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Thread: Expired Bear Spray

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Hope & Tulameen

    Expired Bear Spray

    Doing a little "Spring Cleaning" of the man cave at the cabin and came across an unfired cannister of bear spray, expiry date 2004.
    Now, we have salad dressings in the fridge that old but I figure Bear Spray might be a little bit more time sensitive.
    What's the best way to dispose of it, simply take it out back, leave the dogs in the cabin, point it down wind and let 'er rip ? Any concerns about residual crap hanging around in the snow that the dogs or humans might come into contact with over time?

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Comox Valley

    Re: Expired Bear Spray

    You could use it as under arm deodorant, that will keep the bears off ya, and the cougars too.

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: Expired Bear Spray

    At work we use them for training new staff. If it's recently expired it's a good wake up as to just how close a bear has to be for it to be effective. If it's from 2004 it's a good lesson in why you don't carry bear spray that old. Take it somewhere clear of your camp and fire it off. Then bag it, wash your hands and turf it. I've heard the spray can attract bears if it's on the ground, but haven't seen it first hand. I'd rather not do it near the camp just in case.

  5. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Expired Bear Spray

    take it out i

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2011

    Re: Expired Bear Spray

    Quote Originally Posted by duallie View Post
    take it out i
    take it out in the bush and use it as a practice can.
    it's not often that one gets to shoot their can off, it's not really a situation you "want" to be in.
    it's always a good idea to take an expired can and practice range with it.

    also, in it's dormant state, bear-spray is an attractant.
    think about it, it's basically a spice.
    there's a story of a guy who sprayed the pontoons of his float-plane with bearspray while he was away from his plane.
    he came back to find the pontoons torn up.

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Comox Valley

    Re: Expired Bear Spray

    [QUOTE=duallie;1456265]take it out in the bush and use it as a practice can.
    it's not often that one gets to shoot their can off, it's not really a situation you "want" to be in.
    it's always a good idea to take an expired can and practice range with it.

    BradB already said this, I guess you like stealing other peoples thunder, you should read what River Otter has for his Quote from brambles at the bottom of his posts.

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Hope & Tulameen

    Re: Expired Bear Spray

    Hi Ho, Hi Ho,
    It's of to the woods I go.
    Thanks for the advice, I'll wait for the weather to be more Spring Like, leave the dogs in the cabin and then do as suggested.

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Re: Expired Bear Spray

    Just a thought, maybe do what the cops do to train new recruits. Give them a douse to show how dangerous, and incapacitated one becomes when sprayed. You can never be too prepared....
    The measure of a man is not how much power he has, it's how he wields it.

  10. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2008
    Prince George

    Re: Expired Bear Spray

    It will still be very potent so get none on your hands while playing. Wear a pair of disposable gloves and peel one off with one hand then hold the removed glove in the still gloved hand and take that one off, turning inside out as you go. Yes, I know all this from experience with expired canisters. Even a tiny bit on your fingers will burn like crazy if you absentmindedly rub your nose, lips or eyes. But it is entertaining and educational.
    I harvest carrots. I kill animals.

  11. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Hope & Tulameen

    Re: Expired Bear Spray

    Quote Originally Posted by Ambush View Post
    It will still be very potent so get none on your hands while playing. Wear a pair of disposable gloves and peel one off with one hand then hold the removed glove in the still gloved hand and take that one off, turning inside out as you go. Yes, I know all this from experience with expired canisters. Even a tiny bit on your fingers will burn like crazy if you absentmindedly rub your nose, lips or eyes. But it is entertaining and educational.
    Already figured that one out.
    Have a large supply of biohazard grade gloves and same mask which I had to use to try to clean out the freezer that some people let thaw out for a month when they turned off the wrong breaker.

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