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Thread: muskrats

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: muskrats

    ya, I'd never thought of them to be fish-eaters, but was then surprised to read that.
    but yeah, I doubt they'd be detrimental, they are mainly plant-eaters.

    I looked around and saw no evidence of any burrowing.
    they also make a push-up den, more similar to a beaver's.
    I was thinking that maybe having a resident muskrat might help keep other things from coming in.
    his lake is very close to a main river, and I know there are otters in the river, so I'd expect visits from them if there are fish.
    the lake was done properly, it's aerated, it has a big waterfall also that continuously flows, and is 18 ft deep at it's deepest.
    I don't think he's too concerned about losing the odd fish, it's kind of expected.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    In the bush near a lake

    Re: muskrats

    Quote Originally Posted by Sofa King View Post
    ya, I'd never thought of them to be fish-eaters, but was then surprised to read that.
    but yeah, I doubt they'd be detrimental, they are mainly plant-eaters.

    I looked around and saw no evidence of any burrowing.
    they also make a push-up den, more similar to a beaver's.
    I was thinking that maybe having a resident muskrat might help keep other things from coming in.
    his lake is very close to a main river, and I know there are otters in the river, so I'd expect visits from them if there are fish.
    the lake was done properly, it's aerated, it has a big waterfall also that continuously flows, and is 18 ft deep at it's deepest.
    I don't think he's too concerned about losing the odd fish, it's kind of expected.
    Sound like his set up should work fine get the permit and stock it

    Recommend fish 6inch plus smaller and they get hit harder by blue heron and king fishers.

    For stock I recommend Ted Brown out of little Fort

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Nelson, BC

    Re: muskrats

    Quote Originally Posted by Wild one View Post
    Muskrats are vegetarian and will not prey on his fish.

    Where muskrats cause problems is there tunnelling but if there is no risk of them causing the pond to spring a leak and drain water they are not a big issue.

    Really you need to decide if there tunnelling may have an effect on the ponds water level and if there is no risk here leave them be. They will just help keep cattails and other veg under control
    Totally, they are not a problem
    I won't always be young, but I can be immature forever

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: muskrats

    I wish he could stock it with 4 foot pike.
    then there'd be no worries about muskrats and otters.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2015

    Re: muskrats

    Steep banks will encourage tunneling. Pond side of the dam should be 3:1 or gentler slope to discourage tunneling. AND he is still over time going to be visited by birds, mink, probably otters and likely beaver.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: muskrats

    In Holland they are considered a major pest as they like to dig huge dens in dykes at the waterline. The government employs trappers to keep the numbers down. The meat is sometimes sold as "water rabbit" and is actually not bad...

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