess it was standing behind some xmas tree's at about 20 yards the whole time we were glassing.Helped him dress it drag it up to the landing and he went back to the camper for the game cart .I said I was going to walk up to the top of the basin and see if I could find a buck .As I walked the wind began to blow down the valley in my face.I had gone up the valley about a mile fresh snow and not a track .I glassed the basin for over and hour with that bitter cold wind in my face.Nothing ! I was cold as hell now and shivering like a dog ////. I decide to head back to the truck.I guess walking and with the wind at my back I started to warm up a bit .Then it hit me.On the wind the unmistakable sent of rutting deer .I stopped and man it was strong .So I turned back and walked up the valley in my boot tracks .Stopped at the bottom of the basin and glassed. I could still smell him on the wind.there was a skidder trail that zigzagged up the draw .I started up the trail and got about half way up the basin right smack in the middle and the trial cut the ridge in front of me that was about 4 feet tall .Right at that moment a doe shot out of the timber to my left on the upper part of the basin about 200 yds above me.She ran strait across the basin and right behind her was a large 4 point in hot pursuit .When she got to middle of the basin she made a hard right and followed the ridge top that was the 4 foot road cut in front of me . I had crouched down on the skidder trail a bit .In the mean time the doe went to the right of the ridge top and was coming down the draw strait at me ,and the buck stayed on the top of the ridge .She charged by me to my right at 10 feet and he jumped off of the cut bank directly over my head I raised the gun and followed him with the muzzle and fired as he passed over over me as I hunkered on the road. Piled up right there stone dead.Man my heart was in my throat.He was a large bodied buck heavy mass tall and about 24inches wide but short tines .Stunk to high hell ,but was really good eating . It was a hunt to remember with my brother .This hunt was over 20 years ago and my x wife cut up my hunting pictures or I would have posted them .By the way my brother's buck was his biggest ever.
    By the way I got an D in English in high-school so you might be able to tell
    Nope, never had the luck of a 24" spread buck running right past me.
    Some folks are just plain "lucky".
    Congrats on taking that one with that kind of memory with it.

  10. #110
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Southern West Kootenays

    Re: What is The Shortest Range you have taken any game?

    GEF, great story! Thanks for sharing.
    "Target archery is seeing how far away you can get and still hit the bull's eye;
    Bowhunting is seeing how close you can get and never miss your mark."

    "A man's got to know his limitations"

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