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Thread: Black bear

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Black bear

    Warning hunters, hikers take caution:

    Sunday October 9th around 16:30
    Steelhead area in Mission BC- I don't want say where but if you PM me (and not on my case after reading) then I would share

    I was in about 9 km in on foot very close to the backside of Stave Lake paralelling the high tension power lines.

    I found deer tracks in soft earth and then about 250m up road from that fresh bear scat on the de-activated road. This was a very, very windy day, with wind in my face downwind( I think it could not smell or hear me I'll give it that at least). I stopped to check out a possible bedding area and food source for the deer. As I turned my head back to road, a black bear was about 4 arms length away I shouted "hey bear" and it did do the antcipated action that one would expect , and turned and bolted into the nearby treeline. I began to back up wanting to leave the area and give it its space. However I could see it return to the brush (I think blackberry and alder type scrub brush) alongside the road and shadow me as I backed up all the while facing it also I heard some hissing maybe growls, i thought at the time dry branches snapping but maybe jaw snapping? again was VERY windy , no longer retreating into the forest as I expected . I felt stalked actually. I didn't see any cubs at all So I think male (my guess was 250-300 pounds) . This bear just didn't seem "right" I fired two warning shots , and it barely retreated. I had to hoof it back out all the time looking over my shoulder. When I get home I see this article in the newspaper bear-attacks-woman-conservation-officer-in-mission-b-c-1.4366779 co-incidence??
    What a weird day I had.Black bears have always run away and stayed away when i''ve past encountered them. At least I know now why there no deer in the area

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    Re: Black bear

    Man that would freak me the f××× out. Was shooting tbe bear an option for you? It would have been top of my list behaving like that.

    When would expect the bears to go down for the winter?


  4. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Re: Black bear

    Another reason why i buy a bear tag for blacktail hunting.I had a bear once do the same thing[many yrs ago] and then proceeded to follow me just inside the bushline for quite a distance,that day i had my son with me moose hunting and didnt want to shoot it.
    Was out BT hunting yesterday up high 15 k back on suicide creek and found fresh beer tracks in mud so there busy looking for food now before they sleep for the winter
    Pemby Quote: "Ah well ,cant be perfect" .... " sometimes i think that this tread is actually a wormhole to another dimension"

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Re: Black bear

    Quote Originally Posted by Chrispryn View Post
    Man that would freak me the f××× out. Was shooting tbe bear an option for you? It would have been top of my list behaving like that.

    When would expect the bears to go down for the winter?

    yes i could have dropped it but i don't have a bear tag . If I had dropped it with no tag, would I be covered under self defense? not sure how that works or how you prove what happened if you encounter a CO?

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    Re: Black bear

    Quote Originally Posted by coplin View Post
    yes i could have dropped it but i don't have a bear tag . If I had dropped it with no tag, would I be covered under self defense? not sure how that works or how you prove what happened if you encounter a CO?
    Im not too sure. I wouldn't be comfortable doing it. Maybe if you had some teeth marks on your arm or something haha. Might be tough to convince a CO without any evidence. But again, im not 100%

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: Black bear

    some have said that you should make sure you shoot it in the front ....broadside shot doesn't look like an attack

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    In the bush near a lake

    Re: Black bear

    Some bears are jerks with a superman complex just like people lol

    Good thing most are not like this

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Maple Ridge

    Re: Black bear

    I live on a small acreage in the vicinity. The bears often don’t go down until after Christmas , even last year when thick snow was on the ground. Lived here for thirty years and this is the general pattern.

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    region 9

    Re: Black bear

    You did well but I suggest buying a bear tag in the future then you can nuke the thing and they make great sausage..

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2017

    Re: Black bear

    The only concern as to the whole self defence thing is whether or not you take the bear home. Leave it there and you shouldn't have a problem.
    Last edited by Kill-da-wabbit; 10-31-2017 at 11:15 PM. Reason: More gooder english
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