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Thread: Step son wants to hunt grizzly still

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Haney,BC and anywhere you can hunt in BC out of the rain !

    Re: Step son wants to hunt grizzly still

    If he's aloud to why not, better take him before the NDP/Greenies put the Kibosh on his right to hunt them to......
    7-6.5 PRCW the best cartridge since the 280 Ackley 👍

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: Step son wants to hunt grizzly still

    Quote Originally Posted by StuBrown View Post
    As long as it is a regular hunting season then yes. Anything that is traditional hunting on traditional land a non native is not allowed in anyway to help. Not even lifting it into a vehicle. I have gone over this many times with different CO's and have it in writing from them. I have cousins that are FN and have researched this many times.
    Get it in writing.

    The new legal loophole killing of GB's by first nations will be scrutinized.
    Being in a vehicle or part of a FN hunt ...... ur busted, simple as that.

    I'm all in favor of keeping dangerous weapons out of the hands of fools. Let's start with keyboards and forums. - F L Wright

    Try and be kind to everyone but fear no one. - Ourea

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Jordan River

    Re: Step son wants to hunt grizzly still

    Can he shoot more than 1 , then fill your boots

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Re: Step son wants to hunt grizzly still

    Substitute gbear for moose, elk, deer or what have you... what would members say about that?
    I'm gonna guess they would sing a different tune.
    I hear a ton of FN slander on here when it comes to FSC hunting, but because this fits the gbear agenda it's all thumbs up?

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Nanaimo B.C.

    Re: Step son wants to hunt grizzly still

    Quote Originally Posted by bang flop View Post
    Substitute gbear for moose, elk, deer or what have you... what would members say about that?
    I'm gonna guess they would sing a different tune.
    I hear a ton of FN slander on here when it comes to FSC hunting, but because this fits the gbear agenda it's all thumbs up?
    hmmm......well I guess some feel this ban by the ndp/green goverment is pretty much a state of emergency and a declaration of war on the hunting communtity as whole. Maybe some feel its time to abondon their past discriminations and fight back with whatever means possible.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Step son wants to hunt grizzly still

    Quote Originally Posted by Deer_Slayer View Post
    Yes! Go and hunt and be free! Hope he shoots a nice bear and has a story to tell. This is all of our heritage under attack.
    Best statement of the bunch.

    Know the rules, and have fun!

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Step son wants to hunt grizzly still

    Absolutely. Tell him he can come here and take as many as he likes.

    He would be doing us a great favor if he connected with one particular bear.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Step son wants to hunt grizzly still

    Law is law. Tell him to shoot away. I've eaten grizz. Not all bad.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Re: Step son wants to hunt grizzly still

    Quote Originally Posted by Islander30 View Post
    hmmm......well I guess some feel this ban by the ndp/green goverment is pretty much a state of emergency and a declaration of war on the hunting communtity as whole. Maybe some feel its time to abondon their past discriminations and fight back with whatever means possible.
    When will Status Indians abandon their discrimination against other Canadians?

    I cannot accept that what is right and fair for one man is not so for another. Much like other God-given liberties, the government can't create or dissolve this, only recognize or deny it.

    Men being created equal should not be overlooked for the sake of wildlife management.
    Quote Originally Posted by ElectricDyck View Post
    ....i dont buy ** fish ..its like buying your stolen tools back from a crack head..

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: Step son wants to hunt grizzly still

    i think as long as you yourself are first nations as well. You should be good to go if not you may have to find a mentor or hunter host.

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