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Thread: No more Moose hunting for you, Whitey

  1. #191
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    Langley & Magna Bay

    Re: No more Moose hunting for you, Whitey

    So if I’m white and like moose hunting now I’m not allowed? That’s racist
    I like drinking beer and whiskey, shooting guns, jetboating, love a nice rack and a tight line, I am simply a sophisticated redneck...

  2. #192
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Jordan River

    Re: No more Moose hunting for you, Whitey

    Hey Dana what kind of degree do you have
    Avatar is for all the conspiracy theory nut bars, for all the crow they have to eat when everything implodes

    I've never heard of someone who isn't vaccinated getting polio

    Trump will win big time in 2020

    Why is it that rednecks from Alberta can't get enough of men in dresses, they simply lose their shit

  3. #193
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: No more Moose hunting for you, Whitey

    Quote Originally Posted by Piperdown View Post
    Hey Dana what kind of degree do you have
    I think its a BS

  4. #194
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: No more Moose hunting for you, Whitey

    Degrees? We don't need no stinking degrees...
    Last edited by mrdoog; 07-18-2018 at 04:30 PM. Reason: added missing word
    Statement of honour bestowed upon me by Camp Cook:
    LOL that has to be one of the stup*dest mind numbing off in laa laa land comments I have ever read.

  5. #195
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    In the bush near a lake

    Re: No more Moose hunting for you, Whitey

    Quote Originally Posted by Piperdown View Post
    Hey Dana what kind of degree do you have
    Not trying to defend Dana and think he is more then willing to speak for himself

    As for the whole degree thing how has that helped prevent BCs wildlife from reaching the state it’s in today?

    We have govt staff with degrees responsible for BCs wildlife populations and I would not call the state of our wildlife populations a success. I know they face a lot of issue and do not lay the blame on them.

    One thing Dana did bring up that I can agree with is hunters were observing and talking about populations declines early on and there was those claiming that the numbers put forward by those with degrees are saying everything is OK. Fast forward to the present and we are now looking for ways to deal with declining moose/mule deer numbers

    I don’t agree with everything Dana says but without a doubt he has some valid points. He maybe abrasive on how he makes his point but he is not completely lost like some are trying to make him out to be

    Those with degrees need to start working with us uneducated hunters more because I know for a fact some of us hunters are in the bush more then BCs bios. I also know for a fact that this is not by choice of the bios them selves but instead their job does not give them enough time in the field

    Degrees are good but if you lack the ability to collect proper data to use the education it leaves too many unknown factors to solve problems

  6. #196
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: No more Moose hunting for you, Whitey

    piperdown...a degree in most cases doesnt help shit but teach you how to burden yourself in redtape..

    even than your more worried about how it looks on paper rather than real world function..

  7. #197
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: No more Moose hunting for you, Whitey

    dana maybe agressive but he eats sleeps and breaths wildlife..i do not agree with everything he says but i sure respect his imput and real world many days where you in the feild last year....espeacially off the hiplie rock.

  8. #198
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    North Van

    Re: No more Moose hunting for you, Whitey


    "Bring the topic back to us versus them or them versus us is what I am taking about."

    That's not what I'm doing. I'm saying come to grips with the new reality and make a deal with FNs. That's coming together, not "us vs them".

    "Fear mongering is classic Fed tactic. " I know you hate the Fed from another movie. I'm not the Fed.

    "When you posted up a response to me, you went straight to the Fear card and negelected the fact There Are No Moose left to hunt!!!"

    No, what I did was to say that I don't think the statement (or the OP) is so much about moose as it is about who exercises power in certain areas. That contest for power is something we see unfold all the time. If you see that as scary, good for you. I see it as the environment we live in. We need to reconcile with FNs. They aren't going anywhere. They exert influence now, and will in the future.

    What you did, Dana, was hear things that weren't said and then freaked out a little bit. Go back and read my post.

    As for all the questions about what the Fed did or didn't do with or to you, I have no input. I don't know you, I've never done anything bad to you, and I've never run the Fed.

    You may be unhappy that I'm not saying the things you want me to say ("there's no moose left; we have to kill wolves") but to be honest, you can say those things yourself. You don't need me to repeat what you say.

    The fact remains, whether we're talking moose, grizzly bears, black bears, access or any number of other issues, we need to recognize that FNs have a lot of control over what we do and how we do it, and they don't all share the same assumptions as we do (ask a few FNs about the concept of "crown" land, and see where that leads).

    If you think that's fear mongering you've got a very very low fear threshold. It's just pointing out what environment we're living in and how we need to move forward (recognize the reality and make a deal).
    Rob Chipman
    "The idea of wilderness needs no defense, it only needs defenders" - Ed Abbey
    "Grown men do not need leaders" - also Ed Abbey

  9. #199
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Jordan River

    Re: No more Moose hunting for you, Whitey

    Boy one sentence and look at the shitstorm, it was an honest question. Dana is so smart i just wanted to know what kind of education he has so we can all learn too. Ah walks with deer, maybe read some of my posts, i own 80 acres in 6-04, with a nice log cabin on it, spend at least 3 months a year in that area along with at least 2 trips to the koots and your area, so i average at least 100 days in the bush is that enough for you. What is a hiplie by the way? Rob i really like the way you think and speak (write) you ever thought of getting involved with the Fed or the likes, you don't let emotion get in the much like Ourea, always a pleasure to read posts and opinions from you both, keep up the good dialogue.
    Last edited by Piperdown; 07-18-2018 at 11:16 AM.
    Avatar is for all the conspiracy theory nut bars, for all the crow they have to eat when everything implodes

    I've never heard of someone who isn't vaccinated getting polio

    Trump will win big time in 2020

    Why is it that rednecks from Alberta can't get enough of men in dresses, they simply lose their shit

  10. #200
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: No more Moose hunting for you, Whitey

    ahh piperdown sounds like you get out...i was just laughing at the degree issue...hippy sorry fat fingers on phone...

    my family and freinds that live and some guide and log in 6-04 have told me moose are down in numbers hard there..

    funny thing moose population in alberta is way better than here except maybe the mountain mu's and road densitie is way hirer...hmm so is wolf control.

    instead of all this fighting we need cheif to go on cbc and blab some shit how traditionaly wolves where controled and we need to thin themm blah blah and get some public support.

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