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Thread: Killers of BCs Moose

  1. #131
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Toon town

    Re: Killers of BCs Moose

    Have to convince politicians recovering moose, and wildlife, is the right thing to do.

    Meet them, write them, tell them, talk to your friends, family and coworkers, then vote based on people who say they will support fish and wildlife.

    This issue really isn't about managing wolves, FN, hunting seasons, etc, it's about giving wildlife managers a mandate, some money, and the ability to recover wildlife.

    Believe it or not we know how to recover moose populations and what it takes, we just don't have the political support to do it.
    Last edited by GoatGuy; 01-14-2017 at 09:04 PM.
    Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.


  2. #132
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Killers of BCs Moose

    Quote Originally Posted by GoatGuy View Post
    Have to convince politicians recovering moose, and wildlife, is the right thing to do.

    Meet them, write them, tell them, talk to your friends, family and coworkers, then vote based on people who say they will support fish and wildlife.

    This issue really isn't about managing wolves, FN, hunting seasons, etc, it's about giving wildlife managers a mandate, some money, and the ability to recover wildlife.

    Believe it or not we know how to recover moose populations and what it takes, we just don't have the political support to do it.
    There you go....wildlife management is not based on science or what is right or wrong.
    The way wildlife is presently managed in BC is as a ballot initiative.

    I get the part about talking to politicians....but how do we get away from that old pattern that has not worked?

    There are politions that get it and their hands are tied...frustrated bios and resource managers that have been put on hold all due to the voting mass that does not truly understand what is wrong.

    We need to pull together and figure it out that we will all need to lose a bit to win.
    By losing...for some it may be a share of allocation...or we may have to put up with a blocked road...either way, when we're clawing something back from the other the end..we are all losing.

    We need to be on the same page...passing on the same message.
    I know you get it and so do others....but a lot do not.

    You're the resident priority guy...draft up the message and post what the politicians need to be told.

    Maybe we can generate enough enthusiasm to have a rally or two....after all, aren't the moose what allocation is all about?

  3. #133
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Toon town

    Re: Killers of BCs Moose

    Quote Originally Posted by bearvalley View Post
    There you go....wildlife management is not based on science or what is right or wrong.
    The way wildlife is presently managed in BC is as a ballot initiative.

    I get the part about talking to politicians....but how do we get away from that old pattern that has not worked?

    There are politions that get it and their hands are tied...frustrated bios and resource managers that have been put on hold all due to the voting mass that does not truly understand what is wrong.

    We need to pull together and figure it out that we will all need to lose a bit to win.
    By losing...for some it may be a share of allocation...or we may have to put up with a blocked road...either way, when we're clawing something back from the other the end..we are all losing.

    We need to be on the same page...passing on the same message.
    I know you get it and so do others....but a lot do not.

    You're the resident priority guy...draft up the message and post what the politicians need to be told.

    Maybe we can generate enough enthusiasm to have a rally or two....after all, aren't the moose what allocation is all about?

    By and large I don't think there is an 'old pattern' of talking to politicians. I don't think "we've" tried.

    Agreed on all the rest of it, good ideas.
    Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.


  4. #134
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    Dec 2011

    Re: Killers of BCs Moose

    Quote Originally Posted by GoatGuy View Post
    By and large I don't think there is an 'old pattern' of talking to politicians. I don't think "we've" tried.
    Your right....the we hasn't happened...its been yours and mine.
    Any suggestions on how to change it?
    Or would you prefer it just remain status quo?
    Remember Jesse...the part where I said we are all going to have to lose a bit to win.

  5. #135
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    region 9

    Re: Killers of BCs Moose

    Quote Originally Posted by bearvalley View Post
    There you go....wildlife management is not based on science or what is right or wrong.
    The way wildlife is presently managed in BC is as a ballot initiative.

    I get the part about talking to politicians....but how do we get away from that old pattern that has not worked?

    There are politions that get it and their hands are tied...frustrated bios and resource managers that have been put on hold all due to the voting mass that does not truly understand what is wrong.

    We need to pull together and figure it out that we will all need to lose a bit to win.
    By losing...for some it may be a share of allocation...or we may have to put up with a blocked road...either way, when we're clawing something back from the other the end..we are all losing.

    We need to be on the same page...passing on the same message.
    I know you get it and so do others....but a lot do not.

    You're the resident priority guy...draft up the message and post what the politicians need to be told.

    Maybe we can generate enough enthusiasm to have a rally or two....after all, aren't the moose what allocation is all about?
    In my opinion, the first thing the politicians need to be told is ALL of the $$ from tags etc goes back into wildlife.. they did it for fisheries..apparently hunting tags etc generated $14 mil last year, and only around $2 mil went back into wildlife, what a once the bios etc have $$ to work with, let's get the public educated that a wolf cull in many areas of the province is urgently needed, and let's deactivate some FSR's spur roads to inhibit a bunch of 2 and 4 legged preds..

  6. #136
    1899 Guest

    Re: Killers of BCs Moose

    Quote Originally Posted by HarryToolips View Post
    In my opinion, the first thing the politicians need to be told is ALL of the $$ from tags etc goes back into wildlife.. they did it for fisheries..apparently hunting tags etc generated $14 mil last year, and only around $2 mil went back into wildlife, what a once the bios etc have $$ to work with, let's get the public educated that a wolf cull in many areas of the province is urgently needed, and let's deactivate some FSR's spur roads to inhibit a bunch of 2 and 4 legged preds..
    And they will listen to what they are "told" because...

  7. #137
    Join Date
    May 2006

    Re: Killers of BCs Moose

    I don't know how we're ever going to convince the majority of people, not hunters, British Columbians, that moose are worth saving and they need to pressure elected officials. The majority of the electorate lives in the lower mainland and they decide for the rest of the province. Even though they'll never see or experience most of it. This is the BC story the issue doesn't matter. The lower mainland decides for all. And we wonder why they don't care about moose? How could they not care about logging practices? Habitat loss? How could they not care about predator/prey relationships and balances?

    Because they have no clue.

    Because they experience it in provincial parks, ski hills, the shushwap, okanagan lake, from a wake boat, from the windshield driving the coquihala. They experience it on long weekends and once or twice a year on vacation. They go for a hike and think how great things are, all this untouched wilderness.

    This is not meant as a slander against readers/members from the lower mainland, it is just the way BC is. Society is. It's just the same in kamloops or kelowna. Most people don't fully experience it so don't worry, wonder or frankly care about it. Obviously some go right off their meds and want to preserve it all without recognizing their own impact.

    What we need is BC's Teddy Roosevelt or a Don Peay or some similar personality. As we've talked about we need to get together, get focused. We'll have to give up some things, we might not even see equal compromise from other sides. That doesn't really matter if what we do we do for wildlife (moose in this case) because without critters, we're just gun owners with camo cloathes.

    If we went to govt with a plan on how to recover moose, how to help fund it, why it's important, who we are asking to help us ( FN's, bios, conservation groups), as well as what we are willing to give up because WE CARE and want to see the best for the resource. Then we could have a chance. We take a message of positive action to the news media and social media and govt maybe we could turn it around.

    I for one would be willing to give up all GOS for Moose south of region 6&7A. Put it all on bull only LEH. I've seen enough dead cows and 3 & 4 point bulls to know that season does our image no good. Every time it's picked up in the news it looks bad on us.

    Might all just be wishful thinking but if we can turn our image from one of a group wanting more and in conflict with others, to a group bringing positive change and sacrificing for something so that others down the road can have more. Then even the leaf lickers won't wanna protest lol
    "I would rather be judged by twelve than carried by six"

  8. #138
    Join Date
    Jul 2005

    Re: Killers of BCs Moose

    Interesting study in Alaska’s unit 19A
    From one of the best to one of the worst areas for hunting moose.
    So they tried a wolf cull since 2004 & it had little or no effect on moose population in the unit.

    Tried a different approach.
    ADFG(Alaska Department of Fish & Game) conducted a 2 year (2013 to 2014) bear predator control program in only a portion of the unit 19A (5% of the unit area)
    Data collected so far showed excellent calf survival in the entire unit 19A.
    “People never lie so much as after a hunt, during a war or before an election.” -Otto von Bismarck
    Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.-Albert Einstein

  9. #139
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    East Kootenay

    Re: Killers of BCs Moose

    Quote Originally Posted by LeverActionJunkie View Post
    We gotta get off the I Internet and get hunting. Easiest way for rh's to do their part is easier than we think, donate some $ to local and provincial organizations, kill our two bears each year and hopefully kill some wolves. Sound more than do able, maybe not so much the wolves, but $50-100 and some bear meat and fresh air in the woods to help some moose. Ill Take that anyday of the week
    Bingo! This a fine example of living with balls and spirit by BCRH!!!

    Let's all get out and get what we can! To the best of our situations, opportunities and abilities.

  10. #140
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    region 3

    Re: Killers of BCs Moose

    Curious, what is the cause in the increase of bears populations?

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