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Thread: grizzly defence question

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: grizzly defence question

    Did some research, and read somewhere that 30-06 would the minimum sized bear gun. 308 is a little on the light side, but I'm (almost) sure it would do the job.

    Inside 50 yds, you can fill him full of lead (ie you'd be lucky to get two shots off with a bolt action rifle), but will you be able to stop him in time? Blood can continue circulate long enough in a bear to do some damage. I would think bear spray should be effective, but if a bear is charging at me it's gonna be the rifle.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Nov 2004

    Re: grizzly defence question

    In just over 10 years of laying out roads/cut blocks and hunting in thick timber, I have only been charged by 3 Grizzlies and 6 black bears. The closest grizzly charged within 30 yards, I had no time to pull a gun let alone bear spray. Another incident was with a sow grizzly with 2 Cubs. I was hunting for elk and she charged within 50 yards. I had my gun shouldered and on her and was going to give it to her if she got closer, luckily with me shouting I think she realized what I was as I was down wind of her.

    personally I found the black bear charges more aggressive with the grizzlies more terrifying.

    I do do pack bear spray even when I hunt.

    Given what you have, I pack bear spray year round and a defender on scouting.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    Sunshine Coast

    Re: grizzly defence question

    Not very many firearms have the energy at 25 yards that a 12ga. shotgun has being loaded to to the nuts with a couple slugs and the rest oobuck, the perfect bear spray and you don't have to worry about the wind { nothing worse than not seeing the bear that ate you}.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: grizzly defence question

    Buy 2 cans of "CounterAssault" bear spray, load your .308 heavy, and you will be fine,,,most charges are bluffs,,however bear spray (not deployed into the wind) will stop a grizzly in its tracks,,,CounterAssault is the best...highest amount of capsium,,,2 cans are always recommended,,,

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: grizzly defence question

    Quote Originally Posted by Chango View Post
    Lots of studies/trials along with adding up the results of grizz encounters have found bear spray to be far more effective than a rifle.

    except for him -->
    Personally I will reserve pepper for the cooking of bear rather than trusting my life to it. I'd take a 308 with a well constructed bullet any day.
    I shoot a "Girly Gun" a lil' ol' 45-70
    "I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and the pig likes it."

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Cedar B.C.

    Re: grizzly defence question

    If you are concerned about being charged by a bear( black or grizzly) you need to practise off handed shooting at 25 yards learn your point of aim at that distance. If you are not packing a tag you don't want to pull the trigger on a bear unless it is coming at you at 25 yards or less, outside that distance or a broad side shot the COs don't have much of a sense of humour about such things. if you have to shoot aim at the nose or chin and keep shooting until it doesn't move ant more.
    Foxton's Cuervo Gold "KEELA" Oct. 2004-June 2017. Always in my blind and my heart.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Re: grizzly defence question

    Seeing as though I was the guy who posted the Moose incident with spray yesterday, I'll chime in.

    I think SofaKing was spot on about commenting on your confidence level given you're already questioning the .308. For that very reason I would take your shotgun loaded with 3 inch slugs. The added weight will be far surpassed by your added sense of confidence, and the extra enjoyment you'll get out of your trip as you won't be looking over your shoulder the entire time. Although, checking your surroundings often is still a smart thing to do.

    That being said, and with no experience to back this gut instinct tells me the best strategy would be spray first, and IF you get the chance and are still in imminent danger, shoot to kill second. I just can't see a bear dying quickly enough to stop a potential deadly attack from gunshots, whereas I can see a bear becoming blind or incapacitated by spray almost instantly.
    What goes around, comes around. Think first, and always act with respect.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Mar 2011

    Re: grizzly defence question

    Chances are if you're close enough to hit him with bear spray you're probably screwed already, never been much I one of the guys that feels he has to carry the mighty "defender" or have the "camp gun" myself, I figure if I'm already out trying to kill something the gun I have with me should do the job, tossing one gun aside to fumble with one that's attached to my pack doesn't make much sense to me.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: grizzly defence question

    It's reaction time and time it takes to take off safety, chamber a round, shoulder the rifle, aiming at a moving target charging 40 miles per hour at you and getting a kill shot vs grabbing a can of spray off your hip. I recall hearing about after a number of serious attacks on hunters being found without a shot fired or cartridge chambered.

    Quote Originally Posted by Cedar Cowgirl View Post
    Personally I will reserve pepper for the cooking of bear rather than trusting my life to it. I'd take a 308 with a well constructed bullet any day.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2015
    Abbotsford, B.C.

    Re: grizzly defence question

    I was born and raised in the Kootenays, have 62+ years of very active bush experience all over northern/western Canada, but, most in the Ks and I was a wilderness BCFS fire L/Oman there and elsewhere in BC/AB for years. I have a LOT of gun and a fair amount of bear experience, usually alone and in places where if injured there could be NO help.

    I never carry spray, always carry a small air horn from Can.Tire and usually did not bother to pack a gun. I would not use buckshot, ONLY Brenneke slugs in my 14" Benelli and I would much prefer a .308Win or .30-06 with 180-200 Nosler Partitions to ANY other defence tool, period.

    BUT, repeat BUT, you MUST practice with THIS rifle until it is an extension of your hand and when in thick country, carry it cocked and ,locked, IN YOUR HANDS.

    Use, THE SAME rifle, always and a sound, tuned CRF is best, one of the light Kimber 84 series would be excellent. NO variable scopes, a Leupold 4x and handle, dry fire EVERY day, while shooting at least 1-2 per week. I did just this for years and never had an issue, but, I don't trust bears.

    HTH, simple is best.

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