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Thread: Experimental Recreational Halibut Fishery

  1. #71
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Experimental Recreational Halibut Fishery

    What bothers me about the whole Hali allocation bs is it has nothing to do with conservation if you think about it. Sporties' have to let the big ones go so we don't go over our tac, but yet if you buy quota there is no size limit? I'm all for cutting the big girls loose but we should damn well be able to keep two chickens in the same day and 3 possession IMO. It's a bunch of bs as far as in concerned. I pretty much quit targeting flatties, drag enough up trolling for springs and target ling/snapper instead...

  2. #72
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Re: Experimental Recreational Halibut Fishery

    To me... the real question is .. How do you get that quota out of the commercial sector? Other wise things like this will always come up or the fish will dissapear..[/QUOTE]

    You tell them the commie licenses are now non transferable (except to a family member) and apply a use it or lose it requirement...if the commies don't catch em they will be there for us to catch....I didn't read the link on the history of it all yet but they got rid of commercial fishing where I grew up on Lake of the Woods Ontario like that

    To me... the real question is .. How do you get that quota out of the commercial sector? Other wise things like this will always come up or the fish will dissapear..[/QUOTE]

  3. #73
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Re: Experimental Recreational Halibut Fishery

    that's alot of the problem. imo, the public recreational sector should have the majority of the quota. not the commercial sector. It's similar to the guide outfitters having the majority of the big game quota. why should they? the resource belongs to the public. the government has their priorities wrong in this case. but greed, money and politics, special interests, lobbyists, trump ... why is it the recreational fisherman has to take the backseat? but it's OK for an american or foreigner to come over, spend some money for quota and harvest a 200 lb halibut while the "slipper skipper" sits back in his easy chair watching game of thrones...

  4. #74
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Terrace, BC

    Re: Experimental Recreational Halibut Fishery

    It's a screwy system, however if as a recreational fisherman, you've spent the money on gas equipment etc and are anchored over a productive halibut hole, the system works. Without it you get to keep 1 halibut each.... Under the quota system you can keep fishing and catch as many halibut as you want, as long as you're willing to do the paperwork and pay the $4 a pound the commercial guys are asking.... Brought back 20 halibut yesterday off Rupert. ��

  5. #75
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Experimental Recreational Halibut Fishery

    Cant blame a guy for buying some quota! If I still ran charters full time I would be all over it. Don't feel the residents should have to pay to keep a few halibut though...

  6. #76
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: Experimental Recreational Halibut Fishery

    I think the wigs at DFO ought to be publicly whipped and only given 20% of their daily bread! Lets vote in politicians that are willing to do the right thing for the people of Canada and clean house at the DFO! This shit has been going on for years and its time for a wholesale change of policy.
    "When you judge another you don't define them, you define yourself."

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