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Thread: Posting pics

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Reg 8 & now 7b

    Posting pics

    Im just wondering why we have to use photobucket to post pictures, photobucket is a terrible website to deal with, sooooo slow, Works not even half the time, why cant it be as easy to upload picture onto instagram, facebook, any other site, castanet, fsjnow etc... Im pretty sure im not the only one running into issues. I wish I could push on the attach photo or video button and it simply uploads after selecting photo or video. I don't understand what those button selections above are for....

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
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    Re: Posting pics

    You can post pictures onto this site directly into the gallery section. You just have to make sure they are 750 kilobytes or less in size. Once loaded and visable, just right click on the picture and select "copy Image", then paste into a thread you want to post.

    If your pics are larger than 750kb, if you have a windows based computer, use "Paint" to resize your picture. It may seem a little awkard, but it's better than photobucket and once you do it a few times it is easy.
    caddisguy "I worry about predators wanting to eat me or bucks trying to take my manhood. "How was your hunting trip honey" ... "wahh I don't want to talk about it... sob ""

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Pemberton BC

    Re: Posting pics

    If you have Facebook, use that. It's the same process. Most pic hosting sites will work to post pics on HBC
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  5. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    By the beach in the Van.

    Re: Posting pics

    Quote Originally Posted by Gatehouse View Post
    If you have Facebook, use that. It's the same process. Most pic hosting sites will work to post pics on HBC

    Yup.....Facebook does work.

    I will agree though that although you CAN use Photobucket it has turned into a chilled molasses laden piece of garbage. Visiting a basic website 17-18 years ago on dial up was faster than P-Bucket is these days.

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    in the woods

    Re: Posting pics

    i must be lucky, i dont ever seem to have photobucket issues or slowness....more issue with the log in drop down tab dissapearing if i move my mouse to far than

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    charlie lake, bc

    Re: Posting pics

    I really fail to see why we have to use Facebook, photo bucket, or any other source. Is it cost prohibitive to upgrade this site?
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  8. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    in the woods

    Re: Posting pics

    you can load direct to the site, has its own album section

  9. #8
    Join Date
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    in the woods

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    By the beach in the Van.

    Re: Posting pics

    Quote Originally Posted by Bonz View Post
    i must be lucky, i dont ever seem to have photobucket issues or slowness....more issue with the log in drop down tab dissapearing if i move my mouse to far than
    What browser you using??

    Mine was a mess this past weekend and has been for some time.

    Bridger...will chime in later as just on my phone but every time I have tried replying to this thread I get booted out of the forum similar to noted in the Bugs and Glitches section.

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    in the woods

    Re: Posting pics

    im on firefox, i had issues for a day, but was 1uite a while ago.
    things are running fine for me now. but i havent tried to make new threads.

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