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Thread: Still Missing in Spatsizi

  1. #71
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Applying Bandaids

    Re: Still Missing in Spatsizi

    Still not found, my thoughts and prayers to the family. Remember all, when that little voice inside sparks up a conversation it is time to listen, we all want to get home to our loved ones, and no animal no matter how much meat or size of trophy is worth your life.

  2. #72
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    is everything!

    Re: Still Missing in Spatsizi

    Quote Originally Posted by bicboihunter View Post
    Will keep an eye out. But like most have said, camouflaged 12 years later is going to be near impossible to see.
    This reminds me of the Matthew Hobbs teen who went missing back in 1995, his remains were found 8 years later in 2003, and it was clear his death was foul play. My wife is good friends with his older sister, and I also am acquainted with the family of the man who discovered his remains, so i got more of an inside story on the affair than what was reported by the media.

    The fellow who found him was in a forestry type career at the time and spent every day out in the bush. He was on fire watch or fighting a fire at the time when he discovered the remains in a shallow grave. His mom told me he quit his job soon after because, and I quote, "when you find a human skull with a bullet hole in it, that kind of thing messes with you".

    Apparently they found his remains only a few feet off a power line road right of way where there is normally some tall grass. Unless a person literally tripped over the remains, you wouldn't see them otherwise. The older sister told us the family was taken up to the location where they found him. Their younger brother freaked out when they got there because he was familiar with the area and would dirt bike there on a regular basis. He said he must have passed that location a dozen times in the years after his brother went missing and was literally only a few feet away from him on several occasions.

    The family found "some" closure once he was discovered. The police also had a suspect and an arrest a few years later, and after 21 months in jail the trial handed down an additional 3 years in prison to the suspect who pled guilty. The family was not happy with that outcome however.
    caddisguy "I worry about predators wanting to eat me or bucks trying to take my manhood. "How was your hunting trip honey" ... "wahh I don't want to talk about it... sob ""

  3. #73
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Re: Still Missing in Spatsizi

    As people are gearing up for another season of hunting in the Spatsizi just a reminder of this thread. Pass on this story to your friends that are going.



  4. #74
    Join Date
    May 2017

    Re: Still Missing in Spatsizi

    Just came back from the Cartmel area. Didn't see anything. Best of luck

  5. #75
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: Still Missing in Spatsizi

    Years ago actually the year before I was born. My grandpa and uncle went hunting in the mountains. My uncle went one way around the mtn and my grandpa the other way around the mtn. Then they would meet up. Well my grandpa got to the meet up spot and my uncle was not to be seen. He searched the area and then went home and got some buddies the authorities and did a search.
    Well a year later they did find my uncle some hunters found him he was sitting and leaning up against a tree with his rifle across his lap. He froze to death. Atleast they did find him. I could just not imagine how that would of affected my family knowing he was just going hunting and to not be seen or heard off.
    Often when I am in the mtns I think of my uncle and realize how easy it could be to get lost or get cold not prepared for the right weather conditions. Or just be to dang tired.
    So to the family that lost her husband and there dad I am truly sorry for you. And hope one day that you do find closure.
    Nothing is like climbing a mountain, and then feeling like you are at the top of the world.

  6. #76
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Re: Still Missing in Spatsizi

    Thought I would give this a "bump" as before we know it we will be off in the woods chasing critters!

    As a reminder ... please keep your eyes open for anything that is odd out there as I know the family would like closure on this.


  7. #77
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Re: Still Missing in Spatsizi

    Annual bump of this thread. I am curious if anyone knows if the posters at the Eagle Nest Trail Head and at Tatogga Lake Lodge?

    Be careful out there. Have fun and good luck.

  8. #78
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    near the Skeena River

    Re: Still Missing in Spatsizi

    Recently returned from Coldfish Lake. While I was there I met a couple who hiked in to Coldfish via the Eaglenest Trail. It took them 6 days. The condition of the trail is very poor. Badly overgrown and lots of windfall. The couple I met were experienced back country hikers. They had a very difficult time to follow the trail in many places and had to do a lot of back-tracking and scouting to find it. Often game trails were more evident and this lead to a lot of wasted hours finding the route. They found a lot of garbage at the camp spots along the trail including abandoned propane tanks, camp chairs and various other items. It looked to them like people had gotten so far in on the trail and abandoned their plans and a bunch of gear. There are Bear proof metal caches at some of the camp spots, intended for food and gear storage. They found some food in the caches dated 2009- the most recent date.

    The trail is getting very little use and it is no surprise as Parks is not maintaining it.
    The trail from the Coldfish Lake is good through Danihue Pass to Ice Box Canyon and for a few more kilometers toward the Rail Grade trail head of the Eaglenest trail. About 16km of easy well defined trail. Then it goes to pieces.
    If you are planning a LEH sheep hunt in the area, I encourage you to please keep a lookout for the missing hunter but also to be aware that the Eaglenest Trail from the Rail Grade trail head, for all but the last 16 km, is a difficult and ill-defined route.
    Here is a link to Missing in Spatsizi
    Last edited by Brno22F; 01-31-2020 at 06:38 PM. Reason: adding link
    Semper in excretum altum

  9. #79
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    Re: Still Missing in Spatsizi

    I've been following that story for awhile now, fingers crossed you and your family get some closure soon. Thanks for posting.

  10. #80
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    49.2 kms from 10U 687884E 5617178N

    Re: Still Missing in Spatsizi

    Fifteen years now since Tom disappeared. A year or two before SPOT was available
    I didn't know Tom that well. He was fairly tall and slender, always had a smile on his face, full of mirth.
    The last time I saw him, we were at Cariboo Fly & Tackle. He was pumped, excited to begin his hunt in the next day or two. He was given a list of camping places and a map by a friend that had made several forays into the area in recent years. This person also instructed Tom to leave an identifiable wrapper under a rock at each camping spot he stayed at. His trip was to last about 3 weeks with a return in early October. When he failed to return, his wife sounded the alarm immediately and a search commenced within a few days. The problem was the weather had turned bad a some point in time with copious amounts of snow. This greatly hindered the search, especially in the Icebox Canyon area. As I was told, much ice and drifting snow. Tom's friend that provided the map and instructions was on the initial search and I can't remember if he said they found the wrapper or not.
    The following year, another search was conducted in the summer to no avail and there may have been more after that. There was some speculation that he made never had made the area and his truck was planted at the trail head as subterfuge.
    To my knowledge, none of Tom's possessions have ever been recovered.
    ".....It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of a Trudeau government than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their prime minister......​"

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