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Thread: elk hunting tips.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    elk hunting tips.

    Last year I had a great time chasing elk for the first time. I wasn't successful harvesting a bull but I had two very close calls. I learned a lot from my mistakes and hope I can pull it together this season. Any tips or suggestions from experienced elk hunters would be an asset. Anything from preseason scouting to calling tips, hunting techniques would be appreciated. I don't know anyone with any elk hunting experience so I'm asking hear

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2016

    Re: elk hunting tips.

    Patience. I find a good set of glasses helps because you'll be sitting there minding your own business and they just seem to magically appear. My experience to has shown me that they are afraid of their own shadows and spook easily. Learn how to call and figure out where they're feeding. In my area they'll generally come into the field from the same spot all the time and leave in a different spot. I don't like to hunt elk in the evening and prefer the morning shoot. I'll figure out where they leave the field and setup there. A old timer told me "go to where the elk are gonna be not where they are ". Good luck and once you get started on them it becomes very addictive. I love to hunt elk.

  4. #3
    Join Date
    May 2004

    Re: elk hunting tips.

    Read. And there are tons of good threads on here about how to pursue elk. Use the search.

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011

    Re: elk hunting tips.

    Couple tips. Find the elk. Hunt the wind

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2003

    Re: elk hunting tips.

    go to elk101 and buy the University of Elk Hunting course. It's worth every penny
    "If you ever go into the bush, there are grizzly bears lurking behind just about every bush, waiting to pounce, so you need a powerful gun, with huge bullets" - Gatehouse ~ 2004

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Cranbrook BC Where The Elk Are..

    Re: elk hunting tips.

    Sounds like you found elk on your hunt that's one good accomplishment use a full not bugle sparingly now and then ..I use a cow call most of the time if you have a bull coming in don't move they can come in real fast and if you move they pick you up real fast and are gone as fast as you can say WTF.

    I use this cow call as for triple reed diaphragm for calling bull elk and cows I bought this cow girl from walmart last year 15.00..

    Wos. send me a private message on what you would like to know and I will try to help you out in anyway I can..
    Last edited by hunter1947; 02-14-2017 at 04:51 AM.
    Hunting Elk Is All About Finding Them ,If You Can't Find Them Keep Trying ..

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: elk hunting tips.

    They are sneaky so you best be sneaky.

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Re: elk hunting tips.

    I'd say get real good at counting points. I cannot believe how many 5pt bulls that had giant bodies I passed on because the kicker wasn't there. Making a bad decision in the heat of things would not be fun!

    Hitting the rut just right seemed to be key to get responses. Had a few 5pt bulls come screaming in FAST! One that wouldn't leave even after we started walking away....he just kept screamin at us LOL. Bugle to located them then woo them in with soft/sweet lady sounds if they aren't running in.

    That's all I learned in my limited 1 elk trip. Cannot wait to get out and go again though! Good luck.

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: elk hunting tips.

    look for the ugliest terrain around that nobody would want to hike into and head in that direction

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    West Koots

    Re: elk hunting tips.

    If a bull is bugling on an evening hunt on his own don't bugle back, 3 of my bulls shot in the last 4 years have been evening kills with bulls bugling on their own and clearly already on the move, I moved my position as he moved and intercepted them for the kill or they simply moved out into secluded portion of an old cut. Last year I had the same thing happen and as he was bugling and making his way within 100 yards of my position and I had yet to make a peep, another hunter bugled followed with some cow calls and gig was up, next time I heard that bull he was in the bottom of a drainage 500 yards away. Not saying bugling doesn't work but why risk having a bull hang up or messing up a bugle if he is already moving, let him think he is the only animal in the area and simply wait for the show.

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