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Thread: Question for experienced bison hunters

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Question for experienced bison hunters

    Was wondering, if you were to do it again would you pick zone a or b? and what time of year? I understand that there is pros and cons to each. My thought would be to set up a camp deep into the area. Thoughts? Thanks

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Re: Question for experienced bison hunters

    I would do zone b January again. Nobody I know personally has ever been successful in zone a. Not to say that it can be done,but zone b was good to us. And there are lots of places to see on snowmobile that we didn't get a chance to check out! And the hot meals at Sikanni River ranch were a real bonus at days end.
    my 2cents

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Prince Rupert Again, Formerly Fort Nelson

    Re: Question for experienced bison hunters

    Zone B in November. I have been on 7 bison hunts and only once did we not see/get a bison, but probably would have if the elderly man who had the tag could have hacked a few more days, instead of only making it 1.5 days.
    "Dy'in ain't much of a livin' boy"

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  5. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: Question for experienced bison hunters

    Thanks for the replies, November or October is what we are going try for. I guess its not as busy in november with other hunters going for elk and moose as October. Hardest thing is to draw tag. I guess we'll have to wait and see. Thanks again

  6. #5
    guest Guest

    Re: Question for experienced bison hunters

    Big zones change with conditions and pressure from year to year. Myself and a number if buddies have harvested in Zone A. The halfway. Depends on what style if hunt you want, access etc.
    Im getting older, want a more comfortable hunt, willing to pay for better accomadation meals etc etc.
    Bust your back side in either zone and there's no excuse to not get one ...... But deep snow is a huge helpful aid.
    You wont gave that in Oct ...... Maybe maybe maybe late November .

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Region 7

    Re: Question for experienced bison hunters

    We saw precisely zero bison in the main Halfway valley in early October this year. The closest bison we did see were several hours horseback ride northwest of Horse camp. The bison we did see hightailed it as soon as they saw us. Their behaviour and habits have dramatically changed since my first trip in there in 2006.
    I wouldn’t put in for A if I didn’t have access to horses in the early hunts. I’d pray really hard for deep snow for the late hunts to allow access to the back between the Halfway and the Sikanni with snowmobiles.

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2010

    Re: Question for experienced bison hunters

    When I looked at the leh draws, it looked like the early october in A was the one lots of people went for. Thinking now to go for a later hunt and use sleds. Wonder how the January hunt is going for hunters.

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