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Thread: kamloops chukar

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    kamloops chukar

    I've been doing some research on chukar hunting and think I'm going to try for some of these wily birds this coming season as they seem to present a unique challenge and an exciting hunt. I've done lots of grouse hunting but have never gone for chukar. I'm located in the Okanagan, so I was thinking of hunting around Kamloops lake. I was wondering which end of the lake should I concentrate my efforts around, towards Savona, or towards Kamloops? Not looking for anybody's secret chukar hideouts, just general suggestions. Thanks for the help!

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Reg 2/3

    Re: kamloops chukar

    Epic place to hunt, tons of birds, but sometimes hard to locate, listening for them is easiest way to locate, but also keep your eyes peeled far out, they run far more that they fly, always keep your eyes 50-100 yards ahead to see them running away over rocks and such, your in the right spot as well, between loops and savona around the lake and down the river aways as wel

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    Outside Kamloops city limits!

    Re: kamloops chukar

    Far as I know, there like wood ticks and rattle snakes, they live at lower elevations, so around the big lake anywhere should produce a few birds. Good Luck.

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Re: kamloops chukar

    Thanks for the info! Are there any concerns regarding access?

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Re: kamloops chukar

    you can check on imap BC with the parks & private land layers. There is lots of public land that you can hunt on in that area.. but also some private and some ecological reserves that are no go zones. Watch out for cactus if you have a dog. Chukars are awesome & fun to hunt... but not easy! They are white meat birds and taste good.

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Coquitlam: But hunt region 3

    Re: kamloops chukar

    they like the train tracks when the grain cars go by, i see them lower elevation always, and like someone said, there are rattlers in that area also so keep on the look out
    Kamloops cabins for rent!

    Check out some amazing pictures on my Facebook of trophy fish and game:
    What about YOUTUBE, Check my video on how to make a Euro mount:

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    An Island in the Pacific

    Re: kamloops chukar

    They travel down to water once or twice a day. They can be found on the slopes around the lake and river Savona way. Get your self a Chucker call. They will respond to a call with a verbal response. They run uphill and fly down.

    If you can locate them, circle around and climb above them and hunt down. Make sure you have good footwear, running shoes are not the answer. Cactus and other stickers abound. Good ankle support is a must. #7 or 8 shot with an open choke.

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2015

    Re: kamloops chukar

    Thanks for the info guys, lots to consider! I've seen them around the train tracks while fishing the T, that makes a lot of sense. Hopefully I'll bag a couple this fall. Seeing as how my dog (beagle) is more bird brain than bird dog, he won't be coming with me. Is it reasonable to go after these birds without a dog?

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: kamloops chukar

    Yup, but you need to watch where they land.
    They don't just drop out of the sky when they fly down hill.
    Dad lost one in a boxcar years, well many years ago.
    Might wish to wear some gaters to stop those cactus that launch
    off your boots and catch you below the knees backside.
    Needle nose pliers?
    Boat and cross the lake from Savona?
    Coming from the Kamloops side, be wary of city limits.

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: kamloops chukar

    You can park at the end of the lake by the cemetery, and work your way along the lake through the draws. Dog do make it easier as they do the leg work and retrieve. Get ready to shoot when you see them because they are super fast always fly downhill following the contour of land, most guys shoot over their backs. Good luck

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