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Thread: Elk cape lost in care of taxidermist, now what?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Kamloops, BC

    Re: Elk cape lost in care of taxidermist, now what?

    Quote Originally Posted by Mosin View Post
    He says he get another cape for you from his family elk farm/wait for the fall to get you another one? Hmmm I hope he is not gonna take someone else's cape to replace yours...I know a meat company who did that with my buddy. He complained the meat he was picking up didn't look like the same amount he dropped off, so the butcher just casually walked I the back and grabbed some of someone else's and said "here"
    If he's a reputable taxidermist, he'd most likely buy one from someone who's not wanting to use theirs. I've seen this before. Lots of ads in the past looking for capes of one kind or another... Or as he said, pull one from his family's farm...

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2011

    Re: Elk cape lost in care of taxidermist, now what?

    Quote Originally Posted by northof49 View Post
    Stick with euro mount and save the shoulder mount on your next elk. Kinda sucks but dont sweat the small stuff. Enjoy your rack and remember the hunt.
    Might not get a next elk, that’s the problem. I have at unique situation my wife is Australia and there is a possibility that we may end up living there, where there are no elk. And chances of getting an elk that size again here in Saskatchewan with out putting in the draw for 14 years is extremely unlikely.
    Would love to be someone’s packhorse on a goat hunt.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: Elk cape lost in care of taxidermist, now what?

    Sorry to hear about this situation. I feel bad for you. Honestly, I think you got boned and have to suck it up. Is there anyway he could mail you the cape to Australia or will customs have a problem with that? If I were the taxi, I would simply just give the guy his money back and apologize and hoped the customer just went away. That's all you can do with the situation your in.

  4. #14
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    Re: Elk cape lost in care of taxidermist, now what?

    Quote Originally Posted by CanadianMulie View Post
    Might not get a next elk, that’s the problem. I have at unique situation my wife is Australia and there is a possibility that we may end up living there, where there are no elk. And chances of getting an elk that size again here in Saskatchewan with out putting in the draw for 14 years is extremely unlikely.
    I'd be pissed, and I would question his integrity for not telling you sooner, if he did know about it. if he agrees you dropped it off in good condition he should be paying for a new cape for you.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Williams Lake, BC Canada

    Re: Elk cape lost in care of taxidermist, now what?

    Hmmm had this happen on a truly magnificant blonde black bear..slippage of hair means someone screwed either didnt adequately cape, scrape and salt. .or freeze the cape.not saying you didnt..either you or he or tanning company.
    I too asked for the bear hide..they said they tossed itfearing it would infect other animals in their possession.i knew it was bullshit..slippage is not catchable. my case sold the bear.period.i asked for $ restitution as they did not have the right to toss my bear hide.
    In your case..something is wrong with them.
    Ask for your cape if it is thrown out..they are no respectful credible taxidermist.
    With out the cape..its about the was most probably sold..worth the cost of the hassel with you.
    If your cape is gone..ask for a prime large primo elk cape at no charge to you.and a significant refuction in fees for the vompleted job.
    Capes can go bad and slip through error and mistske.
    However once the slipped cape dissapears in goes into the I dont believe you taxidermist throws out the evidence.

  6. #16
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    Jan 2006

    Re: Elk cape lost in care of taxidermist, now what?

    Quote Originally Posted by CanadianMulie View Post
    Might not get a next elk, that’s the problem. I have at unique situation my wife is Australia and there is a possibility that we may end up living there, where there are no elk. And chances of getting an elk that size again here in Saskatchewan with out putting in the draw for 14 years is extremely unlikely.
    I understand that you are pissed about the original cape being ruined but unless the elk had a white blaze or something on its head or neck you would never know you got your original cape back in the first place. If the taxi decided to be dishonest right from the beginning he could have swapped in a different cape (as long as it was a similar sized bull) and you would have never known. The way you are talking about the elk it must be a monster, Iam assuming thats the rack that you still have. A monster 7 point elk will probably have the same body size as an average 6 point bull (maybe a inch bigger in the eye to nose measurement and a few inches in neck diameter) Something 90% of the guys would have no clue what size they are looking at when its mounted and on the wall.

    I would talk to the taxi and see if he is willing to replace the cape. If he is then it might be a win win for you. If you get cape it will most likely be tanned. This way you dont have to mount it here and that will be huge when moving to australia. You know how much room a shoulder mounted elk takes up in a shipping container. Once there have a local taxi mount it down there and enjoy it.

    Quote Originally Posted by BiG Boar View Post
    Are you M or F? Might get more takers with tits.

  7. #17
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    Aug 2011

    Re: Elk cape lost in care of taxidermist, now what?

    We aren’t moving to Oz right now, but it is very possible. As we have been going for 3 months at a time to help her family with their harvest contract. The bull had a large scar on his shoulder and a long main for a Mid September bull. The antlers aren’t huge, 355” net but they are heavy.

    Would love to be someone’s packhorse on a goat hunt.

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    Southern West Kootenays

    Re: Elk cape lost in care of taxidermist, now what?

    You are entitled to your cape back. Any deposit you paid would have paid for the tanning. Get it back and have a look. Did you mark it? Anyone having a hide tanned should mark it with nail holes in a certain patern in a tucked away place so that they will know that it's their cape or hide. I learned from experience. Enjoy your euro. Take your time to decide in a good frame of mind what you want to do. I agree with you that the original cape is almost as valuable as the antlers. Having said that, lots of people will sell their capes to those who are short. I have. I have also bought a cape when mine was cut too short for the mount I wanted. That really hurt. My mistake too. Good luck.
    "Target archery is seeing how far away you can get and still hit the bull's eye;
    Bowhunting is seeing how close you can get and never miss your mark."

    "A man's got to know his limitations"

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Elk cape lost in care of taxidermist, now what?

    As a taxidermy I feel I need to add my 2 cents. First off, do your research BEFORE taking your hard earned animals to a taxidermist. If you have done that and lose a cape maybe trust what you were told. I have had animals brought in and was told "I took REALLY good care of it" I do my thing and send it out to the tannery and I get a phone call from the tannery that it has slipped. These calls suck and I calling the customer about it is worse. The question is always how and why this happened. As a professional I take pride in my work and have skinned all night because customers have held onto their animals too long. I trust that what the customer tells me is the truth but if it still slipped how does it become the taxidermists fault? I have had bears slip because they were rolled up and put i the freezer with out cooling first ( it takes a long time for the inside to cool and freeze when rolled up. Especially of the head and paws are left in and rolled inside the hide) I have had a goat hide that was carried for two days up against a hunters back in his pack slip and until he admitted to that it was my fault. There is always a chance that it will happen and any good taxidermists will do EVERYTHING he can to keep you capes and hides perfect.

    As far as asking for it back, if the tannery calls me and says it has slipped I get them to send me pictures. I don't get it shipped back because I feel it is ridicules to pay to have a worthless hide ship.

    As far as hides and capes being sold .... hard to believe. If you trust him at the start of the transaction why all of a sudden to you not accept what he has told you. Unless you have some evidence to the contrary. When you assume......

    Too many people look for the best "deal" when getting their animals mounted. Take your trophies to a professional taxidermists that you TRUST. Then if the unfortunate happens rely on that trust and work WITH them to come to a conclusion that works for both parties. As some one that relies on word of mouth as my # 1 way of advertising I understand that 1 unsatisfied customer can to more harm with one post on the internet than a dozen happy customers telling their buddies.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Williams Lake, BC Canada

    Re: Elk cape lost in care of taxidermist, now what?

    Quote Originally Posted by bwhnter View Post
    As a taxidermy I feel I need to add my 2 cents. First off, do your research BEFORE taking your hard earned animals to a taxidermist. If you have done that and lose a cape maybe trust what you were told. I have had animals brought in and was told "I took REALLY good care of it" I do my thing and send it out to the tannery and I get a phone call from the tannery that it has slipped. These calls suck and I calling the customer about it is worse. The question is always how and why this happened. As a professional I take pride in my work and have skinned all night because customers have held onto their animals too long. I trust that what the customer tells me is the truth but if it still slipped how does it become the taxidermists fault? I have had bears slip because they were rolled up and put i the freezer with out cooling first ( it takes a long time for the inside to cool and freeze when rolled up. Especially of the head and paws are left in and rolled inside the hide) I have had a goat hide that was carried for two days up against a hunters back in his pack slip and until he admitted to that it was my fault. There is always a chance that it will happen and any good taxidermists will do EVERYTHING he can to keep you capes and hides perfect.

    As far as asking for it back, if the tannery calls me and says it has slipped I get them to send me pictures. I don't get it shipped back because I feel it is ridicules to pay to have a worthless hide ship.

    As far as hides and capes being sold .... hard to believe. If you trust him at the start of the transaction why all of a sudden to you not accept what he has told you. Unless you have some evidence to the contrary. When you assume......

    Too many people look for the best "deal" when getting their animals mounted. Take your trophies to a professional taxidermists that you TRUST. Then if the unfortunate happens rely on that trust and work WITH them to come to a conclusion that works for both parties. As some one that relies on word of mouth as my # 1 way of advertising I understand that 1 unsatisfied customer can to more harm with one post on the internet than a dozen happy customers telling their buddies.
    Well written, educational this 3x..very instructional..

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