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Thread: New hunter in region 2

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    New hunter in region 2

    Hey guys, I’ve been cruising the forums for a while now but this is my first post. I always felt the calling to get involved with hunting as a kid since my uncle has always hunted, however my dad never has and the opportunity to go with my uncle never came up so I’ve decided if I want to make it a reality and develop the skills to pass on to my son (who is currently 7 and very enthusiastic about the idea of going hunting with his dad) I’ll have to make it happen myself. Recently picked up a compound bow and plan on putting in as much practice as possible over the next year or two before trying to fill any tags myself. I live in Vancouver and plan on doing most of my hunting (at least for now) in region 2, I’ve done a bit of camping in 2-6 (ashlu FSR area) and am somewhat familiar with the area so if anyone has any experience in that unit any tips/info/advice would be much appreciated. Most likely planning on starting with black tails but would like to work towards black bear and elk. If any seasoned bow hunters in the area want to cash in on some good karma that could possibly help get you get that LEH draw you’ve been putting in for (wink wink ) I would love to tag along on a trip and gain as much info as possible…I may live in the city but I’m no stranger to the woods and know when to shut up and take notes. Also curious if anybody has any info on whether having a firearms ban can prevent you from obtaining a bc hunting license? I know the CORE program has a firearms segment but I also read that there’s an alternative bow hunting course that can be taken instead of CORE. Thanks in advance and happy hunting!

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: New hunter in region 2


    Firstly, a firearms ban will not hamper your ability to obtain a hunting license, it will however hamper your success rate. But don't let that deter you. I would recommend venturing further out into regions 3 or 8 to increase your chances though, as there are more deer, and more species to possibly connect on. And kudos for getting your son involved. Good luck!
    The measure of a man is not how much power he has, it's how he wields it.

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: New hunter in region 2

    I Don't mean to sound discouraging but, the idea of bow hunting for blacktail in R2 for an inexperienced hunter will be an exercise in futility, BT's are hard enough to hunt even with a rifle and a wealth of experience, so it'll be a tough slog, as WB rightly points out, a slightly longer drive will drastically improve your odds. Good Luck, happy hunting, and welcome to the fraternity.

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: New hunter in region 2

    WB, thanks for the reply and peace of mind regarding obtaining a license. I'm certainly aware that using a bow significantly decreases success rates but I'm also one of those weirdos that likes a challenge and feels better about something when I worked for it. Was considering region 8 as well considering it's relatively close and there are moose tags to be filled out there. Any input as to whether or not black tails are a good starting point or if there is a better way to gain some experience when just getting started?
    Tuner, thanks for your input, nothing wrong with being realistic. Wasn't planning on spot & stalk black tail hunting but rather scouting via trail cams and setting up a ground blind, definitely open to other suggestions though as my main priority is filling the freezer with protein of any kind.

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: New hunter in region 2

    Truth be told, it will be challenging regardless, the first of it being proficient with your bow. That in itself is a challenge. Region 2 Blacktails can be very tough to find, let alone harvest, and if you're attempting to encourage your son, it's best to find a grouse or rabbit that you can at least bring home, and even those are not very abundant in Region 2. Who know's though. There's always beginner luck wherever you do decided to draw your string.

    Quote Originally Posted by 45freezer View Post
    WB, thanks for the reply and peace of mind regarding obtaining a license. I'm certainly aware that using a bow significantly decreases success rates but I'm also one of those weirdos that likes a challenge and feels better about something when I worked for it. Was considering region 8 as well considering it's relatively close and there are moose tags to be filled out there. Any input as to whether or not black tails are a good starting point or if there is a better way to gain some experience when just getting started?
    Tuner, thanks for your input, nothing wrong with being realistic. Wasn't planning on spot & stalk black tail hunting but rather scouting via trail cams and setting up a ground blind, definitely open to other suggestions though as my main priority is filling the freezer with protein of any kind.
    The measure of a man is not how much power he has, it's how he wields it.

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Re: New hunter in region 2

    Quote Originally Posted by Whonnock Boy View Post
    Truth be told, it will be challenging regardless, the first of it being proficient with your bow. That in itself is a challenge. Region 2 Blacktails can be very tough to find, let alone harvest, and if you're attempting to encourage your son, it's best to find a grouse or rabbit that you can at least bring home, and even those are not very abundant in Region 2. Who know's though. There's always beginner luck wherever you do decided to draw your string.
    Crazy, I know a guy who is able to fill his blacktail bag limit with a crossbow every season by pemberton which is right beside 2-6...had no idea it was considered a tough region for blacktail and I'm even more keen on picking his brain about strategies/tactics now, been trying to convince him to take me out next season but also don't want to be pushy about it. Have already committed to putting in the necessary time getting proficient with the bow before even thinking about getting a tag but in the meantime I'm trying to pick up as much info as possible so I have as much "beginners luck" on my side as I can get. Thanks again for the input, it's much appreciated!

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    in the woods

    Re: New hunter in region 2 tough go for reg 2 with archery, did it for years. never did even draw back on one. got 2 blk tail in reg but was with rifle, and both standing next to each other, lol
    maybe start on bear if reg 2 is priority, much easier in my view. black tail is a hard go even with rifle, the terrain isnt fun for most and give up, isnt so much lack of game. its more lack of going into that thick steep crap

    and as far as that bow hunting course...never heard of it. not a must have to hunt anyways

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Re: New hunter in region 2

    Really good advice above.

    I live in Squamish and know the Ashlu and surrounding areas pretty well. My son and I spent a lot of days, him with his bow and me with my rifle, hiking and driving Region 2. Now I drive at least to Pemberton, most often into the Chilcotin to hunt. Lots of deer hunters pounding the area around Pemberton, not so many around here, because there are more critters up there and the habitat is more huntable.

    Like Bonz says, if you are planning to stay in Reg 2, bear is your best option.

    ProGuide66 used to post here a lot but now he has a FB page. How to Hunt or something like that. Pemberton is an area he knows really well and I think the tips on his page are well suited to that area.

    Have fun, don't pressure yourself to put meat in the freezer for the first few years (I'm not kidding) and you will accumulate a body of knowledge worth passing on to your son.
    Is Justin Competent, or just incompetent?

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: New hunter in region 2

    Quote Originally Posted by 45freezer View Post
    Crazy, I know a guy who is able to fill his blacktail bag limit with a crossbow every season by pemberton which is right beside 2-6...had no idea it was considered a tough region for blacktail and I'm even more keen on picking his brain about strategies/tactics now, been trying to convince him to take me out next season but also don't want to be pushy about it. Have already committed to putting in the necessary time getting proficient with the bow before even thinking about getting a tag but in the meantime I'm trying to pick up as much info as possible so I have as much "beginners luck" on my side as I can get. Thanks again for the input, it's much appreciated!

    He may have an area dialed in but unless he takes to to his exact spot you might have a hard time seeing a buck there.

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    in the woods

    Re: New hunter in region 2

    go do your scouting when you can get out there, find an area with lots of trails and track and get some salt and a cam out.
    cant help with info out squamish way, if your ever out the valley direction i could show couple spots. showed couple other but the never used them. and they still have no, one guy that did stick to the info is shared, tagged his deer and bear first season.
    find an area and work it. dont give up and keep moving to a diff spot cause you havent seen deer in a week or something. seems to be the main thing ive seen helping newer guys out.

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