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Thread: muley vid

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    campbell river

    Re: muley vid

    i find the cheapo federal ammo works like a hot damn every time. Htey expand easy.

    if you use a pretty solid bullet they'll go through lungs and out the other side without expanding. the deer can go a bit before lying down and bleeding to death like yours woulda done.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2006

    Re: muley vid

    i used my federal power shocks for my first deer worked damn good..1 shot to the lungs 75+ yards

  3. #13
    300 wsm Guest

    Re: muley vid

    yea way to put the thought of an antlered buck in my mind in the beginin of april ya dill hole! no it was a respectable buck and right on bud.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    Prince George

    Re: muley vid

    Quote Originally Posted by willyqbc View Post
    Ok this one will require some setting up. We spotted this guy and decided he met the 150" minimum we had set so we used a treeline to try and get closer to him. the plan was, i would get set up for a shot once in my comfortable range and Tank and Wileycoyote would try and get in closer hopefully gettin Wiley a shot at him with the understanding that if he started to move off i would take him. So i got the tripod set up and began to wait with my rifle at the ready. Well i didn't realize I had set the tripod up where the fellow with me could not reach it so the deer just clears the screen when the shot goes off!! Now, on another note this buck also was the last straw for me with the interbond bullets as I hit him twice....1st shot - low lungs (both of them) and the second shot when he was running away hit a back hip. It took several minutes to get up to where he bedded down to finish him off and as you can see in the vid he is very much alive....he had a 30 cal hole through both lungs with no colateral damage. i have contacted hornady and am sending back some bullets from the batch for testing and we will see what they say.....but regardless I'm still switching brands!!
    Anyhow...heres the vid!


    Baby Killer

    Nice deer Chris

    I seen the same thing with the same ammo at just over 450 yrds across a coulee at a doe ...just North west of Drumheller .. "Stan" hit her 3 times all in the boiler room and she wouldnt go down ... she finally died doing the "moonwalk" off the edge and fell 300 feet to the bottom and snapping her neck

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