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Thread: Cottontail Rabbit Hunting in Nanaimo, Parksville, Qualicum Beach area

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Cottontail Rabbit Hunting in Nanaimo, Parksville, Qualicum Beach area

    Hi All,

    I've been browsing these forums for some time, looking for tips, spots and gear reviews. I love it! Figure its time I jump in and start posting; so here's my first!

    The is going to be my first year hunting, and I'd like to get started with some cottontail, since they're a schedule C in the regs.

    My question is, what are some legal areas that are known to hold cottontail in this area? In Nanaimo, I've found several cottontail in the Dumont Rd/Biggs Rd field. However, I'm unsure of the shooting regulations there and have contacted the local office for verification. I'll let everyone know when I hear back regarding that.

    I went out last night along the Nanaimo Lakes Rd power lines, but couldn't see signs of any. No game trails, no droppings or signs of feeding. Quite a few deer though, for those who are interested. Mostly near the creek, about 2km down the trail (not sure its name).

    I'm still searching around, but if anyone has some tips for areas around Nanaimo, Parksville or Qualicum I'd greatly appreciate it. And if you want someone to hunt rabbit with, I'd love to come!

    Right now I have a .22 and compound bow. I randomly switch between the two when going out, so a no shooting but bow allowed area would work too.

    Thanks everybody! Looking forward to getting more involved in this community!


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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010

    Re: Cottontail Rabbit Hunting in Nanaimo, Parksville, Qualicum Beach area

    Good for you Gavin. Just go into some wooded areas first thing in the morning before the sun comes up or just before dark. Just wait and see. That's how I found my spots. I live on the mainland otherwise I would offer to take you. I use a .410 and a compound bow. Happy hunting

  4. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Re: Cottontail Rabbit Hunting in Nanaimo, Parksville, Qualicum Beach area

    Thanks @coconut54!

    I've been scanning Google Maps trying to pin-point potential spots. Going to head out this weekend and do some scouting.

    I'll post any hot bunny spots I find here, just in case other mid-islanders are interested.


  5. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    fraser valley

    Re: Cottontail Rabbit Hunting in Nanaimo, Parksville, Qualicum Beach area

    I also live on the mainland so i'm not much help to you. I have also never hunted rabbit. But when out hunting in the fall after a snow fall I could see hundreds of rabbit tracks in small areas like 50'x 50'. Might be good way to find some spots. Doesn't really help you right now though.

    Good luck

    edit : Doesn't UVIC have a rabbit problem
    Originally Posted by lip_ripper00
    Don't argue with an idiot, you will be dragged down to his level and beaten by experiance
    Originally Posted by bearhunter338-06
    Problem is easy to fix........Sell Chevy buy Dodge problem fixed..................

  6. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Re: Cottontail Rabbit Hunting in Nanaimo, Parksville, Qualicum Beach area

    Thanks @r106!

    I'm looking forward to some winter hunting. I've heard its a blast! Thanks for the tips.

    Unfortunately UVIC is in Victoria (I'm in Nanaimo) and its also within city limits. So shooting them with anything other than a slingshot is out of the question. Also, what I've seen there is more European (domestic) rabbit, not Cottontail. I'm looking for Cottontail as I've heard they taste a lot better. Does anybody know if this is true?

    If I'm going to be out hunting, might as well get some good meat right?

    Here's hoping for rabbit stew.

  7. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2010
    The Island

    Re: Cottontail Rabbit Hunting in Nanaimo, Parksville, Qualicum Beach area

    Dumont Rd/Biggs Rd field is private land, so technically not allowed to hunt there. You need to find crown land. I don't know of any crown land near Nanaimo that has bunnies in it. Lots of bunnies around in disused land, and forestry company land. The little brown cotton tails do taste better. My last European domestic was a little gamey. Btw bunny hunting is fun, but deer hunting is more fun.

  8. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Re: Cottontail Rabbit Hunting in Nanaimo, Parksville, Qualicum Beach area

    @Peter Pepper Thanks for the info! I'm still waiting to hear back from conservation on an official answer for Dumont, but you're probably spot on. Again, once I hear back, I'll post from everyone here.

    I've started scouting some areas further out of town, down some logging roads. Just parking at the gates and hiking in.

    I spotted quite a few cotton tail as well as trails and droppings while on the logging roads behind Winchelsea View Golf Course.

    Can you recommend any other spots that might be worth checking?

  9. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    Re: Cottontail Rabbit Hunting in Nanaimo, Parksville, Qualicum Beach area

    Private land is legal to hunt on if you get permission. Not sure of the area's shooting regs., but I'd consider such places as Christmas tree farms, where little nibblers are a nuisance.
    Personally I think local bunnies stink and are crappy eating. But I'm picky.

  10. #9
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Easst Van

    Re: Cottontail Rabbit Hunting in Nanaimo, Parksville, Qualicum Beach area

    Quote Originally Posted by Gavin View Post
    @Peter Pepper Thanks for the info! I'm still waiting to hear back from conservation on an official answer for Dumont, but you're probably spot on. Again, once I hear back, I'll post from everyone here.

    I've started scouting some areas further out of town, down some logging roads. Just parking at the gates and hiking in.

    I spotted quite a few cotton tail as well as trails and droppings while on the logging roads behind Winchelsea View Golf Course.

    Can you recommend any other spots that might be worth checking?
    If you are going to hunt on private land I recommend you get some form of 3rd party liability insurance: BCWF has an insurance program and on line training specifically for hunting on private land.

    There are some good areas down south (Ladysmith and Cowichan) in the Dairy farm and Berry farm areas: I always find the rabbits around blackberry briar's because it offers both food and shelter:

    Once again be sure you get permission from land owners - bottle of decent wine can go along way...

    All the best of luck
    Every day in the bush is a day you get back from the Reaper!


  11. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Re: Cottontail Rabbit Hunting in Nanaimo, Parksville, Qualicum Beach area

    @steel_ram Thanks for the suggestion! There's actually a U-Cut farm outside Qualicum I go to each year for our tree. I'm going to contact them. Might be a great spot. Also, I agree about local bunnies. I'd prefer to find them in a more remote location. The problem is I'm all new to this, so just trying to get started

    @biggyun68 I've looked at getting insurance. I'm probably joining the local Fish & Game club here in Nanaimo, which includes all of that in your membership. Is anybody else here a member? Do you recommend it?

    Also, thanks for the suggestions in Cowichan area. Never thought of that! I have to say though, I feel a bit weird knocking on someones door, asking if I can shoot rabbits. How do you go about doing this? I'd assume most land owners don't want people walking through their property with firearms. Do many of you go this route? What kind of responses do you get? Maybe I'm just being naive.

    Lastly, if anybody on here has a farm with rabbits on it and wouldn't mind me shooting my .22, please PM me!


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