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Thread: New hunter in region 2

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    In the bush near a lake

    Re: New hunter in region 2

    Don't let guys tell you will experience really low success rate on BT bow hunting lol

    The best areas I hunted for BT in region 2 you can't hunt with a rifle. My fav BT locations in region 2 bow or shotgun are the only way you can hunt them. Don't hunt where others flock to and all will be fine. I hunted thick bush so short range shots were the norm.

    If you hunt the correct places you will see way more bucks than 90% of those hunting with a rifle in region 2. Don't hunt where the hunters are hunt where the deer are and hunters are not. You don't need miles of bush to hunt think small pockets. There is a lot of deer hiding right under hunters noses in region 2. I am not talking private land but don't ignore that option.

    The key is with bow hunting is to hunt in a fashion that creates short range opurtunity. Focuse on tight quarters hunting in the bush instead of glassing clear cuts. Sitting in ambush or really slow still hunting are the tactics I recommend investing your time in learning.

    Hunt like a shot range hunter and don't follow the crowds.

    Good luck

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    In the bush near a lake

    Re: New hunter in region 2

    If your going to target BT in region 2 invest in quiet breathable rain gear. Rain is your friend but it does make tracking bow hit deer tough at times. Learn to track beyond blood trailing

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Re: New hunter in region 2

    Really good advice above and as Bronz and albravo2 said, you should get a bear in the spring and success only comes with time spent hunting.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: New hunter in region 2

    Quote Originally Posted by Bonz View Post
    go do your scouting when you can get out there, find an area with lots of trails and track and get some salt and a cam out.
    cant help with info out squamish way, if your ever out the valley direction i could show couple spots. showed couple other but the never used them. and they still have no, one guy that did stick to the info is shared, tagged his deer and bear first season.
    find an area and work it. dont give up and keep moving to a diff spot cause you havent seen deer in a week or something. seems to be the main thing ive seen helping newer guys out.
    Thanks for the reply/info, much appreciated. I'm not married to the squamish area by any means it's just the area I'm most familiar with. Would definitely appreciate any spots you would be willing to show me, I'll take all the help I can get and wouldn't mind making a trip out that way in the future.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: New hunter in region 2

    Thanks for the info, that's one reason I thought ashlu area might be decent, there are a lot of firearm restricted zones there. After hearing the feedback so far I'm thinking region 8 might be a better plan but I appreciate the peace of mind knowing starting out in region 2 wouldn't be a complete waste of time. I figured a tight quarters ambush would be my best bet, will make sure I do a fair amount of scouting though so I don't waste too much time in low activity areas. Thanks again for the reply and info!

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: New hunter in region 2

    Quote Originally Posted by Wild one View Post
    If your going to target BT in region 2 invest in quiet breathable rain gear. Rain is your friend but it does make tracking bow hit deer tough at times. Learn to track beyond blood trailing
    Good tip, much appreciated!

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    In the bush near a lake

    Re: New hunter in region 2

    Put in the time to learn region 2 find the pockets and it's well worth it. Close to home means you can invest time to truly learn the area and deer your hunting. I never hunted the Ashlu so can't say if it is worth while or not. I hunted BT from Mission east

    8 is good but only travel if you can invest 5 days plus at a time day trips will be low success and waste of fuel. Often it takes a few days just to come up with a good game plan. Mule deer are the main deer in western 8 spot & stalk or still hunting is often best but find the right spot you can ambush them. Western 8 gets hit hard during rifle season but the archery seasons are not that busy. Early archery season is good for stalking young dumb bucks they are forgiving. WT become more common farther east you go pattern and ambush is best

    Learn your local spots and learn them well. It don't hurt to day trip local. Traveling out of the lower mainland save the fuel unless you can camp out for a few days or more.

    In my opinion utilize the region 8 archery seasons and target BT in 2 once rifle opens.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Re: New hunter in region 2

    As a Squamish hunter I'd recommend Region 8 or 3. My method is hunt Squamish/Sea to Sky/Pemby when I only have time for a one day hunt, if I have more time I head to Region 3 - depending on the time of year I'll even hunt region 3 as a day hunt (lonnnng day).

    I also schedule several hunting trips to Region 4 that are the year-in-year-out freezer fillers. My Sea to Sky hunting is more of a long term project... some years I'm in the right place at the right time, other years skunked.

    To keep my kids (9 and 11) super stoked on hunting I take them to high population areas where we keep a running tally of sighed wildlife - Region 3, 8 and 4 that usually means deer in the double digits (same for chickens) and a handful of bears. In 7 years of hunting Squamish (one season entirely dedicated to my back yard) I doubt I've seen more than 10 deer the whole season.

    Throwing in the static of being a new hunter, and trying to put it all together with a stick of wood and string in Squamish is recipe for a wet bored kid. My two cents.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: New hunter in region 2

    Quote Originally Posted by markathome View Post
    As a Squamish hunter I'd recommend Region 8 or 3. My method is hunt Squamish/Sea to Sky/Pemby when I only have time for a one day hunt, if I have more time I head to Region 3 - depending on the time of year I'll even hunt region 3 as a day hunt (lonnnng day).

    I also schedule several hunting trips to Region 4 that are the year-in-year-out freezer fillers. My Sea to Sky hunting is more of a long term project... some years I'm in the right place at the right time, other years skunked.

    To keep my kids (9 and 11) super stoked on hunting I take them to high population areas where we keep a running tally of sighed wildlife - Region 3, 8 and 4 that usually means deer in the double digits (same for chickens) and a handful of bears. In 7 years of hunting Squamish (one season entirely dedicated to my back yard) I doubt I've seen more than 10 deer the whole season.

    Throwing in the static of being a new hunter, and trying to put it all together with a stick of wood and string in Squamish is recipe for a wet bored kid. My two cents.
    Thanks for the reply, most likely going to start out in region 8 since there seems to be more tag options out there as well as more wildlife. Not going to bring the boy with me for a few years still, how old were your kids the first time you brought them out with you if you don't mind me asking?

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: New hunter in region 2

    Don't let guys tell you will experience really low success rate on BT bow hunting lol

    The best areas I hunted for BT in region 2 you can't hunt with a rifle. My fav BT locations in region 2 bow or shotgun are the only way you can hunt them. Don't hunt where others flock to and all will be fine.
    Listen to this advice! I rifle hunted the lower mainland (Squamish and Chilliwack) for years with limited success. Then I moved to the Island and started hunting the bow shotgun zones almost exclusively. Not only do I see deer regularly, I have learned more about deer and hunting in a single season hunting with a short range weapon than I did in years of hunting the lower mainland with a rifle. Its a different game being in close and ignoring the open spaces, but its rewarding and you will become a better hunter if you can stick it out.

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