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Thread: B.C. hunters given the okay to shoot feral pigs anywhere

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Re: B.C. hunters given the okay to shoot feral pigs anywhere

    Heyyyy! Maybe they should have feral pigs in the LEH draw and then everyone who enters would get a tag and would all feel like winners.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Toon town

    Re: B.C. hunters given the okay to shoot feral pigs anywhere

    Quote Originally Posted by carnivore View Post
    Heyyyy! Maybe they should have feral pigs in the LEH draw and then everyone who enters would get a tag and would all feel like winners.
    Too many complaints about 'quality of hunt' lol.
    Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.


  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    East Kootenay

    Re: B.C. hunters given the okay to shoot feral pigs anywhere

    There are not anywhere near as many feral pigs in Alberta as people (including many Albertans) believe there to be. People whom know where Hogs are located tend to keep tight-lipped about it. Of course, a low to non-existant population is a fine thing.

    It's great to see Hogs listed as Schedule C in BC... I sincerely hope this helps to insure populations of Pigs do not take hold in the Province!

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jan 2005

    Re: B.C. hunters given the okay to shoot feral pigs anywhere

    Quote Originally Posted by Ringo 7MM View Post
    Without a passpork?
    Now that's funny.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Sep 2008
    Region 3

    Re: B.C. hunters given the okay to shoot feral pigs anywhere

    I saw several cross the road near Pink mtn. 10 years ago.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Pemberton BC

    Re: B.C. hunters given the okay to shoot feral pigs anywhere

    So would BCWF insurance still cover ATV use while Schedule C hunting?
    Knowledgeable shooters agree- The 375 Ruger is the NEW KING of all 375 caliber cartridges. ALL HAIL THE NEW KING!

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    Kamloops BC

    Re: B.C. hunters given the okay to shoot feral pigs anywhere

    Quote Originally Posted by B-rad View Post
    I was hunting north of pinitan lake 2 years ago around hayas lake area with my ex wife and we seen 3 pigs(2 where black and white and 1 was tan and white,,,,but we kinda thought they somewhat free ranging,,,or just got outa pen,,,closest house was 20-25 min drive away,,,,,,,,,maybe they where feral pigs after all!!! I would hate to see one out there and shoot it if it was only one that got outa pen,,,,,next time I'm up there I'm gonna bang on some doors and see if anyone's pigs got out,,,,,if not,,,,then I have a general idea of possible ferals!!
    I'm sure, next time, you'll let everyone know exactly where you saw them. Everyone.

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jan 2009

    Re: B.C. hunters given the okay to shoot feral pigs anywhere

    I was reading in a old bc outdoors article about the Harrison pigs. Something along the lines of they died off quickly or thought they would die off quickly as there were no acorns or food that readily suited them to eat.

    Biologists were not too worried as not enough food to keep them going strong. Thought was predators would finish them off quickly. Anyways that was the jist of the article

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    North Thompson, BC

    Re: B.C. hunters given the okay to shoot feral pigs anywhere

    Another biologist that don't know nothin about what a pig eats, they can survive on next to nothin and if it ain't on the top of the ground they will sure as hell dig and find enough to live on, tell me, we use to have hundred's of them when I was a kid on the farm, best sod turn over animal ever made.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Nov 2008

    Re: B.C. hunters given the okay to shoot feral pigs anywhere

    I wonder if putting out buckets of teriyaki sauce is considered baiting? I like my pork marinated.
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