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Thread: Lots Of Wolf Talk eh ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Pemberton B.C.

    Lots Of Wolf Talk eh ?

    WHATS GOIN ON????? All you dorks still here?? lol

    I haven't been here in a while, never have time. Had a few messages on other places asking me to chime in on some wolf talk here. Soooo....
    I recall the first time I came on here years back was when I realised it was a great place to encourage people to hit wolves so I started a thread on it. That thread ( at the time) became the most hit thread in the history of the forum for a while real quick. Funny, in the first few posts on that thread I was attacked no stop from all angles including a few ego dented HBC member idiots, clubs and first nation band offices....but I held my ground, fought back and off the thread went in the positive direction it SHOULD have from the beginning.
    SO, I'm back ! lol I'll start a new thread on wolves, share what I KNOW below, what I could 'possibly' do and as well suggest what YOU can do.

    The good thing about licensed trappers is they can go get them (wolves) without relying on a 'vote' or a green light from the gov. Wich means zero politics, opposition in anyway whether it a club or ministry, THEY CANT STOP US right 'now' so you better get shit going right now.

    So, does trapping wolves work ?? YES.

    Handful of years back I realised NO ONE was targeting wolves where I lived ( Pemberton) and as well, there was nothing but wolf stories coming from basically 'everyone' locally so I got my license and went after them. I had permission on 3 trap lines as well 2 private properties.( SOMEONE had to do it).
    Take note the local club had been counting spring mountain goats for somewhere around 20 years as well had electronic deer counters for nearly the same.
    I used my experienced wolf trapping guide partners from up north as reference non stop as well past experience from going with them up north and added my own tricks the wolves taught me and applied all of it.
    I killed a lot of them.
    I think year 2 or 3 the local club had the "highest kid count in the history of counting them" as well the same results with the deer count, "highest spring number return".
    Some may argue it wasn't trapping that cause this, I KNOW it was.

    I QUIT

    Why? because after $10k ( YES, at least $10k. sled, course, fuel, gear, NOT including time) of my own money, hundreds of hours of my time, numerous attacks from local IDIOTS ( including local club members) and the fact where I was doing it I never hunted anyway, I finally shook my head with "WTF, SCREW EM, enjoy your pooches C-YA"
    And you know what else, I never even received a frickin 6 pack of beer from people who hunted there - ZERO.
    I did however get permission to kill wolves near some big horn sheep in other areas and as well was called on from some ranchers in reg 3 to clean up wolves so I happily travelled to those places and made a difference.


    Well, locally ( Squamish to Goldbridge) predators are literally EVERYWHERE, ( as well the rest of the province). WHY? mild winters, easy access via man made roads, thats why- end of story.


    #1, hunting them isn't going to do shit. I hunt basically full time, 45 days straight in reg two as just a small portion and have NEVER shot a wolf in reg 2. ( due to terrain) So, all you guys offering to go out and shoot them, that's great, enthusiasm is super but as far as 'that' fixing a 'problem', aint gonna happen. Not from the ground anyway.


    Wolf trapping takes time and money - period. Fur trappers do not specifically target wolves because it just doesn't pay the bills - period. Encourage and fund a wolf trapper and NO, not 'by the wolf'. You fund his time, gear, fuel, get him going after them NOW. It takes time to get good at it, time to figure out where they go, when and how to nail them if the trapper has not specifically been after them in the past. And, there is many of us who can throw down tips and tricks to get it done efficiently.


    I might. I am in the position I could do it full time if I chose.
    Currently the Squamish band wants me to do something, locals want me to hit it as well various private property owners.
    Am I going to drop $1.00 of my money to do it? NOT A DIME. I did that, now its hunters turn to do it.
    Believe me, there's a lot more fun things to do on this planet for the winter than go trapping wolves full time. Especially when you have to deal with the non stop attack the entire time by NON hunters AND hunters alike. BUT, it is out of control this is a fact. ( I've never really been one to really give a fck what anyone thinks - but.)
    There was fresh wolf sign on EVERY trail I hunted this year and as well easily less than 50% of the deer there was say 5 years ago.( I run over 20 cameras over a 30 mile stretch non stop).


    Prove it !!!

    Here's the deal. Wolves kill wolves more than anything else. You wack a bunch of a pack, next time they bump into that rival pack, they done for.
    Wolves are as well VERY intelligent. I hammered on a pack near a popular wintering zone, the survivors realised it wasn't a good place to hang out and they left. This doesn't last too long though so 4ish years later, wolves are back at it and going strong.

    As an example of HOW you can make a difference. 'If or when' I make the decision to do this in Reg 2, I'll let all know via social media and set up an 'Ungulate Enhancement Fund' with a go fund me thing ( or whatever) and you can throw down that way. I'm still on the fence because it won't be a casual task, you either go ALL IN or nothing and ALL IN = a shit load of time of life and effort. But 'all in' gets it done.

    There's another trapper up north. He WAS killing 40 and 50 plus a year. He QUIT !! WHY? because it was all coming out of his pocket , that's why.


    When you DO KNOW first hand what eliminating predators does and you see ZERO interest or offered help from people who are avid ungulate hunters it makes you shake your head so much its stupid. REALLY??????? WTF??????
    Every hunter reading this, ask your self how much $ you threw down in the past toward any kind of wolf control ?? OR if you even looked into it ??

    So there ya go boys and girls. Collars, studies, votes, blah blah effing blah........ none needed, nothing new to learn.
    You want to make a difference immediately ? Encourage a trapper and fund them - period.
    It's simple easy math to justify it. XXXX is eating YY full time?? change it to X is eating YYY as fast as you can, cant describe it any more clear !

    Anway, there ya go.

    If I find some time, I might share a blacktail story or two on here later maybe,

    LATER !!

  2. Site Sponsor

  3. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Gold River

    Re: Lots Of Wolf Talk eh ?

    Excellent. Our local club tried to pay our local trapper but he would not take money and he ended up stopping trapping them. I checked his traps for him but it wasn’t enough. I will definitely get moving and help him out. Trapping wolves is a big commitment.Thanks

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Port Alberni

    Thumbs up Re: Lots Of Wolf Talk eh ?

    Good to see you posting back here again... Ya Dork!

    Excellent Post!
    Makes waaaaay too much sense!
    Let's hope that those who have been clamoring for some type of action in regards to the wolves can get behind this!
    I will indeed search out our local trapper, and offer up my help once again.

    Thanks for bringing this forward Steve!

    Now get on with another amazing blacktail tale or two!


    Egotistical, Self Centered, Son of a Bitch Killer that Doesn't Play Well With Others.

    Guess he got to Know me

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Pemberton BC

    Re: Lots Of Wolf Talk eh ?

    Good to see you back PG66.

    PG 66 has always been good at encouraging others. Hopefully he can encourage hunters to open their wallets, province wide. Predator reduction will actually save hunters money in the long run. A whole lot of small donations can add up pretty quick. Every little bit helps.

    Steve, I'm in for $500 if you decide to go for it.
    Last edited by Gateholio; 01-04-2018 at 01:42 PM.
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  6. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    150 mile house

    Re: Lots Of Wolf Talk eh ?

    Thanks for a real explanato there P.g. some of us luddites are not on F$#%beak but if you get this going imagine a 100.00 from each of us bitching little pusses on HBC and even if you blow 1/2 on hookers and blow as long as you kill a few of them inbred soul catching stinky pieces of shi# I for one would be thrilled,imagine going all the way up to del rio or the muskwa or tete jeune and all a guy can do is sit around the campfire at night and talk about how much wolf sign we have seen that day versus 25 years ago when we talked about how many bucks and bulls and does we saw that day and how exciting tomorrow would be,so many of us and our peers went up this last fall 4-5 guys wall tents 1600 budweisers, 1700.00 in fuel, 1200.00 in groceries ,drugs, porn mags, magnum packs of toilet paper--and guess what came back with sweet F-A SO HEY dudes and Dudettes,a couple of your sheckles for the mad trapper cannot be nearly as bad as giving it to our goddam worthless politicians without a hope of ever getting it back no matter what they promise! Thank you Pro-Guide from another previous guide lets see where this go you have my support Horsee

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: Lots Of Wolf Talk eh ?

    Quote Originally Posted by horse280 View Post
    Thanks for a real explanato there P.g. some of us luddites are not on F$#%beak but if you get this going imagine a 100.00 from each of us bitching little pusses on HBC and even if you blow 1/2 on hookers and blow as long as you kill a few of them inbred soul catching stinky pieces of shi# I for one would be thrilled,imagine going all the way up to del rio or the muskwa or tete jeune and all a guy can do is sit around the campfire at night and talk about how much wolf sign we have seen that day versus 25 years ago when we talked about how many bucks and bulls and does we saw that day and how exciting tomorrow would be,so many of us and our peers went up this last fall 4-5 guys wall tents 1600 budweisers, 1700.00 in fuel, 1200.00 in groceries ,drugs, porn mags, magnum packs of toilet paper--and guess what came back with sweet F-A SO HEY dudes and Dudettes,a couple of your sheckles for the mad trapper cannot be nearly as bad as giving it to our goddam worthless politicians without a hope of ever getting it back no matter what they promise! Thank you Pro-Guide from another previous guide lets see where this go you have my support Horsee
    Love it.

    I'm all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Let's start with keyboards and forums. - F L Wright

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  8. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: Lots Of Wolf Talk eh ?

    Let’s try this again. I totally agree Steve this is my first year trapping wolves . With over 700 pounds of bait and 130 hours of trapping time and only 5 wolves to show . It is one of the hardest and most time consuming trapping there is . You hear of so many people on the site saying they would like to help the problem , Put your support we will do the most good. Support A Trapper

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    in a house

    Re: Lots Of Wolf Talk eh ?

    I think this is a great idea. Would a wolf trapping trapper list be of benefit so hunters can support trappers in their respective regions?
    I think trappers reporting their success with photos would be awesome. Active participation by hunters in this kind of program would raise some eyebrows. The condo dwelling, bear hugging, tree lickers in downtown Vancouver need to ask why we would financially support this program. The answer would enlighten them a bit.
    " We must strive to touch the land gently and care for it as true stewards, that those who follow us and assess our record may see that our mark on the land was one of respect and love, not cruelty and disdain."

    Robert B. Oetting

    Proud BC Resident Hunter

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2006
    Aldergrove, BC

    Re: Lots Of Wolf Talk eh ?

    Time for a gofundme page?

    I'll donate as long as someone gives me a clear instructions on WHERE

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Lots Of Wolf Talk eh ?

    Good for you Steve, every one helps.

    I have the Lays killing wolves for me this winter, paying out of my own pocket to try and lessen the impact on my herd. Indirectly saving the lives of a few moose, deer and caribou. I suggested I could use a little financial help and the tight spincters puckered shut and quit talking about it.

    Best of luck to you.

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