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Thread: Who's had animal problems in camp?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Who's had animal problems in camp?

    I don't know if I'm out to lunch or what? I was out on a 3 day canoe/fishing/camping trip last week. On the last night we pulled all of our gear up on shore and when I got up I was missing a paddle. It was pretty stormy and windy that night, but I have a hard time believing it blew away. I looked around the lake for it the next day and couldn't find it anywhere. The only thing I can think is maybe the beaver that was swimming around stole it. He went by our camp just a few feet from shore several times.

    Is this possible?
    If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis-informed.

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Who's had animal problems in camp?

    of course yes..

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2010

    Re: Who's had animal problems in camp?

    I came back to my jeep once and had bear paw prints on the soft plastic jeep windows, right above the soft cooler with leftover pizza. I am glad it didn't decide to rip everything apart.

    Had seagulls jack my lunch out of the back of a ford ranger once.

    And then of course there's all the spooky stuff like waking up to a bear (that charged me a week prior) with his face up against mine.

    I haven't had anything weird go missing due to animals as far as I recall.

    I did have my boat pulled up on the shore once in Harrison around cascade peninsula. I woke up the next morning and noticed an object at the point that I didn't remember being there before. Well, of course it was my boat with all my gear on it. I woke my friend up and we ran up to the point. It was still about 100 yards out. Thankfully my friend is a good swimmer because i'm not. Anyway, I figured it was probably rising water and waves, but the though also crossed my mind it could have been a bear... doubt it though

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: Who's had animal problems in camp?

    Had my share of animal problems but beaver is definitely the worst .... or the best depending on your point of view.

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Re: Who's had animal problems in camp?

    The wife and were camped in a pup tent up the northern end of V.I. and g0t up in the A.M. and there were cougar tracks around our tent.

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    sadly, for now, the LM. Soon, Horsefly!!

    Re: Who's had animal problems in camp?

    It was "A dark and stormy night" you say???

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: Who's had animal problems in camp?

    Had to shoot a bear in the face in camp once...

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2009

    Re: Who's had animal problems in camp?

    Had bears bite and wreck lots of gas cans, and motorbike seats over the years.

    Had a boat end up in the lake floating away after 4 guys pulled it up. Good thing the second one didn't get away, we were able to get the first, it was a mile away.
    Pretty sure it was the guide we ran into that day.

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    region 9

    Re: Who's had animal problems in camp?

    Once while camped for a week hunting in September, we had a decent size brown coloured black bear that was acclimatized to people because it kept coming into our camp while we were away hunting, and stealing our food..we had a platform set up after the first time that we thought it couldn't climb up to, we were wrong - while getting back on the night after the first incident, it was back in the camp,and eating our food was dark, we didn't know the size of the bear, and it jumped down from the platform and into the woods, stopped, and started growling and snapping its teeth at us, my brother had a semi auto rifle on him, I had my .30-06, and my other buddy had a was maybe 20 yards from us, when as it was growling and appeared poised to charge, my buddy had the light on it but I was the only one who could see it, but I only saw its eyes - I aimed between it's eyes, but free aimed as it was too dark to look through my disappears but we weren't about to venture into the woods to see if I nailed it...slept in our vehicles that night in case it was wounded and morning we drove our vehicles out like we were leaving but snuck back with a view of camp to see if he would come back like he did before...after waiting a while with no bear we snuck in to the woods to find out that I nailed him dead - cancelled my black bear tag but the meat was not edible unfortunately...but at least we got rid of a bear that would possibly have caused major problems for someone else...

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Tent city Victoria

    Re: Who's had animal problems in camp?

    Only issue I’ve ever had was a male grouse drumming on a log right behind our tent first thing in the morning in bear camp and a pair of whiskey jacks that would steal the dogs kibble out from under his nose.

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