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Thread: Yellow Labrador Retrievers

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Land of the Rain

    Re: Yellow Labrador Retrievers

    I was a bit chalanged to enter some pictures of my yellow lab. He turned a year last week and is a ball chasing maniac. Hyper as hell, I do not have the papers on him but bought him off a family who had both mom (yellow) and dad (chocolate) and both were 9 years old and could run and jump and were obidient so I figured I could not go wrong. I spent a lot of time looking. I was told the dad was a good bird dog and sired several litters that a guide up north had bought several from. I have only had the chance to bring him hunting once on the fraser. My buddy shot a teal and the dog would swim out bump the duck ,circle it and come back LOL (was not scared at all by the gun ). When we finally got it I threw it back out and then he went and got it. I have been looking for someone locally to take me under there wing to teach me the ropes. He is tireless and loves to hunt for things. I play find it, I let him smell a toy what ever, and hide it either in the house or yard he he will not quit untill he finds it going full out. I am no expert but he seems to be a ringer for a good hunting dog. I have not nutted him yet (a bone of contention with the wife) I was kind of hoping to breed him if he turns out to have potential.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Cowichan Valley

    Re: Yellow Labrador Retrievers

    It's to bad you're not on the Island I could give you a hand. Not having him nutted as you call it only causes problems when there are other dogs around especially a bitch in heat. Then they are harder then hell to try and control.
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  3. #23
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Land of the Rain

    Re: Yellow Labrador Retrievers

    I might just be neutering him sooner than later. Before you Dog was diagnosed with Hip displasia did you see any symptoms ? I ran my dog hard on our cement road for about 1.5 hours on Saturday in the rain and he was lame in the evening and yesterday (not moving his rear end and lower back area like normal. He looks ok tonight but It got me thinking. I know cement is probably not good for them to run on but it is good for his nails and unfortunatly the most convenient open clear area near my house if I'm watching the kids while there playing. Thanks for the offer if I was near.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Cowichan Valley

    Re: Yellow Labrador Retrievers

    How old is your dog? The only real way I could tell with my dog is he would swagger from side to side. If you're concerned get him exrayed.

    Mine was a pure bred garanteed against hips and eyes. Well that's how I got my female lab as a replacement dog for my male. To bad she ended up being the slowest one of the littre. She's only good for eating groceries and being a pet.
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  5. #25
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Land of the Rain

    Re: Yellow Labrador Retrievers

    I hate to say it but he does swagger but he also hops on his hind feet a lot i call him my yellow Kangaroo. I have been assuming that is because his tail just does not stop wagging . He just turned a year on Feb 14, Other than having the papers he is s a pure breed I meet the parents. Nice set up on a large lot with a huge dog pen 40 X 60 both parents appeared to be healthy at 9 years of age. But I think I will get that x-ray as you say.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Cowichan Valley

    Re: Yellow Labrador Retrievers

    Usually you get the hips done at 2 years of age when the dog has pretty much got as big as he's going to get to make sure everything has developed. you can try giving him small dosages of Asprin. Make sure it's not tylenol.
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  7. #27
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Re: Yellow Labrador Retrievers

    Marc is right. You can only get difintive results for displasysia x rays at 2 years of age. You can prevent this by not letting your dog jump down from your truck, run long distances etc. Trust me, it will feel wierd to bridle your little hellian who seems to get the most satisfaction in life by exerting energy.

    As far as training - go to a hunt test (BC Lab Retr Club) and get to know some of the people there - they are as helpful as they come. Buy some books or do some reading on the net to educate yourself. You should be starting your pup with the yard program. Get the basics down before expecting your dog to execute a perfect retrieve in the Fraser. Remember that they have the built-in desire to bring things back, find birds and please you, just not the way we want them to. Start with heal, come, sit, remote sit. Keep training fun, easy and focus on building confidence in your it how to do things.

    From there you can start multiple retrieves, blinds, casting etc. Just start with the basics and GO SLOW - don't expect your untrained 1 year old pup to be doing triples and 200 yard blinds tomorrow.

    Where abouts are you?

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Aug 2005

    Re: Yellow Labrador Retrievers

    PS: Do NOT cut off his manhood. You will regret it.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    Fort St John, BC

    Re: Yellow Labrador Retrievers

    Hey all,

    Just having fun reading about all the other lab owners out there.

    I've got a 11 month old yellow lab male. He's rather a handfull!

    I had him out numerous times in the field when he was about 6 months old. He's very hyper and can be hard to control at times but is a natural for retrieving. He immediately ran and picked up the first grouse I shot this season without any fuss, though getting him to hand over the prize in the end is a little more work than I'd like. I'm hoping that this next year he'll be a little more calmed down.

    He's already got a girlfriend and in the next few years we'll be looking at having him sire a litter.

    I can't wait until the fall when i can get him out there again for some ducks and geese.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Land of the Rain

    Re: Yellow Labrador Retrievers

    Where abouts are you?[/quote]

    I live in maple ridge, I just saw your shed hunter on your match that rub. Our Dogs could be twins. I tried to post his picture but it says it is 1.4 and max alowable is .97 I do have him trained with some basic obedience. Had him chasing ball in a field tonight and he is looking all healed up My wife gives me hell because he trys to hump her friends golden retriever that is the to chop or not problem.

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