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Thread: News Release:A Failure to Consult, Manage and Conserve: Moose in the Cariboo

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quesnel B.C.

    Re: News Release:A Failure to Consult, Manage and Conserve: Moose in the Cariboo

    Well Apolonius you have pretty well summed it up. First Thompson gives the guides what they want and be sure that will remain untouched , now First Nations are being addressed; after this, the LEH will be quickly reduced to almost ZIP.
    Some Areas have had the LEH reduced to one or two moose already but the guide still has his allotment and almost an exclusive area for hunting. Conservation, BS not when only one group takes the brunt of reduction.
    I live in 5-13.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    so lost right now

    Re: News Release:A Failure to Consult, Manage and Conserve: Moose in the Cariboo

    After attending the meeting last night in Quesnel to hear Jesse zeman speak I was quite surprised by the fickle towards guide outiffers. I got the impression from the speakers that resident hunters should now work with the outfitters to bring moose numbers up which I agree with to some extent but has the BCWF forgot about the knife in our backs? Are we no longer fighting the allocation? I left feeling some what confused on that one.
    Jesse put on a good presentation, vary informative
    Last edited by Ry151; 02-18-2016 at 11:09 AM.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: News Release:A Failure to Consult, Manage and Conserve: Moose in the Cariboo

    Quote Originally Posted by Ry151 View Post
    After attending the meeting last night in Quesnel to hear Jesse zeman speak I was quite surprised by the fickle towards guide outiffers. I got the impression from the speakers that resident hunters should now work with the outfitters to bring moose numbers up which I agree with to some extent but has the BCWF forgot about the knife in our backs? Are we no longer fighting the allocation? I left feeling some what confused on that one.
    Jesse put on a good presentation, vary informative
    Im not out to start a shit storm on here but here's something to think about....Jesse told it the way it is last night, with no BS.
    If someone has not heard it that way before.....maybe there is cause for confusion.

  4. #24
    Join Date
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    so lost right now

    Re: News Release:A Failure to Consult, Manage and Conserve: Moose in the Cariboo

    Quote Originally Posted by bearvalley View Post
    Im not out to start a shit storm on here but here's something to think about....Jesse told it the way it is last night, with no BS.
    If someone has not heard it that way before.....maybe there is cause for confusion.
    i may be alone on this but im not ready to work with outfitters at this point. There will be a point when we need to work together but not until the allocation is adjusted in residents favor
    Last edited by Ry151; 02-18-2016 at 04:08 PM.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    In my traditional territory

    Re: News Release:A Failure to Consult, Manage and Conserve: Moose in the Cariboo

    Quote Originally Posted by Ry151 View Post
    After attending the meeting last night in Quesnel to hear Jesse zeman speak I was quite surprised by the fickle towards guide outiffers. I got the impression from the speakers that resident hunters should now work with the outfitters to bring moose numbers up which I agree with to some extent but has the BCWF forgot about the knife in our backs? Are we no longer fighting the allocation? I left feeling some what confused on that one.
    Jesse put on a good presentation, vary informative
    I think common interests like making more animals is shared by residents, GOs, and FNs. Yet government doesn't care about that, and wants to keep slicing a smaller pie thinner and thinner among us.

    I think a united front to demand change from government is a good idea. Government is scared shitless about that, as they would rather keep us fighting among ourselves - we're easier to control that way, and it keeps us from making them do anything about it.

    Have people given up the allocation fight? Not at all.

    But they are two very separate issues, and I think it's important to make that distinction.
    Quote Originally Posted by chevy
    Sorry!!!! but in all honesty, i could care less,, what todbartell! actually thinks
    Quote Originally Posted by Will View Post
    but man how much pepporoni can your arshole take anyways !

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Pemberton BC

    Re: News Release:A Failure to Consult, Manage and Conserve: Moose in the Cariboo

    What FD said is bang on. Two seperate issues.

    Currently predator control in BC is highly controversial. Probably the only group that the antis won't stand up to is FNs.

    FN support will crush any opposition. They want to hunt moose too.
    Knowledgeable shooters agree- The 375 Ruger is the NEW KING of all 375 caliber cartridges. ALL HAIL THE NEW KING!

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: News Release:A Failure to Consult, Manage and Conserve: Moose in the Cariboo

    Negative thoughts here.
    Common interest for GO ,FN, "make" more game.
    Does it seem to you that the common interest stops...just there????
    The only ones the get cut on their ...Allocation is Resident hunters.
    OOPS they gave us a more liberal limit .....on wolves!!!
    Are you people thinking more game,means more for the RH?????
    Give your head a shake!!!
    Anything supported/promoted by GO?FN?GOV is good for them!!!
    You as a resident,being used by them for their own good.Road closures...reconciliation/studies,all to limit the RH harvest.
    That is the reason i don't understand BCWF.
    We don't need Goabc,they need us.They will through you under the bus in a milliesecond....they did it before.
    What happened to "Hill to die for???"..goatguy???
    Now you are preaching/hinting,to work together with Goabc????
    Quiet a 180 there.
    Residents are being sold out left and right.
    I already wonder if we are being sold,by our own.
    Maybe it is time to start new.With a new direction.
    Very soon the only thing we will be hunting(aloud) ,will be wolves(for their,go/fn own good) and squirrels.SHAME

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: News Release:A Failure to Consult, Manage and Conserve: Moose in the Cariboo

    Quote Originally Posted by Gatehouse View Post
    What FD said is bang on. Two seperate issues.

    Currently predator control in BC is highly controversial. Probably the only group that the antis won't stand up to is FNs.

    FN support will crush any opposition. They want to hunt moose too.
    You've got it Gatehouse. If the three groups that FD mentioned can pull together, government will have very little choice but to listen.
    FN's are the only ones that will back down the antis.
    There will always be differences amongst the three groups but overall there is more common ground.
    Last edited by bearvalley; 02-18-2016 at 08:04 PM.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Prince George

    Re: News Release:A Failure to Consult, Manage and Conserve: Moose in the Cariboo

    I drove down to the information session in Quesnel. It was worth the drive.

    Jesse was well spoken and articulated a workable strategy in regards to the betterment of wildlife. Without a goal and a plan, you're just flailing about. Lots of action and noise, but no real results. Keep in mind that there is a multi faceted approach being taken. There is not much point in fighting about a share of something that doesn't even exist. If, at the same time, we can get government's attention, grow more animals and have the strength to negotiate a fair portion of them , then we are moving forward.

    Too many people want everything perfect before they will join up. There is no perfect ride or perfect road. Hunters just have to realize there will be some bumps and times when you want the windows rolled down when most want them rolled up. You can't bail every time it's not "just right" if you want to get to the end.
    I harvest carrots. I kill animals.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    Quesnel B.C.

    Re: News Release:A Failure to Consult, Manage and Conserve: Moose in the Cariboo

    RESIDENT HUNTERS SHOULD TAKE A GOOD LOOK AT WHAT THE BCWF HAS ACHIEVED FOR THEM OVER THE YEARS, NOT MUCH. I believe RH should start over with a new organization that does not get so caught up in POLITICAL CORRECTNESS . This year will be the first year I ask the Quesnel club not to send any of my dues to BCFW rather donate that portion to a local charity, more will be accomplished.

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