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Thread: HBC Fall Big Game Contest 2012 ***WINNERS POSTED!!!

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Salmon Arm

    Re: HBC Fall Big Game Contest 2012
    Date of Kill:Oct 6 2012
    Weapon used: Ruger M77 300 wm
    Category Entered: Firearm

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Re: HBC Fall Big Game Contest 2012

    I was hunting in a vehicle restricted area off one of our forest service roads. I nailed this guy at 8.00am and got him in my truck at 12.30pm. When i first spotted him at a 100 yards. i thought it was a stump with branches. Turns out he was facing away from me and looking back over his shoulder. I lifted my wifes 243 Savage when he turned broad side. I did hit him a tad farther back than i wanted to but i did take out the lungs because just as i squeezed off a shot he took a step. I couldn't move this guy by myself and i was 2 miles from the truck so i got a hold of a friend of mine to come up and help. I also had to call work and tell them i'd be late. Just as well the supervisor is a hunter too because he had no problem with it. By the time we got him in the truck there wasn't much left of my plastic sled. Full of holes and tears. He weighed 244 pounds before skinning. Luckily i was able to back into a bank with my tailgate down because there was no way we were lifting him. It was hard enough dragging him as it was.

    Species=4x4 Mule Deer.
    Date of Kill=October 5th 2012.
    Region 8-09.
    Weapon Used=243 Savage.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Pemberton BC

    Re: HBC Fall Big Game Contest 2012

    2 of our regular donators have stepped up.

    Weatherby Fan has donated a New Havalon Piranta Edge Orange Skinning Knife with sheath and 12 blades

    Blacktail has donated a hand made caping knife

    These guys are consistent donors and we really appreciate the continued support! Thanks guys!
    Knowledgeable shooters agree- The 375 Ruger is the NEW KING of all 375 caliber cartridges. ALL HAIL THE NEW KING!

  4. #14
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Never the EFF you mind!!!

    Re: HBC Fall Big Game Contest 2012

    Species: ELK
    Date of Kill: Sept 19, 2012
    Weapon used: Rifle
    Category Entered:Firearm
    (Firearm, Bow, Traditional Archery, Youth- note, not all categories may be available, depending on prizes donated)

    Score: 321 5/8 gross
    Typical or Nontypical:Typical
    Who did the scoring: Brambles and Rattler

    -Lightweight gunaholic
    -Half of a Human Pinata
    -Bear Kung-Fu Master
    -Gatherer of the Elk meat

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Re: HBC Fall Big Game Contest 2012

    Species:Mule Deer
    Date of Kill:Oct. 11, 2012
    Weapon used:Savage Super Sporter 30/06
    Category Entered:Firearm


    I had a couple of days off from work this week so I decided to do a quick solo hunt to an area I have been wanting to check out for a while. Got to the area Wednesday afternoon and soon realized how dry the area was. I drove around a bit to get familiar with the area and decided to concentrate in an area with a couple of small lakes and a bit of green grass around. Spotted a grouse while I was driving but it took off before I could get off a shot but when i was looking at the dry dusty road there were tracks from three distinct deer. The next morning I got up before dawn and went back to this spot and saw that my tire tracks from the day before had fresh tracks across them. I took a walk into the bush and parked myself on a small hill over looking a nearby small lake. I could hear some movement close but nothing surfaced for a couple of hours. I decided to do a slow walk through an adjacent clear cut that had 8 - 10 foot tall replanted trees in it.

    Not more than about 10 minutes into my slow walk i saw three deer that were crossing ahead of me about 200 yards away. I realized they were probably the three deer that left the tracks on the road. At first it looked like a small Doe followed by two bigger Does. I was kind of happy that I at least saw some deer but on closer inspection one had some antlers sticking out of it's head! They spooked a bit and ran up the hill so I did a loop around and to try and cut them off and sure enough they came walking straight at me.

    The small buck spotted me but didn't bolt so slowly raised my rifle and put him in my scope. My first instinct was to go for front chest shot because I knew that i might not get a better shot at him but I was recalling was a mess a bullet can do at this angle. My next thought was a head shot but I decided to take a neck shot. It worked out perfectly, one shot through the throat and it took the spinal cord completely out dropping it instantly where it stood.

    It was a bit of a drag to get him onto the road where I gutted it out and loaded it into the back of my Jeep. This was the first animal I have taken on a solo hunt. Although it isn't a trophy size by any means I'm still really pleased with myself. Now that I've got some meat in the freezer I think I can maybe hold out for another bigger one this season.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    East Kootenays

    Re: HBC Fall Big Game Contest 2012

    Species: White Taile Deer
    Date of Kill: Oct 12, 2012
    Region: 4
    Weapon used: 30-06 Mossberg 1550 with 180 Grain Hornday SST
    Category Entered: Fire arm

    Story... short road hunt after a long hike after elk... the link to my hunting chronicals...

    "It's not the kill, but the thrill of the chase" - Deep Purple

    "Lord knows I'm a Voodoo chile" - SRV (RIP 8-27-90)

    "Know your Land, Know your Prey" Man Tracker

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Re: HBC Fall Big Game Contest 2012

    Species: Cougar
    Date of Kill: October 6, 2012
    Region: Vancouver Island 1-10
    Weapon used: 7mm
    Category Entered: Firearm

    Story or link to story:

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jun 2007

    Re: HBC Fall Big Game Contest 2012

    bull moose,
    october 2nd,
    region 3-39,
    shot with 7mm-08, 140 gr nosler accubond,
    firearm category.

    It was day 2 of our week long leh bull moose hunt, Our group had already harvested a bull on day 1 and day 2 was coming to a close. With about 30 mins of shooting light left we were on our way out of an area we had hunted most of the afternoon. We rounded a corner and there on the road stood this bull with 3 cows. I jumped out of the truck at a full trot and kept my eyes on the bull as he headed up into a cutblock. I had stopped running and now had the bull in my crosshairs just waiting for him to slow or stop . He stopped behind a few lone trees at about 30 yds away from me and offered a full broadside shot. Taking 2 steps to my left to aquire his vitals unobstructed, I squeezed off the shot and saw it hit him right where it should. He traveled about 15 yds and piled up . 6 short hours later we had him spilled, skinned and back to camp .

    april fool in waiting

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Walnut Grove, Langley

    Re: HBC Fall Big Game Contest 2012

    Species: White Tail deer
    Date of Kill: Oct 14th
    Region: 8
    Weapon used: 30.06 A-Bolt
    Category Entered: Firearm
    Take a kid hunting its more rewarding than shooting an animal yourself!!

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    A desk, truck, stand and blind in BC

    Re: HBC Fall Big Game Contest 2012

    Species: Moose
    Date of kill: Oct 05/12
    Region: 7
    Weapon: Winchester EW 270 wsm, 140gr NAB
    Category: Rifle/Firearm



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