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Thread: Waterfowl Slam 2013-2014

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Maple Ridge, B.C. Canada

    Waterfowl Slam 2013-2014

    This thread is a sticky and locked thread. I'll update the information as the season progresses. Anyone wanting to participate can pm me with their information and I'll update this area. I'll also put up another Waterfowl Slam sticky thread that won't be locked and that thread will be for posting pictures and comments.


    The BIG 25 BC Bird Slam

    A group of active waterfowlers on this site have put together a list of waterfowl that can be found in BC. For this BC Bird Slam we wanted it to be achievable in one season. Sept 2013 - March 2014. There are 4 separate categories that are possible to complete. Dabblers, Divers, Sea Ducks, and Geese. This contest is designed to help people try hunting new species or meet new people to share hunts with.

    The BC GRAND SLAM includes the 6 bonus ducks. The first person to post up all 31 species will be automatically crowned the winner. But that is very unlikely to happen in one season.

    The person with the most species (drakes) at the end of the season (verified with proof of pictures) will win the title of "The Baron" of BC Birds. (or Baroness). There will be an award of some kind that will be posted when confirmed but the idea of this event is to keep it friendly and fun for those participating and those following along.

    Remember, this is about getting out there and enjoying all different kinds of waterfowl hunting. British Columbia has one of the most diversified species of waterfowl in Canada to hunt. Take advantage of the opportunities out there and share your experiences with fellow HBCers.

    DABBLER - the Puddle Jump 7

    American Widgeon- DAB
    Gadwall - DAB
    Green-winged Teal - DAB
    Mallard - DAB
    Northern Shoveler - DAB
    Northern Pintail - DAB
    Wood Duck - DAB

    Bonus dabbling ducks

    *Blue-winged Teal - DAB
    *Cinnamon Teal - DAB
    *Eurasian Widgeon - DAB

    DIVING - the Underwater 8

    Barrow's Goldeneye - DIVER
    Bufflehead - DIVER
    Common Goldeneye - DIVER
    Common Merganser - DIVER
    Hooded Merganser - DIVER
    Lesser Scaup - DIVER
    Red-breasted Merganser - DIVER
    Ring-necked Duck - DIVER

    Bonus Diving Ducks

    *Canvasback - DIVER
    *Greater Scaup - DIVER
    *Ruddy Duck - DIVER

    SEA DUCKS - The Briny 5

    Black Scoter - SEA
    Harlequin Duck - SEA
    Long-tailed Duck - SEA
    Surf Scoter - SEA
    White-winged Scoter - SEA

    GEESE - The Honking 5

    Greater White-fronted Goose (SpeckleBelly)
    Snow Goose
    Canada Goose
    Cackling Goose
    Buddi doing what she does best!

  2. Site Sponsor

  3. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Maple Ridge, B.C. Canada

    Re: Waterfowl Slam 2013-2014

    The duck season is over, I'll post the entrants so far and their duck season tally's up to now. If any of the entrants would like to send me more information please do it by PM. If anyone has any questions regarding what is listed, please send me a pm and I'll do my best to get back to you. Thanks to all those who posted pictures and participated! I'm sure we'll have many more entries next year and those of you who posted up this year are owed a big thank-you for getting this rolling!

    I'll ask now for anyone withholding pictures to post them up by wednesday at 4pm. At that time I'll access if anyone is in position to add a Spring Canada or Brant to their list and be in position to win. If not, the winner will be declared before the spring season.

    Crazy Farmer:
    Crazy Farmer managed to be the only one to complete one of the sub-Slams in the HBC Waterfowl Slam contest.
    Adam was successful in harvesting all 7 ducks in the Puddle Duck Slam, aka:The Puddle Jump 7. Well done!!!

    Puddle Duck Slam!
    Green-winged Teal
    Wood Duck

    Pretty sure we can add Canada and Cackling Goose to this total too!

    Shotgun John:

    Green-winged Teal

    Scaup (bonus duck)

    Geese: Canada Goose


    Canada Goose
    Cackling Goose


    Green-Winged Teal
    Snow Goose


    Green-winged Teal
    European Widgeon (bonus duck)

    Canada Goose
    Snow Goose

    Scaup (bonus duck)

    Sea Ducks:
    Surf Scoter
    Common Scoter
    White Wing Scoter probable (immature drake, may be hen. Will remove if deciding factor in Slam title)
    Buddi doing what she does best!

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Maple Ridge, B.C. Canada

    Re: Waterfowl Slam 2013-2014

    Duck season is over and it looks like the spring goose/Brant season will not be a factor so I'll go ahead and proclaim 303Brit the winner of the inaugural HBC Waterfowl Slam contest!
    Kiel shot 15 of the 31 species listed, 2 of which were bonus ducks (Euro Widgeon and Scaup)! He was also the most active picture poster this season.
    Congratulations Kiel, thanks for posting pictures all season and letting us follow along. Hopefully others were inspired enough to participate in next years contest.
    There was a banner posted that had the Waterfowl Slam contest theme, can't remember who posted it. Will someone send me a PM with the html code so I can copy it and Kiel can add it to his signature line. Please include Inaugural HBC Waterfowl Slam Contest Winner 2013/2014
    Ill leave this post open for posting for a while, then lock it and leave it up.
    Buddi doing what she does best!

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: Waterfowl Slam 2013-2014

    Nice work sir! Next year I will hunt the last 2 months of the season and give you a proper beating!
    Quote Originally Posted by Bear Brawler View Post
    Just lob a couple loaded mouse traps at em like you're playing horse shoes. More humane than bouncing darts off them.

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Waterfowl Slam 2013-2014

    congratulations you definitely put a solid effort in!!

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Canadian Badlands

    Re: Waterfowl Slam 2013-2014

    Kiel send me your address info
    I will send you the calls
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    Quote....."Life's's even tougher if you're stupid"........John Wayne
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  8. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2006
    Pacific Flyway

    Re: Waterfowl Slam 2013-2014

    Congrats Kiel you deserve it! alot of hard work you put in!

    Always have the puddle ducks, but divers once I have them mounted I normally dont target them.

    Will have the slam of those in another year or so possibly and then some.

    1st Im in charge, and if not Matt is. Your job is to sign checks, tell us we're doing good and open your case of scotch after a good day. 2nd my fee. You can keep it, all I want in exchange for my service is the right to hunt all the drakes. A male. Buck only. Why and how are my business. If you don't like it, go alone. Set up right here or in a swamp or in the middle of a noshoot field for all I care. I've been on too many duck hunts with rich dentists to listen to any more suicidal ideas. Ok?

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: Waterfowl Slam 2013-2014

    Who mounts a lawn dart! ^^^^ that guy does!.
    Quote Originally Posted by Bear Brawler View Post
    Just lob a couple loaded mouse traps at em like you're playing horse shoes. More humane than bouncing darts off them.

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2009

    Re: Waterfowl Slam 2013-2014

    what would you call a lawn dart?

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

    Re: Waterfowl Slam 2013-2014

    Great work Kiel. I will get to work on starting the Stanley Duck! I thought it would be closer and come down to brant and late season geese! Good for you man! Very solid season.
    Quote Originally Posted by hunter1947 View Post
    Unions and beacon is what I fry the liver in with a coating of flower on the liver ,,I eat the tong,,the hart,, its very good eating......

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