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Thread: Sheep success on third try!!!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Sheep success on third try!!!

    This was my third time at stone sheep hunting. First two attempts were amazing adventures but came home with uncut tags.
    Aug 14 came and I picked up friends from the airport and began the drive north. Stayed in a hotel that night and next morning we drove to our destination. We began our hike to base camp at 10:30am and 6.5 hrs later we were setting up our tents. Next morning we packed enough food for 4 days and put our bivy sacks in our packs. Then next couple days we seen close to 35 sheep, couple goats and a wolverine but no legal rams. Day three we still had 2 bowls to check out and at 2:30pm we had a ram spotted. Crept to within 600 yards to determine it was a legal ram by both curl and age. At 7:00pm shots were fired and my first stone sheep was on the ground. There is no other feeling to hold your first stone sheep, I dreamed for that moment for a long time. Got back to where we were going to sleep that night at 10:00am. Next morning we hiked back to base camp, had some tenderloin and then began the hike back to the truck. We decided to camp half way back to truck to rest our bodies and then got to the truck the next morning. We fleshed the sheep hide and salted it then slept in our tents at the truck. We had a man pamper day the next day and drove to liard hot springs. Aug 22 we began a new adventure in a different area for caribou. First couple days had cow calf sightings. The following evening we had a legal bull sighted, shots rang out and we had a caribou down. After a couple hrs of quartering we began the hike back in the complete darkness of the night. Next morning we began the 11 km hike back to the truck. All the pain suffered is now all worth it and memories were made for a lifetime. Caribou pics on buddies camera, will post later since I jus got home Friday morning.

  2. Site Sponsor

  3. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Fort Nelson

    Re: Sheep success on third try!!!

    Congratulations, good looking sheep!

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: Sheep success on third try!!!

    That's a beautiful ram, good job!! Finished my 8th hunt this year, my first ram will be 9 next year lol.

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Sheep success on third try!!!

    Stud of a ram congrats

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2016

    Re: Sheep success on third try!!!

    Nice work on a great ram, especially for your first. Congratulations!

  7. #6
    guest Guest

    Re: Sheep success on third try!!!

    Terrific !
    Nothing better then that feeling when YA hold the horns for the first time .

    Congrats to you. Great share bud.


  8. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Region 7

    Re: Sheep success on third try!!!

    Great looking sheep. Congrats.

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    GODS COUNTRY region 8

    Re: Sheep success on third try!!!

    Congrats on a beauty ram!
    Make Your Own Luck

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Sep 2011
    Lumby BC

    Re: Sheep success on third try!!!

    Congrats and a beauty of a ram! Thanks for sharing!

  11. #10
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Flavour country

    Re: Sheep success on third try!!!

    Nice dark ram. Congrats! Thanks for sharing. Nothing better than a successful sheep hunt.
    WSSBC Life Member

    Originally PM'd from stixnstones:
    "wheres your pics of this deer? if he is a good one. i will pay u to tell me where he lives? cash for christmas. let me know. thanks"

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